Search results

  1. pco1988

    Wanted Bubble Tip Anemone

    Are you done yet??? pco1988 is NOT, I'll repeat, is NOT sjw87. I live in Maryland, him in New York. All you are doing is trying to kill his rep. Also by the way how did you know him if you just registered tonight at this forum and a couple others? What nerve. Philip
  2. pco1988

    Wanted Bubble Tip Anemone

    Originally Posted by JimmyW Do not buy from sjw87 unless you want to get ripped off! He ripped me off when I payed him $40 for a clean up crew and I had to hound him for 9 days before he sent it and then when I finaly got it IT WAS HALF WHAT I PAYED FOR! He said he sent me the wrong order but he...
  3. pco1988

    Classifieds Seller's Feedback

    Bought several fish from sjw87 and plan more in the future. Great guy, met all my needs and made it easy for me. I paid him by shipping the money and he even paid the overnight shipping for me. The animals I bought were overnight shipped via DHL and were packed great. The best was know one...
  4. pco1988

    wanted in maryland

    I wasn't his friend at the time of the purchase. What is up with you and getting new accounts on different forums and spreading rumors. (I don't people like you.) When you pay as much as I do and get ripped off then we'll talk. Philip
  5. pco1988

    wanted in maryland

    Steve is a cool person. I don't even know what you are talking about. I got an awesome pair of GSM from him. Many people wanted them and he held them for me and he even paid for overnight shipping for me to get him the money. Then he shipped them to me one a day that was good for me. Then...
  6. pco1988

    Live Rock

    Steve is a cool person. I don't even know what you are talking about. I got an awesome pair of GSM from him. Many people wanted them and he held them for me and he even paid for overnight shipping for me to get him the money. Then he shipped them to me one a day that was good for me. Then...
  7. pco1988

    Buyer Beware of sjw87

    Steve is a cool person. I don't even know what you are talking about. I got an awesome pair of GSM from him. Many people wanted them and he held them for me and he even paid for overnight shipping for me to get him the money. Then he shipped them to me one a day that was good for me. Then...
  8. pco1988

    wanted in maryland

    Originally Posted by sjw87 Kaleysalen... Send me an email... I can help you out with livestock... Steven Believe him too get things low prices... Unless you need Hawii fish then I can beat him but the clownfish from him are big ang healthy. Also he can get the things I...
  9. pco1988

    Frag Swap 9/05

    I'm in!!! :happyfish Bright Orange Zoos Riva, Maryland I would love the Pink Rics!!!
  10. pco1988

    New Pics of My 30gal Tank

    Haze123 where in Maryland do you live? Do you ever go to House of Tropicals in Glen Burnie right by BWI? Philip
  11. pco1988

    New Pics of My 30gal Tank

    I got the Mimic Tang from the LFS down the road (they always have them in at about 1" to 2", and they are $18.99). The rabbitfish came from the LFS that I work at called the House of Tropicals in Glen Burnie, MD. He was $30. Just about a month ago and I think we still have him is a Red Sea...
  12. pco1988

    New Pics of My 30gal Tank

    Originally Posted by NaNoTaNkEr WHAT!? I can't have a 6 in. Regal Tang in a 38 gallon, but you can have a 7in. Mimic tang in a 30 gallon? Lets see if you were reading this thread I have posted that he is still a Juv. and is going into my 120 gallon tank when he gets a little bigger so that the...
  13. pco1988

    New Pics of My 30gal Tank

    A mimic tang gets about 7". The rabbitfish I will probably be getting rid off him. If I do I will let everyone here to know. He will be about $50. Philip
  14. pco1988

    New Pics of My 30gal Tank

    Originally Posted by chamic1 I think you missed my point. As far as I know, those PH are not designed to be fully submersed into the water, so I was asking if you had to seal them because there is a top cover on the PH (you can see the line where the bulk of the unit meets this thin cap) and...
  15. pco1988

    New Pics of My 30gal Tank

    Yeah it shoots water out the top but I really don't care because it still works correct just a little slower but yes seal it. Hope this is some help. Philip
  16. pco1988

    New Pics of My 30gal Tank

    Originally Posted by chamic1 I've got the same powerhead in my tank and I was wondering if you have to seal they before you submerse them? Which Power head the 301 or the 802? What do you mean by seal them?
  17. pco1988

    Got these for $10.00 today

    Great Price!!!
  18. pco1988

    New Pics of My 30gal Tank

    Originally Posted by JayC What kind of rabbit fish is that? :notsure: It's a Gold Spotted Rabbitfish. He looks cool and he is full of personality.
  19. pco1988

    New Pics of My 30gal Tank

    You want more??? Okay here's more!!! How about a couple of other fish pics? Thats it for now. Enjoy. Philip
  20. pco1988

    New Pics of My 30gal Tank

    Originally Posted by fishmamma Your LMB looks nice and fat. :joy: Yeah and the LMB is the same size of the tang and rabbitfish. LOL.