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  1. khanhtactm

    PLEASE HELP - Fish keep dying

    Wow thanks for all the great input guys! When I tested the water parameters and brought a sample out to a specialty fish store, my numbers came in at... Ammonia - close to 0 Nitrate - close to 0 Nitrite - .3 pH - 8.2 SG - 1.024 Temperature - 78 degrees I do a 20% water change every two weeks...
  2. khanhtactm

    PLEASE HELP - Fish keep dying

    Hello all. I am in desperation, that is why I hope I can receive help asap. I have a 125 gallon fowlr tank, with a 140 lbs of liverock that is about 4 months old. I have a yellow tang, yellow eye kole tang, 3 blue green chromis, 2 ocellaris clowns, and a lawnmower blenny. Recently I ordered...
  3. khanhtactm


    what protein skimmer do you guys suggest would be strong enough for a bioload like this?
  4. khanhtactm


    The dogface is around 6" and the Spiny Box is about 4". They are still juveniles.
  5. khanhtactm


    I currently have only a dogface and a spiny box in my 125 gallon aggressive tank. For filtration I have about 100 lbs of live rock, Bak Pak II protein skimmer, and an Emperor 400 power filter. I was wondering if it was a good idea to get a porcupine in addition to these two guys. I have been...