Search results

  1. kevine6678

    Copperband Butterfly

    I was thinking about getting a copperband butterfly for my fish only tank. I have read alot about how it is very hard to get them to start eating when first introduced to a new tank and that makes me very nerveous about getting one. I do have a veriety of foods already (omega one flakes and...
  2. kevine6678

    micro bubbles

    I don't have a sump, I'm just using it as a hang on
  3. kevine6678

    micro bubbles

    I just got a coralife super skimmer today, the one with the needle wheel system rated for up to a 65 gal for my 16 gal bow reef tank. When I hooked it up it almost instanly my entire tank filled with tons of micro bubbles. Has anyone else had this problem and is there any way to get rid of...
  4. kevine6678

    reef additives

    makes sense to me. Does anyone use live phytoplankton? Is the benefit worth it?
  5. kevine6678

    reef additives

    Just wondering what kind of additives to replenish trace elements some of you reef keepers use that have worked well for you. Right now I do regular water changes (about 10-20% every two weeks) with regular instant ocean (I used to use reef crystals but I did not see any differance so I...
  6. kevine6678

    Ordering Question

    If you buy live rock and live stock together, are they shipped together and more importantly do I have to pay for shipping twice?
  7. kevine6678

    oredering question

    ok, thanx. I'll do that
  8. kevine6678

    oredering question

    If you buy live rock and live stock together, are they shipped together and more importantly do I have to pay for shipping twice?
  9. kevine6678

    prism skimmers

    That's all I needed to know! Thanks for preventing me from wasting my money!!
  10. kevine6678

    prism skimmers

    Yeah, at the store that I saw it at it was $80. But I like the fact that it has a filter media basket for added filtration and is a hang on. I don't want to do another in tank skimmer. I just want to make sure that it does a good job removing protiens otherwise I'll spend a little more and...
  11. kevine6678

    ID please

    looks like micromussa to me. It's cool whatever it is
  12. kevine6678

    prism skimmers

    I am looking to upgrade my skimmer in my 16 gal reef tank. Right now I have a junky Lee's in tank skimmer that really does not do that great of a job. I read some reviews that say that prizm skimmers are good for small tanks but it is a very inexpensive skimmer and for that reason I'm...
  13. kevine6678

    Dirty looking sand

    I have a 16 gal reef tank and my sand is dirty looking. It's not diatomesor any kinda algae, I'm actually not sure what it is but it looks like dirt. Anyhow I was just wondering what does a good job cleaning dirty sandbeds? Thanks!
  14. kevine6678

    Stupid suction cups!!!

    Suction cups get on my nerves too!!!!! If you make sure the surface that you attach them to is clean and clear of all algae, usually they stick better. Still they usually don't work that great. They now have powerheads which use two powerful magnets to attach it to the glass the same way that...
  15. kevine6678

    stringy stuff

    Originally Posted by zsqure dinosaur farts? huh? you're getting it confused with dinoflattus
  16. kevine6678

    stringy stuff

    Originally Posted by Cranberry Dinoflagelettes characteristically contains bubbles. I looked it up but the only pics I could get of it on line were of the individual cells under a microscope and that really doesn't help. Are dinoflagellates rusty colored and make long thin threads? It could...
  17. kevine6678

    stringy stuff

    I'll try to get some pics and see if I can get them on. I use the "doc wellfish" liquid test kits. I think the actual company is API. I have the saltwater master test kit and the Reef master test kit.
  18. kevine6678

    stringy stuff

    I started a thread yesterday about all kinds of tiny air bubbles in my tank but I think the problem is coming from these long greenish red stringy algae that I have in my tank on my rocks and sand. I really do not think that it's cyano bac or hair algae but whatever it is, it seems to have all...
  19. kevine6678

    bubbles in tank

    Originally Posted by GeoJ Some times in new start-ups this will happen. If it is what I am thinking of, use some thing to blow the small bubbles off all the services and it will go away after a little while. The thing is is that it isn't a new set up. I did however recently add a new bag of...
  20. kevine6678

    bubbles in tank

    All over my rocks and even on some of my corals there are small bubbles (not bubble algae but air bubbles) all over the place. I have no idea where they're coming from but they look bad and are stressing out some of my corals, particularly an orange ricordia muchroom that I have. Does anyone...