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  1. kevine6678

    stupid slime

    Thanks for the help, this should certainly help!
  2. kevine6678

    stupid slime

    What are some tips to get rid of cyanobacteria without using chemicals. I have some in a 10 gal reef and can't seem to get rid of it. Amm - 0 rates - 0 rites - 0 pH - 8.2 spec grav - 1.023 In the tank i have an ocellaris cown, a yellowtail blue damsel, 5 nassarius snails, 7 turbo snails (along...
  3. kevine6678

    Killing Aiptasia

    oops, I didn't mean to put that little head bang guy there on my previous post. I wonder how he got there
  4. kevine6678

    Killing Aiptasia

    I use a very small amount of boiling water as long as they're not close to anything that I don't want to fry. I feel that this is better than using chemicals or lime juice because I don't want to add stuff like that to my tanks and the heat from the water will dissipate, causing little or no...
  5. kevine6678

    What corals with PC ?

    Leathers are a wonderful first coral because they don't need to be fed and are very easy to keep. Mushrooms are a good starter too. ALthough you can spot feed mushrooms, it is not necessary for their survival. They will just grow and reproduce faster if you do.
  6. kevine6678

    Tap filter question

    Originally Posted by jennythebugg pm+ private message bump+ when a thread starts to go farther down the list people write bump on it just so it will' bump' it back to the top of the list OOOOOH, ok thanx
  7. kevine6678

    Tap filter question

    Ok, I figured out pm on my own (private message ). Still would like to know what bump is though
  8. kevine6678

    Tap filter question

    Originally Posted by BlueMarlin56 bought my system a few months ago , came with a air water ice ro filter also had 5 tds in line meters[ new ] plus one in line will help you out pm and let me know how to contact you. these people are good at helping all us newbies out so if i can help...
  9. kevine6678

    Tap filter question

    I have an RO/DI unit that I bought from, specifically the mighty mite . My question is how do I know when it is time to change the pre filter cartridges, the membrane, or the DI cartridge? I do not have a TDS meter, do I need one? Thanks!
  10. kevine6678

    is this crab good or bad????

    Too bad, it's a really pretty crab
  11. kevine6678

    Simulating Day/night cycle- Lights

    That should not be a problem. Just be weary of having your lights on for too long because this will promote algae growth.
  12. kevine6678

    Little Mantis and Nudi question

    you could try to rig up a trap. Find some sort of plastic container with a lid. Cut a hole in it big enough for the mantis to crawl into and put some sort of meaty food in it. Put the lid back on and submurge your trap before the lights go out near where you saw the shrimp. The little...
  13. kevine6678

    Don't Do This!!!

    Originally Posted by GRabbitt I was thinking it was more like this: btw that's a really funny clip
  14. kevine6678

    Don't Do This!!!

    where does this guy get money for these fish? If he put that money that he spent on fish that he has and will kill, than he could probably actually buy a nice big tank.
  15. kevine6678

    fish food just sits there

    I only feel my fish lightly twice a week. Don't feed more than what they can consume in a couple of minutes. And believe me, they won't starve so don't worry. Feeding too much just adds food that won't get eaten but rather decompose as well as additional fish wastes that will simply end up...
  16. kevine6678

    Green Algae?

    Not only that, how long do you leave your lights on? How often do you feed? Do you have any sort of cleaners? Did you test for nitrates or phosphates? all of this stuff can cause algea to grow.
  17. kevine6678

    Tanks at LFS

    You're probably right. Believe me, I'm not planning on buying one or anything, I just thought that it was interesting. I just thought that I should get more opinions on it before telling any customers that they eat prepared foods.
  18. kevine6678

    Tanks at LFS

    Originally Posted by ophiura I would be surprised if you are saying that every mandarin you get in will eat pellets - maybe frozen more likely. Or maybe there is the appearance they are eating it. Hard to say, but IME they did not readily take to it (I also worked at an LFS). ALL animals add to...
  19. kevine6678

    Tanks at LFS

    I work at a pet shop that sells salt water fish and love actually getting paid to do what I love and that it play with fish tanks. Anyhow, I have a couple questions that I am absolutley puzzled by about some stuff at the store I work at. 1) We always get manderin gobies in. I know that they...
  20. kevine6678

    Tank Upgrade, 29 Gallon Bow

    Awesome job! I have a 16 gal bow front but I don't like it because the front is hard to clean as you probably well know by now.