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  1. worldwide zoo

    looking for live rock in brevard county

    I'm in Hillsborough Co. - Temple Terrace area. I've got premium fiji from FAOIS that's been in my display for 1 1/2 years. No corals in the tank for the last 3 mo. Looks beautiful- lot's of red/purple coraline and nice shapes too. $2.00/lb and I have around 30lbs. I'll throw in some base...
  2. worldwide zoo

    15g Tank - Maxijet 600 or 900 (160vs230gph)

    Anemones are not the biggest fans of turbulence. So if anemones are your goal , it maybe overkill. If you want to keep corals, even softies, I wouldn't hesitate to put the 900 in. You can always point them at each other or the glass to kill the flow a bit.
  3. worldwide zoo

    Oh i'm gonna cry!!

    Best thing you can do is acclimate them slowly. If thay were dead the bags they came in would be very milky brown and smell like death.
  4. worldwide zoo

    Post a pic of your nano

    Thank you very much. It was a very bad day. The same morning my friend Laz's(Fidel Castro) 280 acrylic split open and flooded his garage. Same morning I swear. I was very careful about the transfer and used as much tank water from the 20. Again everything is begining to color back up and I will...
  5. worldwide zoo

    Id Please

    Mirulina(sp?). Good amount of light, lot's of indirect flow. Has stinger tentacles so no close neighbors.
  6. worldwide zoo

    Post a pic of your nano

    Nice tanks everyone! Shortly after posting the pics of the 20gxh, the stand it was on gave out in the middle of the night. I woke up to water pouring on my floor. It sucked. I had to move everything to my 28g marineland bowfront. That was almost a month ago and I'm posting some pics of it as it...
  7. worldwide zoo


    Every Niger I've ever seen in a reef has been a model citizen. They cannot eat your corals or other sationary inverts as their mouths point upwards. They would have to turn almost upside down in order to do this. They eat from the water column.
  8. worldwide zoo

    What kind of crabs are reef safe?

    True, emeralds and sally's are a bad choice for a reef. Emeralds are 50/50 with this and sally's are 100% bad when they get big. Strawberry crabs are related to emerald's and have less of a chance of munching later. So yeah, filter feeders for reefs. Masked acro crabs are fine too.
  9. worldwide zoo

    What would eat clams?

    Have you checked around the mantle for snails. These are very small, around an eighth inch and can kill a clam slowly. Also, teddy bear crabs are notorious for this and can hide quite well. Although they usually kill the clam overnight or within a few days. Of course if you have a dwarf angel or...
  10. worldwide zoo

    Hermit crabs vs. Snails

    As stated, be carefull as to the species you get. Also, if you don't feed your tank enough the hermits will look for food. Also it's always a good idea to keep empty snail and hermit shells in the tank. some hermits are just psychotic.
  11. worldwide zoo

    Alk and shrimp/crabs

    Shrimps and crabs are very sensitive to specific gravity(salt level) changes. In a small tank, if you allow evap to go without topping off with fresh R/O for more than 1-2 days and then top off with say 1 1/2-2 gallons of fresh, the change is too great and osmotic shock kills them. Top off daily...
  12. worldwide zoo

    lobster blue spiny

  13. worldwide zoo

    New Lights = bad diatoms

    Up the number of turbos, astrea's, or margarita snails and keep the lights to a minimum. I'd say around 6 hours per day, increasing an hour every 2 days. The snails help a lot with this.
  14. worldwide zoo

    Lighting question

    It should be fine where it is. I'd move it up to around 8-10" from the top of the tank. You'll get a little more evap cooling and the light will be more evenly distributed throughout the aquarium. The plexi glass hood will need to be kept clean so light doesn't get stolen by it.
  15. worldwide zoo

    Bubble algae observation

    Yeah not as delicate as most think. I'm lucky enough to have a tang that loves the stuff.
  16. worldwide zoo

    cleaning new tank

    Unfortunately the best and safest way would be to utilize some sand sifting critters. My favorite being the sand -sifting gobies. They are the most efficient for the money. Of course you also have sand-sifting stars and snails. But you usually have to buy a lot of these to do the job. Keep in...
  17. worldwide zoo

    Protein skimmer problem

    Sounds like the air tube(diffuser) is clogged. With these skimmers you need to completely take it apart and clean it every 3-6mo. or whenever efficiency drops. My Prism also did this and I found that there was a few tube worms forming in the air tube. I replaced the air tube and boom, working...
  18. worldwide zoo

    Red carnation w/ no problems

    As a matter of fact, yes you are lucky. This is a type of coral that will not even open it's feeding tentacles to eat if the flow rate and direction are not matched in the system. You just happened to put him in a spot where you coincidentally matched both. I've heard of aquacultured peices...
  19. worldwide zoo

    Zoos vs. Encrusting Monti

    I've seen them collide before. Generally the zoo's will win unless they tolerate each other which I've seen in most setups. Here are some blue tubs and a superman monti loving each other.
  20. worldwide zoo

    Low light corals?

    Heliopora NON PHOTOSYNTHETIC SPS! Aw yeah.