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  1. worldwide zoo

    tunze nanostream

    I've super glued mine back together. It has worked like a charm.
  2. worldwide zoo

    Aren't Chromis pretty hardy?

    The true raeson these fish kill each other off is because of their need for food. I've been doing this for 15+ years and have seen that those who feed their tanks twice daily or more OR have a decent population of pods and such manage to keep them alive. It is a FACT that chromis and all...
  3. worldwide zoo

    Calcium question

    I'd test again with a different kit fo sure. If it stays above 600 for more than a week the corals will start to RTN at the tips. Some will say to just keep dosing alk till it balances out, however I'd do a series of water changes ASAP to correct it.
  4. worldwide zoo

    Id Please. Duster - Aiptasia - Robot?

    Duster for sure. They'll be everywhere before you know. I think it's a good thing.
  5. worldwide zoo

    Ricordias slowly dying

    There are a few varieties of large flatworm that eat both yumas and rics, but more commonly rics. Almost all rocks that I've seen w/more than 5 heads has one of these on them. They only come out in the middle of the night and blend in perfectly. It takes a great deal of observation to find one...
  6. worldwide zoo

    dying frogspawn

    Please list the params also.
  7. worldwide zoo

    Bio-Cube 14: Best way to switch to Live rock

    Buy cured and swap them out. The live rock will have far more denitrifying bacteria than the bio-balls could ever hold therefore no loss in bio efficiency. Your system will thank you.
  8. worldwide zoo

    What type of Wrasse?

    Looks similar to the yellow fin fairy wrasse. Definately a fairy wrasse of some sort. These guys are about 50/50 with jumping out of the tank so be carefull and monitor how it behaves when the lights go out. Fairy wrasses are some of my favorite fish. You may get hooked on them like I am.
  9. worldwide zoo


    I have a spotted hawk who is a hermit crab assasin. I've come back from collecting them and thrown 20+ into my reef. For 2 days he'd swim around with a new victim in his mouth every 10-20min. or so. Out of the three peppermints I bought he got two of them and the other hides in fear of his life...
  10. worldwide zoo

    Kent Marine Tech·CB parts A & B

    I've never seen a calciun test read only 45ppm. I would definately test again before going nuts with the Tech CB. Once you have an accurate reading use this calculator to bring it up.
  11. worldwide zoo

    Does anyone know what this is????

    Can't tell by the pick however brain corals are LPS corals and can live under power compacts. They also generally have powerful stinging tentacles that can extend up to 8" and will kill other corals. It wouldn't be harmful to your system overall, but it could be harmful to it's reef neighbors.
  12. worldwide zoo

    Please help see pic

    I'm certain the tests will give explanation unless the water changes corrected the problem.
  13. worldwide zoo

    Thing on powder brown

    Looks like what most would call "fish lice". A series of freshwater dips will get rid of em. I also was never able to see these things until one day working at the LFS we did a series of these dips on fish and started pulling dozens off each fish. Once you know what to look for it gets easier...
  14. worldwide zoo

    Please help see pic

    Not dead at all. Please do some water testing. If you do not have the proper tests please aquire them. ALK is very important and should be tested regularly. Let us know the results of the tests and give us a little more info on lighting, flow, ect... When in doubt, WATER CHANGES.
  15. worldwide zoo

    Yellow Polyps - Can they move on their own?

    They are not voluntary movers. it is most likely the current.
  16. worldwide zoo

    Removing frags from plugs?

    You can snap em off as soon as you get them if you have confidence in your setup. I like to wait til the coral begins to encrust somewhat. This will set the corals health back for a week or so provided your system is full steam. But I think they look better when they are not on plugs.
  17. worldwide zoo

    what is the most interesting thing to have appeared in your tank out of the live rock

    Originally Posted by fedel castro a huge brittle star fish, had tank running for 3 years and never seen it till one night walked in the room and turned on lights and it ran from one side to the other, (280 gallon 7 feet long tank) in 0.00000000000001 seconds, it blow my MIND, scard the living...
  18. worldwide zoo

    just for kicks. what about this skimmer?

    I've never seen anyone have luck with this skimmer in person and I view a lot of nano reef tanks weekly. Try the small Remora skimmer. It's way more expensive but it actually works.
  19. worldwide zoo

    Corals and anemones

    I don't like it. I've seen rose and rbta's stay put for months, even years, and then wreak havock when they decide to move. You can, but you do run a risk.
  20. worldwide zoo

    Colt coral was huge and now small :(

    Lot's of things could cause this. Flow being a big one. They do not like much flow at all. They also prefer very little lighting as they are not photosynthetic at all. All these things sps love. Very different monsters. Also, stir up some fish poop now and then if you are not doing phytoplankton...