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  1. worldwide zoo

    Cleaning Glass?

    Do just as you say you've been doing. ake sure the rags and water are fresh and clean. If something has made it onto the glass you can use(carefully) rubbing alcohal or white distilled vineger.
  2. worldwide zoo

    Do Reef Hermit Crabs eat hair algea?

    Yes, but only if it's short. They are reluctant to crawl onto long strands to eat. Prune it short manually and let them have at it
  3. worldwide zoo

    Frogspawn in 12 gal aquapod

    They do not like a unidirectional flow but more of a slight whipping or swaying action. You need two points of flow to accomplish this. If I remember correctly the AP has a split lockline return with two nozzles. If so point them in opposite direction. Normally you would point powerheads or...
  4. worldwide zoo

    new 125 brown algae just started today

    Blenny will snack on it, but the snail love the stuff. Place them on the rocks so they can go right to work. They'll eat it up in no time.
  5. worldwide zoo

    Thing on powder brown

    It's an anchor worm. fairly common when fish come into the stores, but usually are treated before sale. You can use Organicure on these guys or just go to the LFS and ask them what meds they have for anchor worms. I've seen some store employees just pull them out with tweezers but it will leave...
  6. worldwide zoo

    NITRATE problem again!!!

    How much live rock is in the system?
  7. worldwide zoo

    new 125 brown algae just started today

    This happens in almost all new tanks. Good rule of thumb is .5-1 snail per gallon of water. Snails will keep it clean. It's a diatom algae. Most salts have a relevent deal of silicate in them. This feeds the diatoms. After initial start up you'll never put enough fresh salt water in the tank at...
  8. worldwide zoo

    Zoanthids dont want to open?

    If the frag is fresh it could be how they were cut. Also understand these guys like more flow than any other softy, other than GSPs. They suffocate under their own secretion quite easily. So increase flow to it. This almost always opens them up.You should be checking Alk at least weekly.
  9. worldwide zoo

    phosphate control

    Only a good balance of rock and livestock can keep nitrates down. We all have to change water to combat this. Now there are many po4 absorbers that are very effective and safe when used properly. Please read the instuctions on these very carefully as a lot are different in their application...
  10. worldwide zoo

    Blue throat trigger in reeftank???

    Any trigger of that genus would be your safest bet. Because of the way their mouth is angled(upward) they would literally have to turn upside down in order to "pick" at anything. Bluethroats, Sargasms(sp?), nigers, crosshatches, pink tails ect.... Now if a smaller crab or shrimp floats above his...
  11. worldwide zoo

    Post a pic of your nano

    Thanks. I kept the hippo tang for almost 2 years in this setup and he grew quite nicely. After being baggered by bleeding heart tang activists, I decided to give him to a new home. He died about 2 weeks later. I'd rather live in a cramped space myself w/ everything I need, rather than a mansion...
  12. worldwide zoo

    Post a pic of your nano

    I know you said pic, but how about a video and pic. First the video which is 5mo. old at this point. This was before I contracted the dreaded motipora eating nudi's and before the tank was moved to it's current location. <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"...
  13. worldwide zoo

    Post a pic of your nano

    I know you said pic, but how about a video and pic. First the video which is 5mo. old at this point. This was before I contracted the dreaded motipora eating nudi's and before the tank was moved to it's current location. <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"...
  14. worldwide zoo

    trade or sell

    Took some more pics last night of the tubs/superman relationship.