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  1. weiser5150

    Water leak from wet/dry

    Thanks for the info!
  2. weiser5150

    Water leak from wet/dry

    thanks for the info Flower. The only thing is i cant get underneath the stand,because is basically sits on the floor.I mean i can maybe get a piece of paper in between the floor and stand. i am thinking of either draining the tank and taking it off the stand or somehoqw removing the inside wood...
  3. weiser5150

    Water leak from wet/dry

    So I came home from work today and noticed some water in the bottom of the stand. It's a 72 gal bowfront stand and the bottom where the wet/dry filter sits was soaked. I found the leak that was causing it and have fixed it,but how do I keep from ruining my hardwood floors with the leaked out...
  4. weiser5150

    where to buy smooth hound shark?

    I just saw one at my LFS.
  5. weiser5150

    bought live rock.what next?

    Originally Posted by robertmathern Sorry to be off subject here but where do you ride the bike at. I have a dirtbike and not really anywhere to ride. I am on the west side off jacksonville I ride at the Motoplex in Madison County (about 2 hours away) I also ride at 10,000 acres in Palatka and...
  6. weiser5150

    bought live rock.what next?

    I bought some pre-cured LR for my FO tank.The fish seem to take to it rather well and i was wondering what is going to happen to it next? Change colors?
  7. weiser5150

    Favorite NES games?

    Originally Posted by Pontius Mike Tyson's Punchout Mario and Mario 3 Double Dragon Tecmo Bowl Operation Wolf (one of the original "first person shooter" games) and then there was one that I can't remember the name of. but in it, you have a bionic extension arm that you can attach to things and...
  8. weiser5150

    Hd movies?

    PS3 is a must.
  9. weiser5150


    I just wish I could be around for 2112.
  10. weiser5150

    Overflow Question

    should be a rubber gasket
  11. weiser5150

    Fellow floridians???

  12. weiser5150

    Caught EM you egged them on? and they egged your house. So you called the cops on them?
  13. weiser5150

    Keeping a cleaner shrimp

    I have had my cleaner shrimp for 6 weeks and he has molted three times.He was tiny when i got him and now he is a big boy!I have a flame angel (a) and he has nipped at him once or twice.He eats flake,pellet and i have even seen him eat some brine.
  14. weiser5150

    Lighting help

    I have a 72 gal FO and the lights that came with the tank are just standard ALL GLASS lamps. 48" 32 watts. I wanted to buy some better bulbs to enhance the color. Maybe make it more bluer?? IDK any suggestions?
  15. weiser5150

    Putting Faces to the Names

    this is me....I live in Jacksonville,Florida.
  16. weiser5150

    Pet Peeves?

    People that eat crunchy food in front of me and then look at me as I am giving them the evil eye and say "what's wrong?"
  17. weiser5150

    Jacksonville FL info needed!!

    your Steelers are going to get beat up and sent home. I like Bio-reef. They have good cust service and there is always something new when i go in there. Go Jags!
  18. weiser5150

    NFL Week-how did your team do?

    My Jags won in OT...we are now 2-2 (started 0-2) play Pitt on Sunday Night. I will be there for sure. go Jags!
  19. weiser5150

    Another Vet bill

    my beagle was drinking alot and peeing alot so we took him to our vet and $400.00 later we find out he has a urinary tract infection. I kinda knew that already but needed reasurance. Antibiotics is what he is taking now. Thank god it wasnt Kidney failure or something like that.
  20. weiser5150

    Is 1080p worth it...

    I have a Pioneer 50'' Plasma 1080p and a ps3 and love them both.The games and the blu-ray movies are exceptional.