Search results

  1. pettyhoe

    which lighting to get?

    although less wattage, they produce more lumens, which is really the only thing that counts. These are a flourescent light though, which means they will not have an extreme penetration in the water. But with the type of corals you are wanted to grow, it doesn't really matter, they do not...
  2. pettyhoe

    Hermits or No Hermits?

    Hermits will clean anything that is dying in a tank, which ultimately includes snails if they do not get enough to eat (turbo grazers). Thats why people think hermits kill snails so much, and the fact that some do if there are not enough shells in the tank to replace the outgrown ones. I keep...
  3. pettyhoe

    Running carbon in a reef

    If you run carbon and dose with additives, you have the best of both worlds. Thats what I've done with the MANY reef tanks I maintain and work on.
  4. pettyhoe

    (First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System

    understood, go with what works.. and it seems everything is workin just fine.
  5. pettyhoe

    (First Reef Tank Ever) **** 600gal Display **** 1300gal System

    Originally Posted by cbui2 its about that time again to make some foods (3 quart ziploc) which they consume in three months. ingredients used: 1 whole garlic 1/2 lb. fresh shrimp, squid and scallop 2 frozen packs of Hikari algae, mega angel and ocean plankton 1/2 cup formula 2 pellets and 1 cup...
  6. pettyhoe

    Whats this coming from my Blue Linkea Star?

    I second the fact that ophi knows her stuff.. she's your go to person on starfish.
  7. pettyhoe

    ricordea or fancy shroom?

    be careful with the lights, mine melted due to acclimation shock.. terrible thing to watch.
  8. pettyhoe

    55g Seahorse Tank

    I have a 55g with seahorses, Don't put too much rock in there the seahorses enjoy stuff to hitch on, as well as plenty or room to swim. about 5-7x flow
  9. pettyhoe

    mixing breeds

    I'm pretty sure that says the same thing.
  10. pettyhoe

    Powder Brown Tang

    I just put a kole, sailfin, and powder brown in my 75 display, and after two days, the powder brown is being territorial. He leaves the kole alone completely, yet seems aggressive towards the smaller sailfin. I think he should be fine with the hippo, considering the different body type and color.
  11. pettyhoe

    Ricordias slowly dying

    yuma ricordea are very sensitive to lighting and flow. do a search on yuma ricordea in google or something to do some background, they are more than likely in the wrong spot in the tank. I believe they like a lot of light when compared to other ricordea. According to, they prefer...
  12. pettyhoe

    Does anyone know what this is????

    looks like an encrusting sponge.. especially if it is unresponsive to stimuli, which it looks like it is from the picture.
  13. pettyhoe

    my first pony please id

    Id vote kuda, because of the bifurcated raised coronet. If it has two bumps on the coronet, then its kuda. cant tell in the picture
  14. pettyhoe

    lighting my 10 gallon

    im using a retrofit kit with the two bulbs you are referring to. I have two of the 50/50 bulbs on my refugium and I have had fine growth. I think you would be just fine to grow some softies and zoas. Good luck. Put up some pictures.
  15. pettyhoe

    can you mix snails and crabs?

    i agree with snakeblitz33, just put a couple extra snails in. If you dont do that, make sure that the size of the shells that the crabs desire are not the same size of the snails in your tank, otherwise they will kill them. Its hit or miss, but most of the time it works out fine if you have...
  16. pettyhoe

    Cleaning crew

    I have well over 25 assorted hermits, 40 assorted snails ( 10 astrea, 25 nassarius, 5 stomatella) with a conch and emerald crab. My tank stays perfectly clean and I never really touch it except water changes. I work for the fish store cleaning business and afluent peoples tanks and our number...
  17. pettyhoe

    Hitchhiker ID please

    looks like a bleached out babt torch, but prolly not
  18. pettyhoe

    add sand...

    get a cup of the new sand, and fill that up with your tank water, from there, just put it at the bottom of your tank and kind of shimmy it out at the sandbed. It keeps it from getting to cloudy, and whatever does cloud up just gets cleared in about 30 minutes. Works everytime.
  19. pettyhoe

    How long does it take for a new coral to open up?

    A swing from 1.026 toi 1.021 is a big swing for corals. It will stress them out and keep them from opening. But remember, you shouldn't check your salinity immediately after you add fresh water, because the water isn't mixed properly and will yeild a faulty reading. so it probably wasn't...
  20. pettyhoe

    New picture's 9/9/2007

    lucky you... i would love a trigger, but I don't want to lose any coral...