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  1. pettyhoe

    CRAB ID, Is this reef safe?

  2. pettyhoe

    CRAB ID, Is this reef safe?

    naw, BC29, I built a refuge in the back middle tank, but I'd rather see the little guy. Anybody have a positive ID?
  3. pettyhoe

    CRAB ID, Is this reef safe?

    I found this little guy on my liverock in my QT where I was trying to breed my cleaner shrimp.. I like the little guy, so I want to put him in my DT, what do you think? What is he and is he reef safe? Here are some pictures, short little legs. I think maybe a shameface crab, but I could be wrong.
  4. pettyhoe

    12-pak...the hard way...

    One of the few Lubbockites around! What lfs do you go to? Mr Aquarium off 34th? I do not know of any others, but Mr. Aquarium has been wonderful to me so far.
  5. pettyhoe

    A new hitch-hiker ID question:

    Lots of different kinds of feather dusters, just a different species of worm. I think they are great additions to tanks, if you put phytoplankton in about every three days, they will be sure to grow and flourish in your tank if you like them.
  6. pettyhoe

    !!!Sick Horse!!! :(

    I have come to the conclusion that seahorses, although the most interesting and beautiful fish, are too difficult to keep for me. Possibly because I had young ones from an unknown source (lfs), but I am too busy to mother them the way they needed. Its sad, they are so fascinating. Good luck...
  7. pettyhoe

    Whats the most important "thing" you've learned

    seahorses are extremely difficult to keep in a nano without a chiller.
  8. pettyhoe

    sand algea growth??!! PLEASE HELP

    unfortunately I had a temp spike today so the seahorses died.. I think my heater is broke. So I'll be buying a new one of those as well. Poo on that. I'll look for that sleeper goby, I have a watchman goby, will that be a problem?
  9. pettyhoe

    sand algea growth??!! PLEASE HELP

    the problem with the water flow is that I have a low flow deflector to keep the seahorses from flying everywhere
  10. pettyhoe

    sand algea growth??!! PLEASE HELP

    oh yeah, some of my xenia just died off due to a pH drop, but it has recovered, could this be a factor?
  11. pettyhoe

    sand algea growth??!! PLEASE HELP

    I have started to accumulate an algea growth on my sand bed, I stir it everyday and it just grows back. It seems as though it started to spread when I took my 3 mexican turbos back (they were starting to look malnurished) but they never touched the sand bed. I will be buying a few margarita...
  12. pettyhoe

    Pistol shrimp with goby

    I have seahorses, and have wondered whether or not the pistol will attack them. What do you think?
  13. pettyhoe

    New inverts, recommendations please

    yeah, adairable, shrimp do not add much at all to a bioload, I have four in my 29 gallon with no problems, and my cleaners are pretty big
  14. pettyhoe

    More Sea horse pics!

    I have 3 kuda in my tank, they are great!, anything I put in the tank, they check it out, wrap themselves around hermits and try and pear inside their shell. I feed them in a ziplock bag floating from inside the tank so my shrimp and clowns don't take all their food, and they just swim up to...
  15. pettyhoe

    Encrusting Gorgonian information

    It just needed to adjust to the light intensity, once it gets that done, its gonna flourish, might overtake your tank.
  16. pettyhoe

    20 gallon clean up crew?

    I have around 26 assorted crabs and 30 nassarius snails in my 29 along with 2 shrimp and 2 hitchhiker snails, no problems. I have 3 mexican turbos as well for the initial algea blooms but they started to deteriorate, so I took them back. Its hard to overpopulate with a clean up crew, they do...
  17. pettyhoe


    A high temperature change is more harmful than a high temperature... if you decide to change it, do it slowly
  18. pettyhoe

    New Seahorses!!!

  19. pettyhoe

    Calling all Seahorse Keepers

    The horses love my candy cane coral and feather dusters, its their favorite. The horse needs approx. 3 times the length of their body for a height, 2x the length is ok, but pushing it. Some horses like to stalk their food and follow it in the flow, while some will just pick it right up off the...
  20. pettyhoe

    Calling all Seahorse Keepers

    no aggressive fish, no aggressive coral, read read read for great information. I would keep h. erectus or h. kuda as beginners. Don't worry about color changing, it happens, often for me. They are sensitive to just about every kind of change, so make sure the tank is stable. DO...