Search results

  1. jasenhicks

    any input on a refuge

    If you keep the water high enough to support a hang-on skimmer you will overflow your sump. If the power goes out, you will still be gravity draining water down into the sump untill the water line goes below your standpipe, if the water is high in the 10gal already it will overflow. Your setting...
  2. jasenhicks

    Wet/Dry For Sale

    This was used for about 1 year. Its in perfect condition. The top has an extra hole drilled for dual overflow pipes, will include a bulkhead for it. Also has a 1/2" hole drilled in the side for a float valve for auto top off systems, can be easily plugged. Comes with one drain line, the...
  3. jasenhicks

    Excalibur HOB Skimmer For Sale

    Like new, only modified so that the return would fit into my overflow... the black bracket is cut about 3/4". Works well, upgraded to an insump skimmer. Good for upto 100G tank, i wouldnt recommend going above a 75 though. The rio pump is included and is 1 month old. $75 Shipped.
  4. jasenhicks

    curing some rock

    Sonic, you can do that. Just treat it like a regular tank, do water change etc. Hook a skimmer up and bright lights and seed it with a few good pieces of live rock. It will take a while to get consumed but its possible. If you have the time then go for it.
  5. jasenhicks

    Dose anyone have a...

    Clown, mine is still for sale, and still ready to ship. Just email me at jasenhick@hotmail (DOT) com.
  6. jasenhicks

    Bchbum's acrylic sumps

    KD Frosty, email sent.
  7. jasenhicks

    Bchbum's acrylic sumps

    FedEx 2day is 160, but he is offering halfprice shipping right now. :)
  8. jasenhicks

    Bchbum's acrylic sumps

    You'd be surprised ... well get you a quote. ;)
  9. jasenhicks

    Bchbum's acrylic sumps

    I just got mine today, and wow! This is truly amazing. As his webmaster i will be posting all of my installation on his website, but i just want to say that if you want a sump custom or not... he makes damn good ones. The quality is amazing... im truly impressed, and NO this is not a marketing...
  10. jasenhicks

    Quick question, need quick answer!

    Id take out the bioballs, mine just produces a crap ton of nitrates. Put some live rock rubble in the bottom, and jimmy rig a light to shine on it. Problem solved.
  11. jasenhicks

    Dose anyone have a...

    I will tell you that the seaclone is garbage. Read a bit on the board and everyone will say it is. My excalibur is only 6 months old, has a brand new rio pump, and is a HOB. It is rated for up to 100gallons, and is in excellent condition. I paid 125 for it and it was worth every penny. I can go...
  12. jasenhicks

    Dose anyone have a...

    Well mine will be for sale on wednesday afternoon ready to ship thursday afternoon. I can do $75 shipped. Comes with a brand new rio pump used for about 2 weeks. Has the bubble trap and everything still... although i dont use it. I did modify it a bit, so that the return fit into my in tank...
  13. jasenhicks

    Corallife Super Skimmer

    I just pulled mine out of the box, and man... nice quality. It looks great, and ive seen one in action... collection cup full of black gook. I think for the price its a great deal. (ANd i got mine free for doing some website work :) )
  14. jasenhicks


    Id recommend against using sea water, it is usually contaminated with coastal pollutants from people. Unless you live in a remote location where people dont often visit and there arent any commercial or industrail areas 10 miles on either side its not too good of an idea.
  15. jasenhicks

    Lighting Canopy Size Q??

    Id suggest making it the same size as the top of your tank. That way you get all the light concentrated into the tank. And you can still suspend it from the ceiling if you want via some chain and chain hooks bolted into the ceiling ( a stud )
  16. jasenhicks

    Dose anyone have a...

    I may have one for sale soon, its an exalibur HOB.... i like it, but im going to get an insump skimmer for the sump bchbum is building me.
  17. jasenhicks

    fuzzy lion fish??

    Silversides, and frozen mysis shrimp are excellent choices. I have a volitain in my 75gallon and he took to it right away. Every once in a while ill throw a feeder fish in to let him attack, but this is not his sole diet. Mine eats well, and he will even eat some of the flake food if i throw it...
  18. jasenhicks

    KalkWasser and phosphates

    I want to enlighten everyone on the phosphate / calcium relationship. When you put phosphates into water that has calcium in it, the calcium will precipitate out and no longer be useful for the corals, etc. that use it. If you have water with phosphates in it, and add calcium nothing happens...
  19. jasenhicks

    drilling tank need internal overflow box

    i may have to take you up on that one day. :thinking:
  20. jasenhicks

    drilling tank need internal overflow box

    Yep, you can get them here: tapplastics DOT com. A far as bonding it to the glass, all you need to use is aqwuarium silcone, thats how the one in my tank is bonded in.