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  1. serg11

    30 gal Reef Tank

    sorry, everything or nothing.
  2. serg11

    30 gal Reef Tank

    Los Angeles, CA
  3. serg11

    30 gal Reef Tank

    $600. 2 year reef tank. 30 gallon with stand. All the equipment and Accessories. yellow stripe maroon clown, firefish, neon blue goby, cleaner shrimp, lots of snails and hermit crabs, sand siffting sea star, mushrooms, frogspawn, green and orange polyps, feather dusters. whisper power filter, 2...
  4. serg11

    tonga branch turning white next to featherduster

    no sea urchin just snails, hermit crabs and I do have 2 black sea hares ( slug looking thing which were hitchhikers since day one). I did use red slime remover 2 weeks ago. I had some red slime build up on my sand bed. I believe it was from t-5 156watts upgrade 2months ago. and I reduce my...
  5. serg11

    tonga branch turning white next to featherduster

    tonga branch has been there since the day I set up the tank, 10 months
  6. serg11

    tonga branch turning white next to featherduster

    I got a featherduster 2 weeks ago and my tonga branch near featherduster is turning white. i got mushrooms, zoos, 2 clowns, watchman, t-5 in a 30 gal. I did noticed the first couple of days the featherduster was releasing this dark slime from its center. salt 1.024, nitra 5, ammon 0, nitri 0, ph...
  7. serg11

    starting year 4

    very nice. what is that green, dark brown stuff in your sandbed. my tank is 7 months old and got the same stuff growing in mine. is this normal, if not how do I get rid of it.
  8. serg11


    I've had my FOWLR for about 7 months. I want to get some corals (softies and LPS). I got a 29 gal 24x16x12deep tank. at the moment I got a PC 2x55 20" long. I'm looking into the nova extreme T-5 4X39 36" long or 4X24 24" long. The 24" long will not span my whole tank, will that effect coral...
  9. serg11


    I've had my FOWLR for about 7 months. I want to get some corals (softies and LPS). I got a 29 gal 24x16x12deep tank. at the moment I got a PC 2x55 20" long. I'm looking into the nova extreme T-5 4X39 36" long or 4X24 24" long. The 24" long will not span my whole tank, will that effect coral...
  10. serg11

    lighting for corals

    I've had my FOWLR for about 7 months. I want to get some corals (mushrooms). I bought my tank used with all the equip. Everything is great so far. Are these lights O.K. for corals. PL55W-AB actinic-blue and FPL-55W day light 10000k both are 4pin and about 20 inches long. I got a 29 gal...
  11. serg11

    lighting question

    I've had my FOWLR for about 7 months. I want to get some corals (mushrooms). I bought my tank used with all the equip. Everything is great so far. Are these lights O.K. for corals. PL55W-AB actinic-blue and FPL-55W day light 10000k both are 4pin and about 20 inches long. I got a 29 gal...
  12. serg11

    "baby fish"

    I have a 29 gal tank that I've had for 6months. I noticed this morning that all over my live rock there are small (1/8 in size) transluscent "fish" swimming along the top of my rocks, very fast swimmers. I have 5 hermits, 3 snails, 2 black slugs (hitchhikers), 1 clownfish, and I had a lawnmower...
  13. serg11

    adding fish

    My 29gal (fowlr) tank has being running for 3 months. I'm ready for some fish. my list is 1percula clown, 1 watchman, 1red firefish, 1royal gramme, and cleaner shrimp. right now I got 2 crabs and 4 snails and lots of LR with great hideing spots and nice coraline growing. My first question, any...
  14. serg11

    salt mix

    I have nautilus marine salt mix that has sat around for over a year. it has hardend a little like a rock. is there an expiration to salt mix and is this brand a good brand for my FOWLR tank. How much salt do you mix with 5gal of water to bring it up to 1.025 for water change. any thoughts. thanks
  15. serg11

    RO water test

    I'm doing a 20% water change. I tested my RO water before I put the salt mix in. this is what i came out with. I used api test kit. what do you pros think. salinity less than 1.00 ph 7.4 ammonia was yellow. off the chart trites 0 blue trates 0 yellow alkalinity less than 1dkh pale yellow after...
  16. serg11

    damsel pale in mornings

    maybe Im over exagerating on eyes cause his so pale that his eyes stand out or maybe his pupils are open up becase of light. could this cause stress over time or even death.
  17. serg11

    damsel pale in mornings

    I noticed my yellow tale has lost of color and eyes look like there bulging out in the mornings before I go to work. I do leave the house before sunrise and he is in darkness at night until sunrise. before I leave the house in the mornings I do turn the lights on. not much of a choice. Could...
  18. serg11

    more LR or not

    I have a 29gal with about 30pounds of live rock. Im going with fish and live rock set up for know but in the future would like to step up to corals, etc. Looking at pics, let me hear what the pros think about my set up. I'm debating about tonga branch, to leave it or 86 it or maybe build around...
  19. serg11

    rock turning white

    Hello. well its about 5 weeks since my 29g tank has being up and going. My live rock is turning white. This is the situation, I started with 30pounds of live rock used saltwater from lfs to fill up tank, had a couple of hitch hikers, hermit crab, snail and 2 seahares (pict) I believe they are. I...
  20. serg11

    hitch hikers

    My 29g tank is a month old. I notice a couple days after I put my live rock in, these creatures showed up. besides the black seahare, I think it is. There is a smaller one thats black with a small yellow line on its back, sorry no pict yet. Are these keepers. I read some could be toxic. There...