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  1. purebullet

    some new pics of the 125

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> <a href="" target="_blank"><img...
  2. purebullet

    30 gallon cube reef tank for sale

    also is there a way you would be intrested in just selling the tank maby the stand and lighting system i would prefer just that because thats all i need
  3. purebullet

    30 gallon cube reef tank for sale

    how far would half way be and ill have to talk it over with my friend because the tank is realy for him but send me a pic ink at
  4. purebullet

    30 gallon cube reef tank for sale

    how far are you from nyc i may be interested in the cube
  5. purebullet

    new 125 reef

  6. purebullet

    new 125 reef

    hi iv been searching these boards for a wile looking at stuff for a 29 i have in the making but my uncle decided to make his 125 a reef so we went out bought rock ect ect now its been a month and the tank has fully cycled and today bough our first coral and fish we got a mated pair of pecs a zoo...
  7. purebullet

    custom naocube lights

    thoes r the prices with the tank its much cheaper for just the canopy
  8. purebullet

    best predator tank contest

    iv seen that pic of that skimmer have you posted it somewhere eles
  9. purebullet

    Compatible Eels?

    ***) wow this is somthing interesting to look at
  10. purebullet

    Lets SEA the reefs!

    oceana wats the bright green coral your clowns are hosting on the right side of your shot???
  11. purebullet

    How would you spend $3 billion???

    i would buy a jet and have a party that started on a monday and ended the previous sunday
  12. purebullet

    girl help

    ah 7th grade im in 10th now good luck she prob will not say no
  13. purebullet

    30gal tank help me w/water and fish

    yes but you cant just top off the tank with ro water u have to mix it to make saltwater and yellow tang is to big for your tank
  14. purebullet

    Total noob looking to start an aquarium

    im not realy sure on the puffer and eel with corals but some good stores are aquahut in corum(sp?) country critters in patchague(sp?) and for somethings pets wherehouse in copaigue
  15. purebullet

    Total noob looking to start an aquarium

    oh btw about that tank if you want to keep corals you will need to change the lights and from what iv heard bio whells dont do much but i dont know from experence and the price is ok and is a good deal for what it is
  16. purebullet

    Total noob looking to start an aquarium

    ha where on the island do u live theres alot of good stores around the island so u shouldnt have much trouble finding quality fish
  17. purebullet

    Total noob looking to start an aquarium

    here is some lingo lfs- local fish store lr- live rock ls- live sand dsb- deep sand bed pc- power compact mh- metal haliade fuge- refugium sump- place other then your tank where your equipent is ummm cant think of any otheres right now but im sure there are good luck
  18. purebullet

    Well I got this monster today

    any updates on this tank
  19. purebullet

    125g stocking list

    where gana go get supplies tomorrow and just LOOK at the tangs because we know the tank has to cycle but we both are defently geting the 2 precs and the blue tang and the other ones where not sure of maby a salifin and a yellow or a shoal is nice to well figure it out
  20. purebullet

    good skimmer

    ok ill look into both of thoese thanks