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  1. crustytheclown

    Strange power outage question.

    I spoke w/ a friend yesterday that lost a number of angels in his 125 tank, when a storm ripped through his neighborhood and left him w/o power for several hours, and this got me to thinking... I have a huge 60g 220v air compressor in my garage, that happens to be located directly under my reef...
  2. crustytheclown

    Found this on eBay....Would you try it?

    Originally posted by VAVOOM It say's he is the care taker of the Houston Zoo, but he is listed in North Carolina:confused: I lived in NC for 3 years, & I don't remember there being a Houston:rolleyes: Let me help you out on this... The way sentances are jumbled together, does make it a...
  3. crustytheclown

    Found this on eBay....Would you try it?

    If they work so good then answer these questions for me... 1. Why do they have ZERO dealer network anywhere. Nowhere else to buy them but from the manufacturer. No catalogs and no fish stores and no other websites other than their own. Because they are a brand new company, with only 1 product...
  4. crustytheclown

    Found this on eBay....Would you try it?

    This is probably the easiest way in which to describe this technology: Start with (2) 5-gallon buckets Add a 1# dirt clog to one bucket, and 1# of fine powered dirt to the other one. Fill each bucket with equal amounts of water. Stir each bucket for 10 minutes. Pump the contents of each...
  5. crustytheclown

    Found this on eBay....Would you try it?

    After reading the info on their website, and in the ---- add, I felt compelled to break down a buy one, despite the lack of sentence structure (I tend to not let little things like that bother me). :rolleyes: The logic of breaking down particles via magnets, and then keeping those same particles...
  6. crustytheclown

    What is a closed loop system

    When drawing it's source directly from the tank, the SCWD wavemaker is a perfect example of a closed loop.