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  1. scoot

    Ive got a game we can play !

    i dont see him?!?!?
  2. scoot

    Post Your Angel's

    Originally Posted by stieger definitely more like the juve, but the dark blue/black is "washed out" - any thoughts? You can literally see "inside him"... Stieger try feeding him brocolii fresh from the store and be4 u give it to him boil some water and just dunk the brocoli in it for like 3...
  3. scoot

    pics from the georgia aquarium

    thats sweet....the leafy dragon is shaweet!!! so r the garden eels and just every pics nice shots!!
  4. scoot

    shipping time

    ok thanks alot!!!
  5. scoot

    shipping time

    how long does shipping take when u order from
  6. scoot

    fish stores

    know of any fish stores in the Jupiter Fl area?
  7. scoot

    just posting a couple pics of my 130

  8. scoot

    Reefboys' 210 FOWLR Tank Pictures!

    thats a sick tank!!like it alot and ill post some pics of my 130
  9. scoot

    Rare fish pics

    i like the wrasse and the clown and sohal tangs also the tusk very cool
  10. scoot

    Rare fish pics

    hes about 1 foot long now and i think ive had him for 2 years now thats cool that you have one i never see them!! how big is yours?
  11. scoot


    koran angel...but hes not picking anymore
  12. scoot

    Rare fish pics

    thanks... its a white grunt
  13. scoot

    Rare fish pics

  14. scoot


    do anenome's tenticles grow back if they have been eaten off?
  15. scoot


    ooo thnx how would u get rid of that or will the fish just get rid of it and he eats the frozen krill
  16. scoot


    hey y is my wrasse gettin really thin like his body but he eats fine i feed him krill flakes and brine and he eats all everytime i feed my fish but y is he gettin skinny like that??
  17. scoot

    swf stores

    my nephew needs to no where swf stores are in the kissimee area??
  18. scoot


    thats wat i thought thanks just makin sure lol
  19. scoot

    help with condi!

    welll mine be4 my sister bout and put a racoon butterfly in my tank he didnt come out for a day or soo try hand feeeding him
  20. scoot


    wat does fowlr mean??