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  1. superh

    Aiptasia Problem

    Seriously, don't waste your time with any of these tricks. I had a bad aiptasia problem myself and bought a Copperbanded Butterfly last night. Woke up this morning and EVERY SINGLE ONE, even the little small ones are completely gone. This fish eats aiptasia like it's his job. I understand...
  2. superh

    food for sfe and dwarf fuzzy fuzzy eats silversides but I can't get her to eat krill. I think they develop a taste for whatever you start them on. Sometimes you have to starve them a little too. I prefer silversides because I can stuff a single pellet of marine food into the silversides mouth to add a little...
  3. superh

    Cleaning A Tank With Venomous Specimens

    Originally Posted by hot883 The only thing I do is clean the glass and I do that with a "mag float". same here...every now and again when I move live rock I still don't where gloves (I have lionfish)...I probably should, but I'm very cautious when I put my hand in there and they don't seem too...
  4. superh

    lionfish/flame angel/black clownfish in a 75g

    I was wondering how this combination would work: fuzzy dwarf, flame angel, 2 black clowns w/ bulb anemone, and a few inverts. All of this is in a 75g w/ 150w metal halide. I know the standard don't buy anything that will fit in the fuzzies mouth, but is there anything else I should be aware of?
  5. superh

    Zebra Dwarf Lionfish

    I would also suggest the ghost shrimp to get him started eating in his/her new environment. I just got my new fuzzy over to frozen. Only took her two separate feedings of ghost shrimp a few days apart for her to start associating me with food. Be patient and soon your lion will be camped out...
  6. superh

    dwarf lion eating

    another good trick i've learned is to stuff pellets inside the mouths of silversides...thaw the silverside, then use your fingernail to pry their little mouth open, stuff a pellet inside, close the mouth and feed to the fish...good way to get more nutrients to a lionfish
  7. superh

    question about feeding ghost shrimp

    I like to feed my fuzzies ghost shrimp every so often. I hear people mention gut-loading them, but I have yet to see them actually eat stuff (maybe the fish store keeps them fed :thinking:, I'll ask next time). I'll get them and drop a pellet or two and a few flakes in there and they don't...
  8. superh

    dwarf lion eating

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Wade, I don't know about others' experiences, but my fuzzies never seem to care for silversides. They love krill, prawn, mysis, clam, etc. but they totally ignore silversides. I have never had a problem getting larger lions to eat silversides, but my fuzzies will...
  9. superh

    75gal Lighting

    You may want to consider piecing your lighting together. A 150 watt clamp-on MH is about $200 and will light half your tank until you can get another one for the other side. I used to have 130 watt PC watts on a 38g, and they were nice, but the MH seems more like natural sunlight. Here's what...
  10. superh

    75g w/ half tank lighting and 3 fuzzies

    Originally Posted by V-Lioness Very sorry to hear that she passed, she looked bad but not extremely bad, I am surprised, normally I would recommend you quarantine and treat but sometimes the stress is to much. I had a male red, I added a eel (big mistake) he was beat up over night by this...
  11. superh

    75g w/ half tank lighting and 3 fuzzies

    Originally Posted by Jon321 Just out of curiosity, which side of the tank do the lions seem to spend most of their time? Jon they split their time, with most of it being under the lighted part, perching in the shadows made by the LR...i need to add more LR to the darker side though...only...
  12. superh

    75g w/ half tank lighting and 3 fuzzies

    Originally Posted by V-Lioness I see the one, thank goodness you have her now, hope she heals pretty quick. i noticed her perching upside down and breathing rapidly last night, and her underside near the tail looked really rough and infected...her color was also pale, but she looked like...
  13. superh

    75g w/ half tank lighting and 3 fuzzies

    Originally Posted by V-Lioness What about if you wait and see, I don't think the males develop the longer pectoral fins until they are adults, I know they don't develop the wider heads until they reach adulthood or hold the three for now and if you have 3 females add a male later? Do you think...
  14. superh

    75g w/ half tank lighting and 3 fuzzies

    Originally Posted by V-Lioness I want to say male but, Geez, it is hard to tell, females have 5 - 6, males 6 - 10 ..... :notsure: It is hard to tell as this point, F. Marini states "Adult male Dwarf fuzzy lions are readily identified by having a larger head, longer pectoral fins (the fin tips...
  15. superh

    75g w/ half tank lighting and 3 fuzzies

    here is the existing lion in the background, she is ~3.5-4"...she is the mother hen now
  16. superh

    75g w/ half tank lighting and 3 fuzzies

    this is the other new lion...apparently she has been housed with triggers or puffers as her fins look nipped and the bottom part of her body near the tail looks like it has been eaten on ...i'll hopefully have her in excellent health soon
  17. superh

    75g w/ half tank lighting and 3 fuzzies

    here is the one i believe to be a male (~1.5-2")...if anyone wants to offer an opinion please do
  18. superh

    75g w/ half tank lighting and 3 fuzzies

    Originally Posted by V-Lioness Looking very nice, I think you will be happy with this group, I would assume you have only one male, males can really go at it fighting and normally it would happen right away. yes, i THINK that one is a male....he's really young and already has 6...
  19. superh

    75g w/ half tank lighting and 3 fuzzies

    I've got everything together now. 75g with 150w MH on one side and darkness on the other for the lions. I have 2 females and a male fuzzy too, hard to tell though as the one I believe to be male is kind of small at this point. Only thing I need to do now is add a little more LR and maybe...
  20. superh

    FS: 38g glass tank w/ solid wood Sedona stand and canopy ATL $200

    Stand, canopy, and tank are all in great condition. Stand is made of solid wood not MDF or fiberboard. I will also include a free Maxijet 900 water pump. $200 pick up only. I'm located in Atlanta.