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  1. agro


  2. agro


    Here are some more from my tank :(
  3. agro

    ID Please

    I had the same snail in my tank and it was ID'd as a horse conch. Which is carnivorous and will eat just about anything. If you do a search for horse conch or look in the photography section at the 'conch pics' thread you will see mine.
  4. agro

    Plate coral help...

    What color is the gunk, and is it coming from its mouth or somewhere else?
  5. agro

    All right... what the heck is this?

    Looks like aplysia is the winner! It is some sort of Sea Hare! I am in the process of setting up a refugium right now, so I will throw some of his algae in there when I do. Right now I have a culture of it growing in another tank.
  6. agro

    Anybody close to SA Texas out there

    Austin here. 10 years in the USAF, some spent at Kelly AFB.
  7. agro

    Awsome Videos For SW Junkies

    Yes, those shows are worth watching. Again and again and.... :)
  8. agro

    All right... what the heck is this?

    I've had this Fla rock in my tank for over a month and I'm still finding new stuff! This guy seems content to munch on the red algae. It's gross watching him eat, since he is translucent, and you can see his insides working... What is it?
  9. agro

    ID Please

    Kinda hard to see, but I would guess clove or glove polyps...
  10. agro

    Snail ID. Good guy or bad.

    Looks like a Heliacus snail. They wait until lights out and then eat zoanthids/polyps. :(
  11. agro

    neato twilight photo of my nano...

    Wow, that looks like an alien landscape or something!
  12. agro

    can anyone ID this worm???

    Originally posted by elan i cant belive how much more life ends up in the tank each and every time i take a look at it...... That's my favorite part of this hobby. I think I watch more 'tank' than TV. :)
  13. agro

    Some hitchhiker pics...

    sammystingray - Yep, that is algae. There is red macroalgae all over this rock, some of the plants are getting to be about 6" tall now. But I think my caluerpa is out competing it. BangGuy - I hope he is an aiptasia predator, because he has his work cut out for him. :) j21kickster - Yeah, I'm...
  14. agro

    Some hitchhiker pics...

    and last of all, some sort of nudibranch or maybe a slug.
  15. agro

    Some hitchhiker pics...

    A brittle star of some sort...
  16. agro

    Some hitchhiker pics...

    Lucky me, a former bug of the week. He seems content to dig in the sand, and didn't take any chunks out of my finger hehe.
  17. agro

    Some hitchhiker pics...

    Some sort of sponges?
  18. agro

    What is this!?!

    Yep, those are star polyps.
  19. agro

    xenia problem

    If you want to send me some I'd be happy to take some and pay for the shipping! :) I'm in Austin, Tx which isn't too far from NO.
  20. agro

    Uninvited crab in live rock

    I got my rock from the gulf. Here are the crabs that came with mine, and what I was told about em. #2 is a red mithrax - red smooth body, with hairy legs - good #4 unknown - grayish, hairy all over - probably bad