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  1. spitfire

    torch coral?

    I would glue it to the rocks. Watch out for the stings :scared:
  2. spitfire

    Sand from the ocean?

    Originally Posted by Reef Diver id go out way frther than 2 feet. yes its ok, but beware of pests. Hates Suhi is right but only 5 mi is ok, 12 miles is pretty far. only go that far if u live in a bi city. I advise live sand store bought I concur.
  3. spitfire


    As a matter of fact, alot of trial and error! It sucked! I don't want ot67her peopl1e to have to go through that! These forums should be for for supplements and opinions. Not as a base. Frankly, very few people on this forum are even a little qualified to be giving others advice. Thats why...
  4. spitfire

    sorry yall for all these threads but help me out this last time

    Originally Posted by Isistius yes fins will grow back. it make take some time especially if it keeps getting attacked. if it's real bad, you might want to quarenteen him. Do not quarantine bullied fish if they are go0inf=[hyyy to be reintroduced into the same tank again. The bully will kill...
  5. spitfire

    Carpet Anemone eating clown?

    Originally Posted by Blemmy_Guy buy ya a big old cinamon clown, he will be to big to eat! todd May be, but size won't stop a deadly sting.
  6. spitfire

    new Carpet anemone

    I assume you have MHs? You could try pieces of shrimp. Also, if a clown lives in one, he will bring him food.
  7. spitfire

    clownfish hosting plastic

    I don't think your supposed to post the same thing in 2 forums. But I have been told they they may host fake decorations. My clarkiis hosted a fake stag coral :thinking:
  8. spitfire


    Originally Posted by Spitfire I may be 14, but I am probably smarter than you One thing I do know: at least I have the balls to tell people what they are doing wrong Hmm, maybe I do know a little something about psychology after all! People must do research before starting this hobby. Am I...
  9. spitfire

    clownfish hosting plastic

    Originally Posted by AW2x3 I've seen quite a few Clowns host on artifical anenome. I've also seen them host Feather Dusters, Carpet Anenome and even plastic PVC couplings (where they'd even mate and lay their eggs). But, just because you have a Clown and any type of host doesnt mean they'll pair...
  10. spitfire

    queen anthias pair-anyone keep 'em?

    NEVER keep anthias in a pair. They require a harem. If your tank is less than 175 gallons, just keep one. It may become your favourite fish, as it will have its dominant colours!
  11. spitfire


    I may be 14, but I am probably smarter than you One thing I do know: at least I have the balls to tell people what they are doing wrong
  12. spitfire


    Originally Posted by Drewsta But your not helping people by being harsh you are discouraging them Hey, some people need to be discouraged Ever seen a newbie walk into a pet store, buy a carpet anemone, then ask if 2 100 watt incandescent lights will be enough? It's not a pretty sight.
  13. spitfire


    Originally Posted by Drewsta first your AMMONIA will spike then your NITRITES then your NITRATES when they hit 0 (zero) your tank is cycled. Thats what i'm talking about No sh** sherlock. But how is this symbolized by Ammonia+Nitrate+Nitrate?
  14. spitfire


    Originally Posted by Drewsta Spitfire I have read several of your posts tonight and you seem to be a very harsh person you should lighten up on people who are just starting. Hey at least their asking questions and learning so I applaud that. But in your future posts please try not to be so rude...
  15. spitfire


    Cycling is when ammonia is converted to nitrite, then to nitrate. Few forms of multicellular life can survive in a tank that has ammonia. The bacteria responsible for this, Nitrosamonas, and Nitrobacter, need an environment with good oxygen, and a steady supply of ammonia, in this case, a dead...
  16. spitfire


    Whoa, hold your horses! Do you have a test kit? Did you research at all before starting a marine tank?
  17. spitfire

    eruptions from my sand?

    Originally Posted by LAZARUS i have had my tank up 2 mos now and alls well (115g FOWLR) but i noticed some bubbles coming up from my sand bed in different spots. they seem to erupt from only a couple of locations and only every few minutes....can someone tell me whats going on? is this a...
  18. spitfire

    clownfish hosting plastic

    Originally Posted by ryanhayes9 i just got my first 2 fish today! they are 2 maroon clowns and they already ate within an hour of being in the tank. i dont have lights for an anemone right now but, do you think that my clowns might host a plastic fake anemone? Most definetly not.
  19. spitfire

    Should I turn PHs off at night?

    DO NOT TURN THEM OFF. If you do, you may wake up one morning to find all of your animals have become rotting blobs.
  20. spitfire

    Adding corals, anemones

    Originally Posted by zanoshanox Their stings wont bother you at all, I dont even feel anything when handleing mine, the only possible thing could be if you were allergic to them. Not true. Many anemones, especially carpets, can send a human into shock. You must wait at least 6 months for...