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  1. spitfire

    5 gallon

    Please, don't listen to him! Save that little tank for a sump, or better yet, a betta! C'mon, everybody likes bettas!
  2. spitfire

    ???Strange KH reading???

    I wouldn't worry about the high KH. My tank has an even higher rating (I think that was how it went) and I'm okay.
  3. spitfire

    nitrates rnning amok

    Remove offending filtration, add a deep sand bed or nitrate binder. LB
  4. spitfire


    Yes it does grow in tanks, with live rock. And no, corals and anemones don't need to eat it.
  5. spitfire

    Lighting FOr Coral

    Why won't it let me say e-B-a-y? Damn trademark s###.
  6. spitfire

    Lighting FOr Coral

    Link doesn't work. Go to *Link Removed* and search Power Compact Aquarium. If it doesn't show up, tell me.
  7. spitfire

    Lighting FOr Coral

    Originally Posted by hutchinson My tank is 48 inches long show me a light that is under 180 that would work good for me plzzzz. The one that you had picked out is fine. Or,*Link Removed* is awesome. I have that one
  8. spitfire

    5 gallon

    Remember, experts only! I'm speaking for the fish here, not for my self! :happyfish
  9. spitfire

    Lighting FOr Coral

    Originally Posted by joncat24 if you dont want anyone's advice ,,,then why did you post? Who was that directed to? I'm here to give advice. Frankly, I don't need it.
  10. spitfire

    DSB vs Bare bottom

    Deep sand beds are an excellent choice for a refugium. They are a good housing for critters (small as they must be) and an excellent housing for the 3rd stage of biological denitrification. These bacteria remove nitrates from the water, which would otherwise only be done with water changes...
  11. spitfire

    Lighting FOr Coral

    Originally Posted by hutchinson 48" SATELLITE2X65W SUNPAQ + ACTINIC W/LUNAR LIght Will this light be good for coral and fish? IM not a millionaire....... Thanks Originally Posted by Drewsta you could do that but why waste your money and buy lights now and then upgrade later thats a waste of...
  12. spitfire

    Pink Tip Haitian Anemone

    Do you have sufficient lighting? Based on statistics, probably not. Give it frozen prawns. As for a host, a Clark's Banded Clown is your best bet.
  13. spitfire

    WHat corals can I keep with.....

    Yes. You could probably keep anything except for anemones and SPS. Be careful, take it slow.
  14. spitfire

    Lighting FOr Coral

    Well, I have seen anemones kept under less watts than you have. Take it easy, start with leathers and mushrooms, then upgrade your lights.
  15. spitfire

    5 gallon

    Make sure that it is eating. Watchman gobies have a tendency to starve in the land of plenty. Also, these animals require a reef environment and are happier with their natural symbionts, pistol shrimp. Tanks as small as 5 gallons are for experts only. I repeat; EXPERTS ONLY. Chances are, if you...
  16. spitfire

    5 gallon

    If you are desperate to do this, you might be able to squeeze a 2'' goby in there. But for a less cruel option, you could instead make a tank for invertebrates such as dwarf hermits, snails, zoanthid polyps, and the like. -L.B.
  17. spitfire

    Pair Cherub Angelfish in a 29 gallon safe?

    You might have luck in a 55. Let's hope they are not very expensive. Cherubs may be the smallest of the angels, but they are super-aggressive. If I were you, I would try to pair clown-fish if you must pair something. -L.B.
  18. spitfire

    5 gallon

    It is possible to keep a 5-gallon tank going. However, this size falls under the "pico" reef category, and they are extremely difficult to keep. Really, a 5-gallon is more of a flowerpot. Get flowers.
  19. spitfire

    Please help id my clown

    Definetly an Ocellaris. From what I know, Clowns are rearely female when imported or bred, or at least I have never had any bad luck with them. Also, Ocellaris's have been documented breeding with Percula's, but the results aren't very impressive.