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  1. davidcanupp

    How Cloudy Should It Be?

    Come on ya'll, this should be an easy question. Anybody???
  2. davidcanupp

    How Cloudy Should It Be?

    I am treating a Flame Angel in a 20 gallon QT for popeye. I have dosed the first two days of Maracyn II (four tablets the first day, and 2 the second), per the recommended double-dose. I figured that the water would be cloudy, but it is REALLY cloudy, is this normal? I checked on the box and...
  3. davidcanupp

    Conch question

    Oh they can climb the glass. I have a 5 inch Milk Conch that climbs the glass all day long.
  4. davidcanupp

    MH on 20g?

    You better build a really tall canopy or hang it from the ceiling. Otherwise you might have cooked fish.
  5. davidcanupp

    Cut up Toadstool Leather ?

    I just posted a similar question under the heading help save a mushroom leather. (only mine was ripped by a lfs guy). I don't know the answer to your question but I am interested to find out too. Good luck! David
  6. davidcanupp

    Help Save Mushroom Leather

    So I just bought a mushroom leather from my lfs. They are usually fairly good for buying corals but when the guy removed it from the PVC that it was sitting in he ripped a bit off the side of it. He said that he didn't realize that it was attached. (I will not hesitate to demand my money back...
  7. davidcanupp

    Does anyone feel guilty?

    I constantly battle with feelings of hypocrisy because I am so against some activities that I feel are detrimental to the ocean, yet I buy fish and corals. Robert Fenner's book, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, has a passage that helps me to rationalize the situation: "humans only love what...
  8. davidcanupp

    Filter Feeding Snail???

    thanks anyway ;) he still hasn't moved...guess i'll see what happens. David
  9. davidcanupp

    Filter Feeding Snail???

    Thanks joe...anyone recognize this snail?
  10. davidcanupp

    Filter Feeding Snail???

    OK, how about a shorter form of these questions: 1)has anyone ever had a snail that did not move for several days, but was not dead? 2)anyone have any idea how you might go about feeding a large conch snail? 3)anyone have a large conch snail? Thanks a lot--David
  11. davidcanupp

    Alabama anyone

  12. davidcanupp

    What to feed my Sailfin Tang?

    Mine also prefers fingers if it can get alhold of them :) I feed nori and flakes.
  13. davidcanupp

    Filter Feeding Snail???

    I know, I know, conch snails are supposed to be scavengers or algae eaters. But I bought a 6 inch "milk conch" a couple of weeks ago, and he does not appear to eat algae or scavenge. He moved around for the first couple of days (knocking corals over as he went) and finally settled on the side...
  14. davidcanupp

    Urgent Question....How do you Quarantine "hard-to-keep" spiecments?

    This is similar to the problem that I am debating right now. I have a Sailfin Tang in a 55, and he has developed a pretty bad case of ick. I've done two formalin dips and fed garlic, but I realized that I have to QT him. The problem is, he is already in only a 55 (which many may point out is...
  15. davidcanupp

    angel in reef

    I have never owned a Majestic Angel, I have only read about them in several books, all of which recommend against getting one. It is really up to you, everyone has different experiences...but just think of the future before you buy one. For example, Is the tank big enough? , can you provide a...
  16. davidcanupp

    Milk Conch???

    Well, I'll say one thing: this guy is pretty damned agile for a snail <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> He climbs everywhere, especially when the lights go out. Really cool to watch but I am worried that he is going to climb all over my corals. Anybody out there...
  17. davidcanupp

    angel in reef

    Firstly, Majestic Angels are extremely difficult to keep in captivity. They require LOTS of space and pristine water quality. They tend to thrive ONLY in reef tanks but they are prone to nipping at corals and other fish. I personally would not get a majestic angel because to me they are best...
  18. davidcanupp

    Milk Conch???

    So I asked my lfs to order me some queen conchs...what they got was one BIG (5 inches) "Milk Conch" (at least, that's what they called it). I have a 55 gallon, with a pretty good amount of algae growth, so I got it ($12.00). Anyone ever heard of a milk conch? Any thoughts (besides the fact...
  19. davidcanupp

    QUICK: Blenny stung by Sebae Anemone!!!

    Well, the blenny made it about two more hours and then died. :( Thanks to those of you that responded. So maybe we can learn a lesson: I have never heard of problems with perching fish being stung and killed, and I do love anemones, but I will think twice now when deciding what fish to keep...
  20. davidcanupp

    QUICK: Blenny stung by Sebae Anemone!!!

    Oh yeah, does anybody know how long the psuedo-paralytic effect lasts on its victims (that is, if it survives)? He appears to only be slightly affected in that aspect, but I don't know if it is all downhill from here or if it gets worse with time. Thanks again, David