Search results

  1. davidcanupp

    QUICK: Blenny stung by Sebae Anemone!!!

    That's just it, it seems strange to me that he would perch near it because the anemone has been in the same place for the whole 6 months that he has been in there. Seems like he would know where not to go, but I guess everybody makes mistakes and. Hopefully he will recover, but his stings look...
  2. davidcanupp

    QUICK: Blenny stung by Sebae Anemone!!!

    Anybody? Not to be impatient, just worried :)
  3. davidcanupp

    QUICK: Blenny stung by Sebae Anemone!!!

    Hey guys, it happened about an hour ago I think. He has been perfectly healthy for over a year and now my anemone is very shriveled up like maybe the blenny fought with him to get away? The midas blenny has strange scarlike markings all down his body but not on his head or his tail, and is...
  4. davidcanupp

    Help me get my Kole Tang to Eat

    Yeah , he's eating the algae off of the rocks and some off of the glass but that is all. I am just worried that I need to supplement that in some way but he turns it all down. David.
  5. davidcanupp

    Help me get my Kole Tang to Eat

    I got him about 5 days ago and since then he has done a great job of helping to control the the algae on the live rock, and a little on the glass. His color is great, he looks good and thick, and he is only slightly timid. No other fish are picking on him either. I just can't get him to eat...
  6. davidcanupp

    Proper filtration

    I would definatly add a Protein Skimmer. I use a Sea Clone on my 55 with INCREDIBLE results relative to the ratings that some people give them. You can get them for around 70 dollars too. Other options include the Prizm, although I think that I would either get a Sea Clone or step up to a big...
  7. davidcanupp

    Koran Question

    I think that you may want to decide what kind of setup you want to have in the future. I love Korans, and if your's is healthy, I would want to keep him and possibly remove the fish that he acts aggressively towards. If I remember correctly, Angels get less aggressive with age (I maybe wrong...
  8. davidcanupp

    Queen Conchs?

    Thanks for all the replies you all. I think that I will go with the fighting conchs (maybe 3 or 4) and several trochus snails to supplement the astreas and hermits that I already have. I gotta get something to help my poor mag float (If I keep working it so hard, It is going to go on strike)...
  9. davidcanupp

    Queen Conchs?

    So under the U-Build it section of this website, it says that the Queen Conchs eat algae as juveniles, but doesn't mention what they eat when they grow up. I was thinking about ordering some, but I was worried about that. Can someone enlighten me? I do know that some conchs are carnivorous...
  10. davidcanupp


    I actually am from B'ham but i go to school in Tuscaloosa. If you are familiar with Vestavia, the place I saw it at was on the top of the mountain where HWY 31 runs into the downtown area of Vestavia. I think that the name of the place is Pet Superstore (i could be wrong). I saw it on special...
  11. davidcanupp

    MH, VHO, or COMPACT????

    go to -- great customer service and great prices. (I assume that we can post sites now?) -David
  12. davidcanupp

    $$$ 150 gallon and 250 gallon tank? Low $$$????

    I've seen a 250 around here for $325.00.
  13. davidcanupp

    How does this sound?

    The Emperor does have floss in it, just no carbon because of the possibility of removing good minerals. Yeah I know that the sailfin will get too big, he's going to be traded in soon though. As for the Domino Damsels, they stay in the bubble tip and the Midas Blenny always holds his own (he is...
  14. davidcanupp

    How does this sound?

    Just wanted to run my list of inhabitants by you guys and make sure that everything is sound in my tank. It is a 55 gallon reef with about 50 pounds live rock and 30 pounds soon to be live. -1 Midas Blenny -1 Sailfin Tang (small) -2 Domino Damsels -3 Engineer Gobies -Filtration: -1 Emperor...
  15. davidcanupp

    Cyanide fish capture?

    Biggdriver: I am glad to hear you're concern about cyanide-caught fish. I recently read a chapter in The Conscientious Marine Aquarist that deals with this very problem. I cannot express the degree of anger that I felt after discovering the truth behind cyanide catching. It is a destructive...
  16. davidcanupp

    Poll: coral fragging and propagating

    I agree, a frag forum is a great idea and proves successful on other forums. It is a great way to save money, and it is an extremely important aspect of saving our coral reefs. If we hobbyists can successfully grow new coral specimens in captivity, it may be possible to replenish struggling...
  17. davidcanupp

    Thanks for the help; 55 is up and running

    So for all of you that helped me figure out lighting about a month ago (the thread was "how does this sound for lighting"), i finally got the tank set up last night. Previously I had a 30g reef and a 55g FO, now I have one 55 gallon reef. I am using an Emperor 400 and a Sea Clone Skimmer...
  18. davidcanupp

    DIY liverock

    Hey DAluminum: i don't know if your idea will be a success...but I think it will and I hope so because I think that we would all like to find ways to have beautiful tanks and also keep the ocean live rock safely in the ocean. I love my tank but i also feel bad about pouring money into companies...
  19. davidcanupp

    Final List

    Sixline Wrasse is a good choice if you ask me. No, they won't get too big. -HTH David
  20. davidcanupp

    Grouper in Reef?

    I know that they get HUGE, just a hypothetical question: Besides the size issue and the fact that they have a tendancy to eat shrimp and small fish, is there any reason not to put a grouper in a reef tank? Thanks as always! -David