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  1. davidcanupp

    Do any of your fish bite each other

    My engineer gobies bite each other and me often. They are harmless though as they don't have any teeth :)
  2. davidcanupp

    Cheap Live Rock?

    I am about to move my 30 gallon reef into my 55 gallon. As such, I will have plently of base rock, but only about 45 pounds of live rock. Does anybody know of any sites that have good deals on lr and good deals on shipping? I don't plan on buying much--tops probably 40 pounds. If so, email...
  3. davidcanupp

    Anybody use CC in Reef?

    Thanks for the quick responses you all. Seems to me that if you clean cc (stir it up once a week to let the filters work, and vaccuum at least once a month), then it would not be a problem in a reef tank. Maybe it is just me, but my sand never looks that pretty. I keep my phosphates and...
  4. davidcanupp

    Adding additives into your water. Do you?

    Wamp: just wondering why you say to stay away from frozen brine? -David
  5. davidcanupp

    Anybody use CC in Reef?

    I have sand in my 30 gallon reef, but in my FO tanks I have some crushed coral that I really like. I like the cc better because my sand is always covered with cyanobacteria and the cc seems to resist this. Also, my lfs uses cc in their reef tanks with good results. I'm not saying that cc is...
  6. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    Devante- Thanks for the link, that is the retro kit that i was going to go with but it is a little too big, so I am going with their 3 bulb ballast kit for 135. Good to know that the ballast works well; makes me feel like i made the right decision :)
  7. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    I haven't order them yet--thinking about going with one 50/50, one actinic, and one 10,000K (All URI). What do you think?
  8. davidcanupp


    Anybody use these??? If so, what kind and do you like the results? Thanks- David
  9. davidcanupp

    How many people actually do these?

    I don't know about freshwater dips on all new fish, but it is a good idea to quarantine newcomers. I usually try to by my hospital tank is only a 10 gallon so I can't always do this.
  10. davidcanupp

    sand and crushed coral

    Most will tell you that removing the cc will help future nitrate problems, and they are right. But you may consider leaving some of it to anchor your rocks and to help prevent a re-cycle. HTH-David
  11. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    Thanks- I think that I am going to install the fan. As for the power compacts, I like them too but I really think that VHO is best for me in the long run. Besides, I already ordered the kit. But thanks for the offer, all of you that gave me sites and advice: thanks a lot, they saved me a lot...
  12. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    Oops-i lied...I do have some more questions. How far off the surface of the water do you all have your bulbs? The reason that I ask is I want to have enough room to get my hand in the tank but I also don't want to build my hood so tall that the light diminishes a lot. Thanks again! David
  13. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    OK--I've made my final decisioon. After measuring, the 4 bulb won't fit either. So. I ordered the Lampsnow 3 Bulb 440 watt Ballast Kit (comes with everything except bulbs and a reflector) for $135.00. If I ever want to upgrade to four bulbs I can just buy a 4 bulb wiring harness. After the...
  14. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    jond: i was thinking that the 4 bulb kit wouldn't fit-but i started looking into the lampsnow systems and they are four bulb and only 9.5'' from front to back, which should fit. These lampsnow kits are REALLY cheap and carry a 3 year warranty--so far i can find no reason not to go with a 440...
  15. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    Forgot to tell you- I would probably need the 3 bulb kit.
  16. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    Wasted Income, I really appreciate the advise and the quick reply. Yeah I was hoping to get the kit. My email is or you can post yours and I will email you. Thanks a lot that sounds great! -David
  17. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    Big problem everybody! I just got the dimensions of the 48" VHO setup that I was ordering and realized that it will not fit with my PC because the tank is too narrow from front to back. I have about 9 inches that I can use for lighting and the VHO 2 bulb kit is 6 3/4 inches, the PC is 5 1/2...
  18. davidcanupp

    Adding VHO, MH or PC question.....

    Hey mlm: I am trying to find a retro kit that comes with 3 VHO's and I have not found one- did you buy your own ballast or did you find a retro kit with 3? (I just realized that my 55 is too narrow to accomodate my original lighting plan)
  19. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    Yeah, I'm pretty set on my equipment (The PC is recycled from my 30 gallon)
  20. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    I think that I will go with one VHO actinic and one 10,000K. My only problem now is building a hood that will fit both the VHO 48'' and the PC 36". The problem is that the fixtures are pretty wide, and you guys know how narrow 55 gallon standard's are (circa 12 inches). Have any of you ever...