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  1. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    I thought about that too because it would save me from buying two blue PC bulbs. But my PC is only 36'', do you think that the lighting in the tank will look well balanced or heavy on the blue?
  2. davidcanupp

    How does this sound for lighting?

    I have a 55 gallon that I am converting to a reef. I am thinking about using a 48'' Hamilton VHO retro-system that supports two 110 watt bulbs ($199.00 minus bulbs) ; I will also use a Power Compact system that supports two 55 watt bulbs that I already have. I am planning on building a hood to...
  3. davidcanupp

    lighting for 55 gallon tank

    Hey NM Reef: I noticed that you have a 260 watt PC and a 220 watt VHO on your 55g. How did you get them to fit? I want to have a 48 inch 220 watt VHO Hamilton system along with a 110 watt 36 inch PC system on top of my 55 and I am wondering if there is any way that this will fit? How do I do...
  4. davidcanupp

    The Old Carbon Question

    The carbon issue is controversial--I don't use it in my reef tanks because it is rumored (and documented) that it removes good as well as bad minerals, etc. You may use it and be successful but I just feel that things like Coraline Algae will flourish better without carbon.
  5. davidcanupp

    The Old Carbon Question

    Oh yeah- i would like to see those refugium pics so i will email you. Thanks a lot!
  6. davidcanupp

    The Old Carbon Question

    Thanks for the offer but I actually already have a 400 on my 55. Sliting the cartridge is not a bad idea- i might try that- did it work out ok for you? I hate to pay for the carbon and not use it but i also don't see any point in wasting the money on a new filter when my Emperor is only 3...
  7. davidcanupp

    The Old Carbon Question

    So I am in the process of combining two of my tanks. The larger one (55 g) will be the new home of my 30 gallon reef. Howeverm i wanted to use my Emperor 400 that is on the 55. As you may know, this filter runs carbon in the preassembled cartridges. Can i safely continue to use it or is...
  8. davidcanupp

    Cheap overflow?

    Thanks for the reply--that's very informative ...I guess that I will end up buying an overflow. Can you tell me the specifics of matching an overflow to a return pump (I mean, the gph, best brand for the money, etc.)? I have never really attempted any plumbing-type stuff so I need some...
  9. davidcanupp

    Cheap overflow?

    I am trying to get an idea of how I want to build my refugium, for my 55 gallon tank. It is going to be made out of a ten gallon, and that is about all I know at this point. Can anyone offer some CHEAP suggestions on how to design one? I understand that I may need an overflow-is there a way...
  10. davidcanupp

    Tank Switcharoo?

    Sorry, i'll clerify: two bulbs @ 55 watts a piece = 110 watts. Does that sound OK?
  11. davidcanupp

    Tank Switcharoo?

  12. davidcanupp

    Tank Switcharoo?

    I have a 30 gallon coral tank that is getting kinda crowded and I have a 55 gallon FO that is kinda empty (only a Dragon Wrasse and a Midas Blenny). I was thinking about combining the two tanks and making the 55 a semi-reef environment. I would be using my 110 watt power compact setup, and two...
  13. davidcanupp

    Refugium flow rate ?s

    Thanks a lot for the reply; good thing you told me :) So what kind of overflow can be fit in a 30 gallon? I have a Magnum and a Seaclone on their already so i don't have too much room. Is there a certain type overflow to use so it matches the pump gph? And what pump gph should i aim for...
  14. davidcanupp

    Refugium flow rate ?s

    I have a 30 gallon reef with a small space under it in which I hope to put a refugium for macroalgae. The only tank i could fit under there would be a 5 and 1/2 gallon arcrylic or possibly a plastic container slightly larger. I was wondering the specifics of plumbing the fuge. From what I...
  15. davidcanupp


    Those prices don't look so terrible to me. Especially a Flame Hawk for $40 or a Percula for $10. Flames in Alabama are $65 and Percula's are around $21. HTH-David
  16. davidcanupp

    Tomatos w/ Perculas??

    Yeah i like both percs and tomatos but they don' really like each other. You would probably regret combining them. HTH- David
  17. davidcanupp

    Mushroom splitting by hand?

    I have heard of doing this too but never tried. I want to attempt it but i only have two mushrooms and i don't want to kill them. Has anyone ever had bad luck or is this a pretty easy and safe thing to do? And what about if the mushrooms are already attached to a rock? How do you get them off...
  18. davidcanupp

    Midas Blenny in aggresive setup?

    One might assert that their dog is happy without relying on the power of speech. Fish do exhibit signs of contentment as well as signs of aggression, sickness and stress. The watchful fishkeeper can gauge a fish's contentness, (aka "happiness") with some degree of accuracy, through a...
  19. davidcanupp

    Midas Blenny in aggresive setup?

    Yes I know that they grow that large and yes I realize that they are mean. When they do grow that large, I will accommodate their needs and buy a larger tank- but for now they are quite happy. But it does take a while for a 3 inch clown trigger to grow to be a 14 in clown trigger. Thanks for...
  20. davidcanupp

    Midas Blenny in aggresive setup?

    I know that this is probably a dumb question but I have a really mean midas blenny (a fang blenny) in my reef and i was thinking about putting him in my 55 gallon with a 3 inch Clown Trigger and a 5 inch Dragon Wrasse. He is pretty mean and the Trigger is pretty passive (for now). What do you...