Search results

  1. davidcanupp

    Domino Damsel and Trigger

    I'm not so sure- it depends on the size of the Trigger and the Damsel. I had to remove a damsel from my tank because he was beating up my three inch Clown Trigger. But its only a matter of time: when the trigger grows large enough he will probably kill the damsel. Don't under-estimate the...
  2. davidcanupp

    Lunar/Green Bird

    I would generally say no, but you have a pretty large tank so i think that you could get away with it. Others may disagree. Green Bird Wrasses are really cool...if i had to choose i would go with one of them. Hope this helps- David
  3. davidcanupp

    Thinking of settin up a FOWLR

    Hey what kind of lighting system are you going to use? Just curious because i have often thought about converting my 55 FO to FOWLR. Thanks- David
  4. davidcanupp

    Thinking of settin up a FOWLR

    Hey what kind of lighting system are you going to use? Just curious because i have often thought about converting my 55 FO to FOWLR. Thanks- David
  5. davidcanupp

    Sea clone Skimmer

    I really don't understand all the anti-sea clone talk either. Not only does mine skim great, but i didn't have to do any adjustments. Maybe it varies depending on the individual skimmer but i have nothing but great things to say about mine. Also, somebody mentioned taking it back and getting...
  6. davidcanupp

    Trigger in Distress!

    OK - took out the Damsel and there is no difference in his swimming. The trig stays locked into place most of the time and when he comes out he swims all funny like i described above. Any ideas????? -Thanks, David
  7. davidcanupp

    Flame Hawk with Clown Trigger

    I have a 55 FO with a five inch Dragon Wrasse and a two inch Clown Trigger (A big weenie). I was thinking about adding a Flame Hawk as my final addition and upgrading to a larger tank when need be. Will the Flame Hawk get along with these guys? and are they generally good additions? Thanks...
  8. davidcanupp

    Overstocked, Under filtered 55?

    Ed D: you mentioned adding some mechanical filtration to handle the fish load. I agree 100%. The best hang on unit that i know of is the Emperor 400 Biowheel system. It pumps 400gph, has four slots for activated carbon or phospate, and has the biowheels. In your case, you want to reduce...
  9. davidcanupp

    Crab and anemone problem

    Yeah, i'm familiar with anemone crabs and this is definitely not one. He really looks like a rust colored emerald crab...exactly like one. Also, he has never been a problem before. But if he picks at the anemone will he rip it accidentally??? Thanks, David
  10. davidcanupp

    Trigger in Distress!

    So i decided to take the large damsel out last night while the trigger was asleep; i hate it because for the time being he has to live in a tiny 10 gallon hospital tank. But i noticed him picking on the Clown Tirgger last night so maybe this will help. Too early to tell right now- so i will...
  11. davidcanupp

    Trigger in Distress!

    Thanks for the quick reponse Terry B. This is where it gets interesting: I have tried twice to feed the Trigger while the Dragon Wrasse was buried and the Damsel was distracted and the same thing happened. I should also mention that he doesn't have any fast breathing during his bouts. I...
  12. davidcanupp

    Crab and anemone problem

    I just got a sebae anemone and placed it in my 30 gallon reef tank. A couple hours later I noticed my crab sitting underneath the anemone and picking at it occasionally. There is also a clownfish that is trying to protect the anemone from the crab. The crab has never been a problem until now...
  13. davidcanupp

    Trigger in Distress!

    In my 55 gallon I have a 5 inch dragon wrasse, 2 inch damsel, and a 2 inch clown trigger (I know, when the trigger grows I will upgrade). Competition for food is a kind of rough because my trigger is slow and not very aggressive; he usually loses out on the krill and has to eat brine. But the...
  14. davidcanupp


    If I were you I would get rid of that UGF before its too late. I'm confused as to why you already have the beginnings of an ammonia spike if you don't have any fish in there. That sounds strange and in light of that, i wouldn't add anything right yet. Continue to check the ammonia levels and...
  15. davidcanupp

    Puffers and Powerheads

    Pufferlover: to answer your questions, I am very sure that these fish were not sick as they looked great, ate well, and had lived in the tanks for a while. I'm pretty sure that they died as a result of getting sucked on the powerhead. I have had this happen with nudibraches before and they all...
  16. davidcanupp

    Puffers and Powerheads

    I just don't understand: over the past two years I have successfully kept three types of puffers in separate tanks, until one day i walk in and find them dead on the powerhead. All my other fish are always fine and the puffers are never sick beforehand. First, i lost a valentini, then, a blue...
  17. davidcanupp


    Are you serious? Even in a tank that size I would never combine those four fish. I think that it might be possible to keep the lion but only if you remove one of the triggers. The clown is obviously the most aggressive but you are probably attached to him, so i would take the Huma Huma back...
  18. davidcanupp

    Moving Sea Apple?

    So I bought this sea apple before I ever read anything about how toxic they can be. My lfs neglected to inform me. Anyway, I have had him for about one month and he is doing good...but, I have a Sea Clone and he is perched on the intake prefilter. I need to get to it to clean salt out of the...
  19. davidcanupp

    Lawnmower Blenny REALLY skinny

    (Yes, I know it rhymes) Anyway. about one month a go I bought a Lawnmower for my mom's 40 gallon reef tank because it had a huge, huge hair algae problem. Sure enough, the lawnmower went right to there is no hair algae at all, and the blenny is really losing weight...all other fish...
  20. davidcanupp

    Disappearing Fish???

    Nope, no anemones. But i do have: A frogspawn, several mushrooms, yellow polyps, button polyps, star polyps. I used to have a bad crab so I know how that goes but I am pretty sure that there are no more (I got rid of him). No shrimp either. Any other thoughts?? Thanks, David