Search results

  1. jwill275

    Help - Ich

    I had a hippo tank in my QT for just over two weeks, I had the opportunity to get more LR and do some aquascaping. I have a hawkfish, sailfin tang and a tomato clown for 3 months, my tank is 125 with over 100lbs of LR and a few soft polyps. That said, the hippo was doing great so in an effort...
  2. jwill275

    Live Rock turning white

    alk 10.9 if anything I think my lights are not as strong as previous, the other owners were using halid
  3. jwill275

    Live Rock turning white

    Over the last 6-8 weeks I've added approx 90 lbs of Live Rock from two well established reef tanks. In both cases the rock was out of the water for less than one half hour. The rock is full of corraline algae and any number of invertibartes. Slowly over time the rock seems to turning white. My...
  4. jwill275

    Live Rock turning white

    Over the last 6-8 weeks I've added approx 90 lbs of Live Rock from two well established reef tanks. In both cases the rock was out of the water for less than one half hour. The rock is full of corraline algae and any number of invertibartes. Slowly over time the rock seems to turning white...
  5. jwill275

    use of charcoal in QT

    I used about 7 gallons of water from my DT to start the QT.
  6. jwill275

    use of charcoal in QT

    use of charcoal in QT [hr] I have a QT with a two inch hippo tang, she's been in the tank for about 4 days. The QT is 10 gal, flourescent hood, heater, floss filter w/air pump, no substrate and a piece of pvc for shelter. The fish seems to be doing fine, eating and swimming, no signs of ich...
  7. jwill275

    use of charcoal in QT

    I have a QT with a two inch hippo tang, she's been in the tank for about 4 days. The QT is 10 gal, flourescent hood, heater, floss filter w/air pump, no substrate and a piece of pvc for shelter. The fish seems to be doing fine, eating and swimming, no signs of ich or disease. I change about two...
  8. jwill275

    LR turning white?

    is my lighting adequate, I thought for LR it would be.
  9. jwill275

    LR turning white?

    the rock was barely out of water for 45minutes or so, covered with wet towels and some water for transport.
  10. jwill275

    LR turning white?

    the calcium test kit is brand new, the rock came from a reef tank with MH lighting, I'm sure. I have two 36" Coral life 96w with 50/50 acitinic 10,000K.
  11. jwill275

    LR turning white?

    I recently had the opportunity to purchase about 80lbs of LR from two different sources. All the rock came from active systems and all had beautiful purple corraline algae growth. The rocks been in my tank for two-three weeks and in many places the corraline algae is turning white - I have...
  12. jwill275

    small worm or shrimp like critter

    thanks - that looks like them!
  13. jwill275

    small worm or shrimp like critter

    is that bad?
  14. jwill275

    small worm or shrimp like critter

    I just noticed two fast moving, very mall, 1/4 inch or less, critters on the bottom of the tank by the front glass. They are clear in color and carry themselves almost like a shrimp, the rear end slghtly curled. Does anyone have any idea what they may be? Couldn't get a pic they disappeared...
  15. jwill275

    Calcium #'s

    Just did a 15 gal change this morning, ph - 8.1
  16. jwill275

    Calcium #'s

    I'm trying to bring up my calcium but I can't seem to get it over 280. I'm using the Kent Calcium additive. My tank is 120 gal/phospahate - 0 / amonia, trite and trates 0 / hardness 11.3. I tried purple up for a couple of days, the corraline algae appears better but my calcium is stll low. Any...
  17. jwill275

    Mexican Turbo Snails

    I have a 125 tank with 8 mex turbo snails, will they destroy the algaeon yLive rock? Do I need that many?
  18. jwill275


    Does this fish look like it has ich? Here is a picture any help is advised.
  19. jwill275


    image to large - have to re-take
  20. jwill275


    Can anyone tell from the picture if this is ich? Thanks - fish is eating and acting normal