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  1. jwill275

    Live Rock Transport

    I am a believer in QT, I have a small tank I use for my fish, I do not have the resources nor the space to QT 100 lbs of LR. The reason I was interested in this LR was that it was coming from a tank with healthy fish, the rock was not being shipped for a day or two, it would only be out of the...
  2. jwill275

    Live Rock Transport

    I'm purchasing LR - 80-90lbs from a tank that is being broken down. The rock looks real good, lots of coraline algae. I live an hour away, if I transport in tubs with saltwater can I insert into my tank? Thanks
  3. jwill275

    Painting back of tank

    I'd like to paint the back of my tank. Is there any preferred product besides paint?
  4. jwill275

    flame hawkfish

    I have one with a tomato clown and sailfin tang, no problems. I also have small hermits and snails, no problem! The flame hawkfish really has a personality, fun to watch, it practicly eats out of my hand! good luck!
  5. jwill275

    Tang Food?

    Thanks to all! Just bought some spirulian brine shrimp - added some garlic juice - BINGO - can't get enough. Thanks
  6. jwill275

    Tang Food?

    I have a young sailfin tang for the past two weeks, eating only the dried seaweed I put feed on a clip. I have very litle live rock, I offered frozen mysis but he only wants the seaweed. Are there any other foods I should be offering? Is the dried seaweed enough? Thank you
  7. jwill275

    Increase in PH

    ought the rck from lfs - rinsed thoroughly - let it dry before putting in the tank. I have similar pieces and no problem, should I take it out?
  8. jwill275

    Increase in PH

    added a piece of rock, Atlantic Coral, dead not live, 5 pounds
  9. jwill275

    Increase in PH

    everything else is fine - amonia 0 trites and trates 0 salinity 1.022
  10. jwill275

    Increase in PH

    My PH has jumped this week to 8.8. It's a new tank (6 weeks) but it's cycled and the ph has been rock solid between 8.2-8.4. Any reason why it would jump? Everything I read speaks to ph dropping. thanks
  11. jwill275

    Cleaning outside glass

    my though exactly
  12. jwill275

    Cleaning outside glass

    My tank is about 6 weeks new, I've cycled and my water parmeters has been very good - 0 amonia, trite and trate salt 1.022, ph 8.4, alk 12dkh. Today I brought my water to LFS just to verify my readings, they told me my amonia was a little high and my ph was7.9. This did not coincide with my...
  13. jwill275

    RO water

    How much should I expect to pay for RO water? Thanks in advance
  14. jwill275

    Food Clips

    I just purchased a sailfin Tang. The LFS sold me a clip for the dried seaweed. How big a piece and how long should I keep it in the tank? I only have one herbivore. Thanks
  15. jwill275

    brown algae

    I have a new tank (125 gal)- water quality is: ph - 8.2 / amonia -0 nitrite 0 nitrate .25 / phosphate -0 . Salinity 1.021 I have two starter fish, tomato clown / flame hawkfish - both are doing very well, in the tank 25 days. Using a wet/dry with bio balls and a protien skimmer. The last...