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  1. lutz493

    My DIY Maxi-Jet Stream Mod

    Hello - I use 316 stainless for the shaft already to prevent any type of corroding. Alot of people have these kits now and it so far everything is going well. I actually upgraded the impellors on these so they the performance was a little better. Alot of people have had questions as far as the...
  2. lutz493

    My DIY Maxi-Jet Stream Mod

    Hello - Sorry, had to get the pics working again. Here is an updated picture of the impellor to go along with the pictures posted above. - Matt
  3. lutz493

    My DIY Maxi-Jet Stream Mod

    I actually remade the guard so that there is slots all the way around. This helped to reduce the siphoning a ton - I'll post a pic of that when I have the time this weekend.
  4. lutz493

    My DIY Maxi-Jet Stream Mod

    I still have some material left from the ones I had made for myself and some other reefers. If you would like to get your hands on some mods, simply toss me an email and I will be back intouch with you. Thanks - Matt
  5. lutz493

    My DIY Maxi-Jet Stream Mod

    I own a CnC business and also do industrial prototyping. I used the factory impellor base so I had the right size fitting, used the impellors, added some material sanded everything smooth and then molded it as 1 solid piece.
  6. lutz493

    My DIY Maxi-Jet Stream Mod

    The ones above are $20.00 If you make them out of PvC and buy the pieces and do it yourself with a Dremel its around $17.00. Max-jet 1200s are around $20.00 So for $37-40.00 your getting around 1200-1300 gph on 20 watts. SEIOs are like $63.00 to give you 1100 gph on 21 watts. Tunze 6060 is...
  7. lutz493

    My DIY Maxi-Jet Stream Mod

    This has been a popular DIY design to make your MJ 1200s run in a similar matter to the Tunze pumps. I have been making these mods for myself and some local guys and thought I would share my results. The mods put out a wider flow pattern at about 4x the flow rate of a standard MJ1200. The old...
  8. lutz493

    xmas present came by surprise

    Well - I'll reply to your post to get it on track. I have 440 watt VHO over my 55 gallon in my office. You could keep softies, most if not all LPS - You could do some SPS and people do with success.... I personally would leave SPS to MH Lightning. With the tank being 75gal, keep in mind about...
  9. lutz493

    Crabs or snails???

    You could go just crabs, there is no rule that says you must keep any certain type of clean-up crew in your tank. Blue Legs are cheap but, they are agressive and can kill eachother and your snails. Alot of people use Scarlet Leg Hermits - They are more money however, far less agressive compared...
  10. lutz493

    Stupid Kalk Dosing Question -

    Hello - Its time that I need to strt dosing with Kalk. I've got te Kent Marine Aquadose 1000ml (Smallest of the two) and my Kalk Mix. I evaporate between 2 - 2.5 gallons over a 24-30 hours period. The directions on the Kalkmix say to mix 1/8 - 2 teaspoons maximum per 1gallon of fresh water. I am...
  11. lutz493

    Something is beating up my Clown.

    It seems the agression has subsided a little bit. Both my clowns look beat-up - The Clowns are the agressor but the chromis or definately winning this fight. Hope these clowns wise-up soon - Don't really want me to favorite fish looking all ragged in my tank.
  12. lutz493

    Something is beating up my Clown.

    I checked the tank before I grabbed some food. The fish thought it was feeding time and quickly moved up towards the surface. The clown that is beat-up just went nuts and started chasing my chromis all over. Is it possible that my Perculas have reached a new level of maturity, where now they...
  13. lutz493

    Something is beating up my Clown.

    Hopefully things calm down. I work out of the house and my tank is moreless next to my desk so I stare it a good 8 hours or so a day. The Tang doesn't chase or go after anyone. He hangs out but I've never seen him chase anyone off. Since the Clowns started hosting, they have been doing some...
  14. lutz493

    Something is beating up my Clown.

    Hello - My tankmates are a Yellow Tang, 2 B/W Percs, couple chromis and a Watchman Goby. They've been in the tank together over a year, never any agression. One of my Percs over the last week is looking really beat-up. He has what look like a few missing scales, and there is a small peice on the...
  15. lutz493

    Corals stinging my Clown?

    I've got some B/W percs that a week 1/2 or so ago decided to start hosting a Torch and now they also dabble in an Alvepora I have. I did my daily look at my tank/fish here when the lights popped on a couple hours ago and found one of my clowns looking beat-up. The black part of the end of him...
  16. lutz493

    Percs starting to host my Torch - Ugh O?

    One of the torch heads closed up earlier cause the clown tried to rest on the head. Worried if the clowns aggrevate it to where it doesn't extend the tentacles it won't eat and wither away.
  17. lutz493

    Percs starting to host my Torch - Ugh O?

    Does anyone know if a clown would change its host once it chooses one? IE - I put in a BTA, will the clowns go from a coral to the anemone? Roll of the dice?
  18. lutz493

    Percs starting to host my Torch - Ugh O?

    B/W percs are starting to host my torch. They been hovering around it last few days and now they are starting to host it. While I am excited to see my clowns finally pick a home - I have read of clowns destroying corals when doing this. Should I be worrying here about them hosting this coral?
  19. lutz493

    Arrangement of Corals ?

    Get this book : Aquarium Corals - Selection, Husbandry and Natural History By. Eric Borneman Thats gonna give you alot of information you are going to want as far how to keep a successful tank. It also will give you all the corals you can get and tell you the difficulty in keeping them, what...
  20. lutz493

    Anyone been to Celebration, Florida?

    Wow thats insane then.... That sounds like Celebration is for retired people.... My Fiance has been looking online from work when I mentioned it to her and she thinks it is great. However I am not sure about that rule list - I'll need to find those somewhere. Somebody else told me that after 50...