Search results

  1. lutz493

    Red lava rock

    I have 6-7 peices of Lava Rock in my tank I used as the base - You don't see most of it because my sand bed is moreless as high as the rock. There is 2-3 pieces I stacked to give my tank height. I've got 80lbs of Marshall Island/Tonga Branch ontop of that. I've had the Lava Rock in the tank for...
  2. lutz493

    Where to find Mated pair of Black Percs?

    Cleveland, OH
  3. lutz493

    Where to find Mated pair of Black Percs?

    I'm trying to find a mated pair of Black/White Percs and having no such luck. Anyone have some ideas of a place online to look? Thanks~
  4. lutz493

    QT Tank Question - Need quick response please.

    Thanks Beth - I had read that forum before I grabbed the tank I was just very much concerned with the size. I can grab a Fluval tomorrow when the stores open and put it in there - I would probably never buy any fish that is larger then a Purple Tang, I like to watch them grow ) Just didn't...
  5. lutz493

    QT Tank Question - Need quick response please.

    I bought a 15 Gallon tank with an Eclipse Light/Filter Combination hood. I'm about to set this up tonight and before I do so my question is - will this be a sufficient enough QT/Hospital Tank for anything up to the the size of a Purple Tang. My other question is for quickest tank cycling aside...
  6. lutz493

    How Do U Get Rid Of Red Slime!!

    In addition to the above mentioned - You can use Phosphate Sponge made by Kent. You can also get an Emerald Green Crab and toss him in the tank he will make short work of any excess Algae you may have.
  7. lutz493

    Emerald Crab eating polyps

    I put Algae sheets in the tank and the Emeralds will eat that.
  8. lutz493

    Stocking Order Help Please.

    I posted an earlier post about some fish I was looking at and got some help I needed - I need some advice on a stocking order if I need to worry about one.... Here is moreless the fish with couple undecideds. Black Cap Basslet Pair of Filamented Flasher Wrasses Mated pair of either Black/White...
  9. lutz493

    Stocking Questions.

    Thanks Bang. I'll knock the Catalinas off the list as well as the Lion. The 3 angels I picked just because of their darkened color and that I do not seem to see alot of them around boards I troll. The colors of the stand are great and I want as much as I can get, but I also saw a very nice reef...
  10. lutz493

    Stocking Questions.

    Those Gobys only get 1 inch big so says a website. The Fu Manchu it says runs to about 4 inch big. I would probably go with a Spotted Goby if I got the Fu Manchu and not the Catalinas. Is the Fu Manchu a slow enough moving fish where a fish like the Black Cap or my smaller clowns if I went...
  11. lutz493

    Stocking Questions.

    I have a 55 Gallon that has been up for 6 months the parameters are and have been fine fine for several months now. I also have around 90lbs of LR give or take with a 2 1/2 inch sand bed. I had a run in with ick and to my ignorance had no real hospital tank nor did I have a QT to start. I now...
  12. lutz493

    clean up crew for a dsb

    I have a 55 Gallon tank myself with a DSB. I have 90lb LR in the tank, I use 10 Nass Snails, 4 Large Ceriths, 20 Small Ceriths, 2 Peppermint Shrimp, 3 Emerald Crabs, 4 Scarlet Leg Hermits. I'm happy with what I have, I may get a Conch and I will probably add another 6-11 Scarlet Leg Hermits. For...
  13. lutz493

    Building a Wall Unit for 180 Gallon. Any Books with Blue Prints?

    Hey thanks alot.. I might need to reduce to a 150 or even a 125 because I am in a Condo on a higher floor so I don't want it to fall through the floor ) I was looking for something along the lines of blue prints for storage space for left and right of the tank. The space for the tank is a L and...
  14. lutz493

    Building a Wall Unit for 180 Gallon. Any Books with Blue Prints?

    I'm going to be putting together what will be a 180 gallon wall unit in my dining room area. I've never built a stand before, I have been looking online for ideas and reading the forum, I know what I am looking to do but would like a book if possible for some ideas. Does such a book exist? If...
  15. lutz493

    Regal Tang Scratching.

    Ok - These are my options. Help me out please. I don't have a 2nd tank to keep these fish in for 3 weeks. [hr] I have 2 Rubbermaid Bins - I can remove my Live Rock put that into the Bins, run a heater and pump in there and let it sit for how long? While I treat the entire tank for Ick. My...
  16. lutz493

    Brown Diatom - Keep it gone forever?

    Thank you- I have often read about people talking how they have a good clean-up crew and rarely have to worry about Algae or Diatoms and it was driving me up a wall that as hard as I have been working to keep my Salt Tank in the best condition that I can, I am still getting the Diatom problems...
  17. lutz493

    peppermint shrimp

    I bought 3 Peppermints for my tank to clear out Glass Anemones on the LR. I woke up 1 morning to see one of my Clowns swimming around with one of the shrimps heads in their mouth. Didn't know which fish went after it, my clowns generally left them alone. Came to find a few days later the last 2...
  18. lutz493

    what kind of anenome?

    Just from recent experience. I've had a pair of Sebae Clowns in my tank for 6 months. They would swim together and sleep together. Last month I bought a large green tip Anemone for the 2 to share. After they discovered the Anemone they shared it for the first night, I woke up and they were both...
  19. lutz493

    Brown Diatom - Keep it gone forever?

    This mebbe an ignorant question on my part but I am slightly perplexed. I understand what the Brown Diatom is and where it comes from but can you or do any of you keep it to a bare minium? My tank has been up tad over 6 months this week. It is a 55 Gal FOWLR. I run a skimmer, 350 Magnum Dual Bio...
  20. lutz493

    Regal Tang Scratching.

    Hello- I have a FOWLR atm but also house 2 Anemones. I have 3 Emeralds, 15 Ceriths, 10 Nass Snails, 4 Scarlets. I went to my LFS today and told them my fish was scratching but had been scratching for atleast a few weeks and there were hardly any signs of white spots, a few as I mentioned above...