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  1. lutz493

    Regal Tang Scratching.

    .. Do those spots mentioned above mean my fish have ick? Do I use a 'Reef Safe' on the tank to see if it goes away and if not take him out? Are fish able to fight off ick once they get it? Small cases of Ick.....
  2. lutz493

    Regal Tang Scratching.

    I've checked my fish. All their gills and scales look ok. The Regal Tank has perhaps 3-4 small 'grains of salt' on his upper body in a line with 1 spot on his other side near his underside. My LFS is closed until tomorrow - Today I am doing a water change so while I have my supplies out what can...
  3. lutz493

    2 Regals and 1 Purple Tang - What size Tank?

    Well if 2 Regals and a Purple or Black can handle a 90 Gallon I would just put the 2 Regals and Purple in the 90 at work.. And I would put the Powder Blue and Black Tang in the home tank. I thought having 3 Tangs would require the biggest tank my mistake. I just want to make sure my fish are...
  4. lutz493

    Regal Tang Scratching.

    OK I might have jumped the gun posting this had not seen the post below. Beth you say to do a 'Hyposalinty' - Is this what I need to do to my tank? I have 90lbs of LR in there and I just put in a DSB 2 weeks before. I wanna make sure before I go through the trouble of taking the tank apart...
  5. lutz493

    Regal Tang Scratching.

    I've have a Regal Tang in my tank for a month and 1/2. He was tank raised and once put in tank seemed to be ok. He has though scratched himself from time to time and I did not think anything of it. The last 2 nights he has been going down to the sand bed and scratching himself. There is a small...
  6. lutz493

    2 Regals and 1 Purple Tang - What size Tank?

    Going to start a 2nd tank at the end of this month. I have a 55 gallon right now and I am very limited. I am going to also purchase for my office a tank - Then I have something to do at work :) - I want the adequate size tank. For my Living Room area I want to beable to put in 2 Regal Tangs, 1...
  7. lutz493

    New to Corals, Some Advice please.

    Thanks for feedback. What I need is a good site which provides information as to what size tank I should have, lightning conditions etc. Do any of you have a book or website in mind that will give me this knowledge? Also I am new, I know there is a huge amount of Corals I could probably read all...
  8. lutz493

    New to Corals, Some Advice please.

    I have had my tank up and running for 6 months. My tank is a 55 Gallon. I am going down to Florida for Vacation during the first week of April, provided nothing changes, it will have been 2 months where I have had my water conditions where I want them, Calc 450, Alk 3.8, PH 8.2 - My Ammonia...
  9. lutz493

    power heads & skimmers

    I run a 55 Gallon - I have 90lbs of Live Rock in there, a Prizim Pro Skimmer which is real simple to set-up and use. I am not keeping any corals atm but will start in about a month I am going to try some easier ones. At anyrate you want to have good water movement in your tank to help prevent...
  10. lutz493

    This Anemone Splitting?

    Fixed it somehow.
  11. lutz493

    This Anemone Splitting?

    Sorry - First time posting pics.. Down below. :)
  12. lutz493

    This Anemone Splitting?

    Had trouble posting pic - Its down below.
  13. lutz493

    This Anemone Splitting?

    Friend is hosting this dunno if the link will come up.
  14. lutz493

    Definition of "cycle"...?

    Yes - I would pull out all of those Damsels... If you want to keep Damsels I would mebbe look at Green Chromis, they are a schooling fish and very peaceful. Alot of people like to put tangs in their tank but that is usually one of the last additions. Tangs can be agressive, I do believe though...
  15. lutz493

    Definition of "cycle"...?

    I'm not an expert of corals being new to the game but when I did my last Oct. You should have period where you Ammonia spikes really high. My Ammonia level for a few days was off the test kit. Few days later the Ammonia dropped to zero. Now I didn't have any live rock in my tank during this...
  16. lutz493

    lookin for opinions

    I would add as much live rock as you can afford and look at buying yourself a Protein Skimmer. I use a Prizim Pro - I am a n00b myself and wanted something easy to deal with. The skimmer just sits on the back of your tank like your Bio-Wheels do - You fill the center chamber up with a little bit...
  17. lutz493

    Diamond Watchman Goby - Black Spot under his mouth.

    Thanks alot - Was just wanting to make sure - He popped out tonight, looked around for a couple minutes, tested the sand in his mouth and then dug himself about 3-4 homes. Very busy little fish. Any of my snails who decide to hang on the bottom don't need to worry about getting around - He has...
  18. lutz493

    fowlr and powerhead ???

    thanks... I have a Maxi-Jet 1200 I use in a 10 gallon I fill my RO with and do mixes... I will switch out the Rio for the MAxi-Jet 1200 do I wanna get a MAxi 1700 to go with the MAxi 1200? Thanks
  19. lutz493

    Diamond Watchman Goby - Black Spot under his mouth.

    Picked up a Watchman Goby early today, he was hiding under rocks most of today and has recently decided to come out. He is being very active eating the sand which is pretty cool ) Anways - He has under his mouth a large patch of black it looks almost like a gotee - I am just curious if this is...
  20. lutz493

    fowlr and powerhead ???

    While we are talking about powerheads. I have a 55 Gallon which right now is FOWLR. The only powerhead in my tank is a RIO 1100. I see alot of people have several powerheads in their tanks. Am I lacking atleast 1 more powerhead?