Search results

  1. mykgillespie

    Need a Job in N.H.?

    Hello Everyone, Looks like I'm gonna have to leave town for a little while! Uncle Sam needs some more Armorors in his Marine Corps! I'm in the Marine Corps Reserve and have not yet been activated, but it seems that it wont be long before my unit is called up. My problems is that I own an...
  2. mykgillespie

    New hobbyist- need help with pH

    I'm not sure what <bump> means, please advise. Thanks, Myk.
  3. mykgillespie

    Mid-East Crisis

    Coronas not bad, but I need somethin' a little thicker, Sam Adams or Guiness. Mmmm!:D Semper Fi Osolow, nuthin" wrong wit a lil' humor. Our aquariums are important without a doubt, trust me I do it for a living, but a little comic relief here and there can't hurt. Besides we're not too far...
  4. mykgillespie

    Mid-East Crisis

    Osolow, On your last post are you sure you don't mean 9-11? 7-11 is a little steriotypical don't you think:D I've always found 7-11 to be a pretty safe place:) I'm just giving you a hard time, I agree. Just a little humor from your friendly U.S. Marine in N.H. Later, Myk.
  5. mykgillespie

    what protein skimmer sould i get???

    Your probably gonna want to try to increase your skimmer budget a little for a heavy fed tank. Euro-Reef, AquaC, and Precision Marine are all excellent brands to consider, but none are cheap. The latter two brands also have available waste collectors that will shut down the foam production in...
  6. mykgillespie

    LR and LS in N.H. Must Sell Fast!

    Hi Everyone, I was unable to sell the stuff as quickly as I had hoped to so I ended up just setting a temporary hold for it. I did get a lot of interest in the rock though and decided to sell individually to those interested. The sand is already taken so I'll be holding the rock at least until...
  7. mykgillespie

    New hobbyist- need help with pH

    Hi TG4F, As you can see that stuff is very dusty! It will take some time to settle out. Not a bad idea to run a Mech. filter temporarily to help get rid of the dust. I would let the tank run for a little while with a small partial each day, maybe about a week, then re-test your KH and pH...
  8. mykgillespie

    LR and LS in N.H. Must Sell Fast!

    I'm sorry I don't have access to a digital cam or I would get some pics up for this. Myk.
  9. mykgillespie

    Where should I feed my skimmer from?

    I always prefer to let the critters and macros in the refugium get to the organics first then let the skimmer pull out last. I would feed and drain your skimmer in the last chamber, again to give the macros use of any CO2 that might make it down to them instead of the O2 rich drain from the...
  10. mykgillespie

    New hobbyist- need help with pH

    Always a pleasure to help, and do keep me posted. Myk.
  11. mykgillespie

    New hobbyist- need help with pH

    Sounds pretty good to me, still a little concerned as to why you had problems with a low pH in the past though. Still try that substrate test. I'm not familiar with the SeaChem buffer as far as experience is concerned. I remember using it about 5 or 6 years ago on a 35 Hex that I had. I...
  12. mykgillespie

    New hobbyist- need help with pH

    That sounds pretty good. In the meantime, if it fits the budget you should get 2 of the T.W.Purifiers so you can be sure to get the max use out of the resin cartridges without sacrificing water quality. Basically just run them together inline with the output from the one connected to the...
  13. mykgillespie

    New hobbyist- need help with pH

    That's the kind of good attitude that will bring you much success and enjoyment in this hobby! Doing it right from the get go is always best and patience is key. Make sure to seed that southdown well with sand bed critters to keep it clean and functioning, good quality LR should seed it good...
  14. mykgillespie

    New hobbyist- need help with pH

    Good work on that TG4F, With a dKH of 15 in the tank pH shouldn't be low. There must be something pulling the pH down. Out of curiosity, is there anything in the tank that could be pulling the pH down? Might try taking a handful of your substrate and placing it in a container with purified...
  15. mykgillespie

    New hobbyist- need help with pH

    Good work on that TG4F, With a dKH of 15 in the tank pH shouldn't be low. There must be something pulling the pH down. Out of curiosity, is there anything in the tank that could be pulling the pH down? Might try taking a handful of your substrate and placing it in a container with purified...
  16. mykgillespie

    LR and LS in N.H. Must Sell Fast!

    If anyone is interested I've taken down a tank today for a customer who wanted to convert their tank. They've got about 50+ Lbs of Fiji Rock and 40-50 Lbs of LS. Basically the sand put about a 3.5 to 4" depth in a standard 36X12" 30 gallon. The rock is in good shape and the sand is full of...
  17. mykgillespie

    HQI fixtures

    Hey Smuvcrmnal, Where are you located? I do maint. for a living and might be able to send you some business.
  18. mykgillespie

    i could us some help

    I've heard different things about hypo-salination and many conflicting opinions. All I can give you here is my experience and see if it's helpful at all. First, I would have to say that it may be necessary to use caution using hypo-salination in a quarantine tank as this process is somewhat...
  19. mykgillespie

    Magnum as return in a sump?

    Interesting idea, I've seen something else similar done in the past. Can you give some more details about what you will be doing with this tank. With regards to the Magnum canister, if you're just trying to get Mech. filtration you could save even more space by using a single capacity (the...
  20. mykgillespie

    sump setup questions

    I must agree, either way will certainly work. The best thing about this hobby is that there are many ways to accomplish the same goal and to accomplish it correctly. The main reason why I plumb to the refugium from the drain on most of my clients tanks is because we don't use Mech. filtration...