Search results

  1. mykgillespie

    cleaning protein skimmer?

    Really no need to clean the section with the Bio-bale, come to think of it, really no need for the Bio-bale either since you've got plenty of live rock. All that stuff does is trap debris. Only the sections of the skimmer that contact the air/water mix should be cleaned. Just get a good algae...
  2. mykgillespie

    red tailed wrasse

    Need more info. on the wrasse. Do you know any other common names for it or better yet the Latin name?
  3. mykgillespie

    I would like to make a sump/fuge, can you tell me if these pics show a good design?

    Hello Mmync, If your going to make the fuge yourself, why not just T off the drain, one end with a valve and spray bar (with the spray bar submerged) and the other end to the sump portion of the filter bypassing the refugium section. This way you can control the flow to your fuge and have more...
  4. mykgillespie

    New hobbyist- need help with pH

    I agree with Sterling on everthing except the skimmer part. Definitely use a skimmer. Maintain the water quality from the begining and you'll avoid headaches later. If it fits you're budget try a Remora Pro from AquaC, probably one of the best Hang-on skimmers avaialble. If not you can...
  5. mykgillespie

    sump setup questions

    I just checked the site, fuge/sump diagram is under the Guides and DIY section. Myk.
  6. mykgillespie

    sump setup questions

    Hello Lazzybunch, I'd recommend running a T off of one of the drains to feed your refugium. Place a valve on the pipe going to your refugium and one to the sump. The only reason for the valve to the sump is to back it off slightly to allow pressure to the refugium. Ofcourse, this depends on...
  7. mykgillespie

    Great LFS in my area!

    Does anyone live in the Massachusetts/New Hampshire area? I checked out an unbelievable LFS in Framingham called Tropic Isle. I met with the owner last night at his store and was very impressed. I guess he's been in business for longer than I've been alive, but I'd never heard of his place...
  8. mykgillespie

    New Need Ideas on Fish

    Never a problem, glad to help!:)
  9. mykgillespie

    Clowns and Anenome

    I agree that the carpet is probably the best choice for the ocellaris clowns, but carpets can be very dangerous for most of the other fish in the tank. I've had luck with bubbletips and they tend to stay put once they find a spot in the tank that they like. Also, they don't seem to be as...
  10. mykgillespie

    New Need Ideas on Fish

    I would definitely recommend a protein skimmer for almost any size tank. I know that you're on a budget, but you can probably find a CPR Bak Pak for less than $150 and probably much less used. If you can find a Bak Pak make sure to pull that blue bio-bale junk out of it, there is no need for...
  11. mykgillespie

    New Need Ideas on Fish

    You bet! Well, first I should ask what you plan on doing for filtration? Any live rock, deep sand bed, protein skimmer?
  12. mykgillespie

    New Need Ideas on Fish

    What have you seen that interests you? Clowns and gobies are always a safe bet, stay away from damsels unless you want to have just damsels. There are many options for you though, so look around at your LFS and grab some fish books and research whatever catches your interest. Myk.
  13. mykgillespie

    How many use a UV sterilizer?

    I only use them on well planted Freshwater tanks. They tend to zap all the beneficial critters as well as the bad ones. Best to quarantine, feed properly, and keep excellent water quality/low stress environment and the fishes immune system will do the rest! Myk.
  14. mykgillespie


    Hey Ricky, You could try (depending on how tall your stand is) a 15 Tall and a standard size 10 Gal. Both have roughly a 10.25"x 20" foot print the 15 is just taller. You can drill the higher space of the 15 and plumb it to drain into the 10 and use the 15 as a refugium, the 10 as the main...
  15. mykgillespie

    lighting for a 42 gallon oceanic hex

    Would you be able to hang a pendant over it? If so, one word........Giesemann! Not only are these HQI pendants awesome, but the fixture in itself is very classy looking. I forget the Giesemann web address, but you can get a good desc. and pictures of them on I'm not sure...
  16. mykgillespie


    Hi Jody, The reason that the skimmer is being sold is that the customer that had it changed her tank to an African Cichlid tank. No need for the skimmer there. But yes it's in fine condition, approx. 6 Months old, and selling for $100.00. Only thing that I would recommend is to change the...
  17. mykgillespie

    Ligthing in a 72 Gallon Bow front

    Hey, glad I could I help! Try Drs Foster and Smith Pet Warehouse I think you can find it there or try I'm not 100% sure because we bought the fixture locally at Inland Reef. You could even try them too as I think they sell online now at I'm not...
  18. mykgillespie


    Way too much to list! A Nautilus TE, an aqua c urchin, an aqua c remora, 4 aquarium systems seaclones (no pumps though), a red sea triple pass skimmer, a CPR SR2, a fluval 403 canister, and tons of other used items that are accumulating. And that 's just what I can see in my closet from my...
  19. mykgillespie

    quarentine tank

    I think it would be best to use water from the display aquarium for the partial changes as it will be much easier to introduce the fish back to the display once you feel comfortable doing so. Also be sure to do moderate partials of about 15 to 25% depending on the size of the fish in relation...
  20. mykgillespie

    Filter sand?

    In the book Sand Bed Secrets, Dr. Shimek states that virtually any material will work as long as it is of the correct size. The animals and the bacteria simply don't care much about the composition of the sand bed, they will burrow through and grow on just about everything. This is an...