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  1. apolyom

    confused on how to shim

    can someone show me how to shim properly? i am unsure and just want to get it right, diagrams and/or pictures would be great thanks
  2. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    well my hlle has develeped a bit more (assuming its from being in the qt) but the spot has gone, problem i am having now though is i have changed at least 1/2 of my tank water and sal has only gone down about 0.04. do i just keep changing it until it gets right down? as i still have to get down...
  3. apolyom

    help leveling the tank

    well i have braced the floor (hopefully enough) but am going to keep an eye on it once i start to fill the tank. as for using hardwood planks this would work out quite costly but i will scout are the hardware when i get a chance to see what i can find.
  4. apolyom

    help leveling the tank

    yeah was a little confusing but i think i got it, the spot were i have the tank is against the front wall of the house therefore it would be a load bearing wall
  5. apolyom

    help leveling the tank

    sorry my tank is a 4x2x2 with hood, stand sump (not sure of size have to find out) which i think works out to about 125gal?
  6. apolyom

    help leveling the tank

    thanks but will the big sheet of ply level the tank? as it has to raise up at the back around 10mm (1/4inch) so its better to leave it out from the wall? i have 2 very large cabinet doors that give me good access. a load bearing wall from my understanding is any main wall that runs perpendicular...
  7. apolyom

    help leveling the tank

    just recived my new tank, havent filled it or anything like that yet as i made that mistake with a previous tank but it has ended up lower at the back (agaisnt a support wall) and off by about 10mm, i bought some plastic builders shims called "wedgies" would this support my tank? also...
  8. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    on closer inspection i think he also may have the beginning signs of hlle. how can i combat this problem? also is it a disease that can be beaten?
  9. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    well i moved him from my DT to my QT and ammo lock'ed it which was lucky as ammo went up to 1.0 but good thing is nitrates went down from 20 to 5 ph is 8.4 and nitrites are 0 angel is picking food off the LR i have in there and swimming and breathing fine. will do a partial water change either...
  10. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    shall do will keep a report of the angels progress.... fingers crossed he survives (wasnt a cheap fish)
  11. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    well the bio hasnt really established itself yet so i think i'd have to leave it in. the pieces have no inverts etc on them.... they are my bare low quality pieces (except for a bit of coraline growth) but i'd rather my very expensive fish survive than my moderately expensive rock. once hypo is...
  12. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    nah i havent got a pic sorry i will get batteries soon though. i am getting ready to transfer him to my HT then follow with the others tomorrow and over the next few days as my new tank is coming in 2 days so i need to empty the one i have now to get it out of the way. and i might as well treat...
  13. apolyom

    urgent help/advice required

    the problem is i dont have enough filtration etc for that also not enough heating. i just hope it holds out through the night. it's lifted maybe 1-2mm but still that 1-2mm more than i'd like. i have emptied about 1/3 of the water (thats all my filtration will allow me) so hopefully thats enough...
  14. apolyom

    urgent help/advice required

    Originally Posted by mandarin w I would get everything out of the tank, and into buckets asap. It presure on the one corner could cause the tank to burst. The problem being you don't know how long you have, But right now you just have to replace the stand. If the tank burst your in big...
  15. apolyom

    urgent help/advice required

    well i have another tank 3x2x1 which i am trying to get cycled so i can put them all in there and to make matters worse my imperator has developed what i think is ich sigh... i can see why people will give up but im not going to. my fiance actually suggested for me to buy another tank which i am...
  16. apolyom

    urgent help/advice required

    Originally Posted by trainfever I wouldnt be too concerned but I would replace the stand with a real wood stand as soon as possible. They shouldnt even sell those particle board crap stands, they are an accident waiting to happen. Anyway, go to your local home center or lumber yard and pick up a...
  17. apolyom

    urgent help/advice required

    well the spill happened about 4 days ago and i put a fan on it for 2 days... but still lifted
  18. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    there is maybe 2 more (looks like salt) along the same side on his ventral line any ideas? i suppose this is ich
  19. apolyom

    urgent help/advice required

    i had some water overflow the other day (long story) and now my tank stand has swollen (mdf) and thus one corner of my tank has lifted maybe 1-2 mm but enough for me to be concerned SO what i want to know is what can i do to help stop the tank from splitting a seal before i can get a new stand?
  20. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    well i had another look tonight and it appears the bump is slightly more protruding. and i think there was another on on his head. also on the same side it looks like he has a graze type thing on his face. would an anenome sting do anything like this? none of my other fish have any spots or bumps