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  1. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    i read in another post that ich usually develops on tails and fins first. is this correct? if so there is no sign of them on his tail of fins. also nothing on the other fish either but i'll definately be monitoring it religiously
  2. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    yeah it looks the same (from what i can tell) but i have had the angel for 2 weeks now and he has been eating fine and defending etc. fed them tonight and he ate ok. i noticed the spot after feeding and also noticed the tail fin bites so hopefully its just a wound. keep me posted on your goby...
  3. apolyom

    white bump on imperator

    i have a juvi imperator who has just tonight (i have noticed) developed a raised white bump (only one) in i'd say about the middle of his lateral line,it's maybe no more than 1mm-2mm across. it could possibly be a scar as he does like to slide his way under the live rock or maybe from feeding...
  4. apolyom

    black spot on my maroon clown

    i suspected the trigger was taking pieces out of my maroons fins but he has been found not guilty! it's actually my blue spot puffer doing it
  5. apolyom

    black spot on my maroon clown

    they were a pair and they were kept by themselves, i'd like to get an anemone for them could you recomend any?
  6. apolyom

    black spot on my maroon clown

    yeah thats the same thing he has. thanks only problem now is he has a nice bite out of his tail lol. i suspect its my trigger
  7. apolyom

    black spot on my maroon clown

    its a flat spot......... discolouration.
  8. apolyom

    black spot on my maroon clown

    my male maroon clown has a black spot (maybe 2mm diameter) on his lower fin. is this a normal thing or is it some kind of disease? i have had him for 2 weeks now but it doesnt seem to have gotten any bigger or spread to my other fish
  9. apolyom

    black spot on maroon

    my male maroon clown has a black spot (maybe 2mm diameter) on his lower fin. is this a normal thing or is it some kind of disease?
  10. apolyom

    need advice with my skimmer

    i have a berlin classic skimmer that up until the last week has been running well. i started to notice a decline in bubbles being made so i opened the venturi right up..... this made no difference so i gave it a clean and rinse through but still nothing. any ideas what it could be? is it...
  11. apolyom

    one more tankmate

    i got myself an emperor angel. juvi about 3 inch its doing well and so is the trigger, i had to rearrange my rock work to confuse the damsels as they were harrassing the angel and this trick has been very effective and now they leave him alone........ mind you he is standing up for himself now...
  12. apolyom

    one more tankmate

    i plan on getting the trigger his own tank down the track anyway
  13. apolyom

    one more tankmate

    Originally Posted by greenwolf52 be prepared for trouble. the huma can potentially be extremely dangerous. You may not have any problems, but if you read some past threads about the huma you will see what I mean. They can be perfectly fine for years and then all of a sudden just snap and kill...
  14. apolyom

    one more tankmate

    its around 100gal (bowfront) with a canister filter berlin classic skimmer and around 90-100 pounds of live rock
  15. apolyom

    cleaning a canister filter

    i have a canister filter which is due for a clean. in it i have carbon, bioballs and a filter pad. am i able to change the filter pad to a new one without causing a spike/crash? i have a 100gal with around 40-50kg or live rock. also is nitrates of 20 ok? obviously 0 is better but is 20 too high?
  16. apolyom

    one more tankmate

    i currently have 2x 3 stripe damsels SFE blue spot puffer pair of maroon clowns i am picking up a huma in 2 days and seeing as this is my last fish i'd also like to get 1 more before i add him. any suggestions as to what i could add? also whats good as a cleanup crew for this tank?
  17. apolyom

    maybe a dumb temp question

    i have a snowflake eel
  18. apolyom

    maybe a dumb temp question

    i have done a search but cant seem to find anything about it..... but what temperature will kill the fish? both high and low thanks
  19. apolyom

    giant hermit crab

    Originally Posted by f14peter Saw a huge ol' hermit in the LFS the other night and it was kind of scary . . . this sucker's shell was bigger than a tangerine and it looked like the little beastie filled it up pretty well. Looked like he'd rampage through a tank like Godzilla through a...
  20. apolyom

    snowflake eel question

    well i have about an inch or less in there now