Search results

  1. a sea k

    Skimmers, which ones are good and create least amount of noise?

    Originally Posted by smt91278 ive got a 90 gal as well. id like to have the msx-200 too, but my sump isn't big enough. that is of course, when the manufacturer says "footprint", they mean you sump as to be atleast that size. im more or less reduced to the 150. it still is rated for a tank...
  2. a sea k

    Wet/Dry and skimmer for sale, FL.

    Originally Posted by MaryG I am in Florida, where is Branford? Branford's about 3-4 hrs north of PSL. I'm roughly 45 mins west of Gainesville.
  3. a sea k

    Is Foxface Reef Safe?

    I've posted on several threads about my foxface being reef safe. I've had him for 1 yr 10months and he has nevered bothered any of the LPS corals I have in my tank until recently. About 2 weeks ago I acquired a Duncan. It opened nicely and I was very pleased with the new coral but began to...
  4. a sea k

    Wet/Dry and skimmer for sale, FL.

    Yes, Both are still available.
  5. a sea k

    uro reef skimmers

    OK thanks for the info. Glad you were able to sell them so quickly.
  6. a sea k

    uro reef skimmers

    still waiting on pics and #'s
  7. a sea k


    Make sure to get a bottle of Pinpoint Marine calibration fluid w/ your refractometer. I believe it is called 53.0mS. With this fluid it should read 35ppt or 1.026SG. Contrary to some reports calibrating with RO/DI or distilled water will not give an accurate calibration.
  8. a sea k

    traveling anemone

    Anenomes will go to the spot they are comfortable with, no matter how hard you try to to coax him where "you" want him to go. Nems in newly established tanks are not a good idea at all. Here are my suggestions, Keep your water params as stable(and at proper levels) as you can manage and leave...
  9. a sea k

    Mag Pumps wont Work

    Must be operator error. I've never had any problems with the 5 I've had. IMO these pumps get a bad rap from people as I've always found them to be extremely durable and reliable. I consider them to be more like a Timex, "takes a lickin and keeps on tickin"
  10. a sea k

    Wet/Dry and skimmer for sale, FL.

    Rick, Sent you e-mail but I'm sorry no overflow or pump.
  11. a sea k

    Wet/Dry and skimmer for sale, FL.

    Yes the wet/dry is still available.
  12. a sea k

    180 stocking questions

    I have always wanted a Naso Tang and bought a large tank (210gal) thinking I would be able to keep any fish I wanted. When I started to carefully research each fishes requirements it became clear my 210 would not be large enough to keep a Naso long term. Unfortunately I don't think your Naso...
  13. a sea k

    Yellow Assessor anyone?

    I'd be happy to help if you need it. It must be great having a LFS like that. I fully understandt how important it is but my LFS leave a little to be desired. I trust one shop but they have difficulty with special orders and the other one is.....well, lets just say not so good. I had these fish...
  14. a sea k

    Tail-Spot wrasse

    Originally Posted by saltn00b do you know what happened in QT? Not really, he just withered away in about 5 days. Beautiful fish and I was really dissappointed to lose him. I just read this thread on the "other" forum. Got a good laugh when I saw it as it seems we are both going back and...
  15. a sea k

    Nasty Brown Algae

    Does it look like this? If so then it is Lobophora variegata. If you find a way to get rid of it LMK. I have tried manual removal to no avail. Nutrient are very low and this is the only algea growing in the tank. All my corals and fish are very healthy.Can't seem to get all of it off the rocks...
  16. a sea k

    Tail-Spot wrasse

    Guess I should add they are typical of most of the smaller Halichoeres wrasses. Grow to around 5" and are peaceful and can be kept with others of the same species in a large enough tank. Prey on aquarium pest but can be a threat to small shrimp when fully grown. Mine will sometimes eat my...
  17. a sea k

    Tail-Spot wrasse

    Awesome fish and good for your reef tank. Unfortunately mine never made it through QT and I have not seen one since locally.
  18. a sea k

    Octopus NW 110??

    It is exactly what I use on my 65 w/ 29gal sump. It does the job fine but I would go a little bigger if I had the sump space.
  19. a sea k

    Yellow Assessor anyone?

    Nothing against the Blue but I like my Yellows much more. I'd say pack that 125 with these little guy's if they werent so darned $$$$. Mine are kept under T-5's so its not intense light and there out anytime during the lighting period now that the wrasse has been removed. I added a Eibli dwarf...
  20. a sea k

    Metal halide hqi replacement bulb question

    I don't know how deep your tank is but I would be carefull about switching to 14/15K bulbs with your clams. The LPS, softies and GBTA will probably be fine but clams are pretty high light demand animals. I switched from AB 10K to the Pheonix 14K (150HQI) and found my tank was too dim for my...