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  1. a sea k

    Radiant Wrasse and Rusty Angel, OK?

    Just reread your original post. Did not realize you dont have the Rusty yet, you could possibly chose the Zebra's over the Rusty if your research on the Zebra's checks out OK.
  2. a sea k

    Radiant Wrasse and Rusty Angel, OK?

    I dont know the Zebra gobies size/requirements but your probably not going to be able to them if they grow to any size. Even though you dont have many fish they pretty much fill up your 45. The Midas goes to 5", the Rusty to 4", and the gramma goes to 3". Maybe 1 more small fish and your...
  3. a sea k

    Radiant Wrasse and Rusty Angel, OK?

    Thats gonna be a tough one to answer. The 45gal limits you to smaller fish and the Gramma rules out a LOT of choices, there are still plenty of options but a lot depends on where you want to go with your system. Start searching info on some fish you would like and see if they might work for you...
  4. a sea k

    Radiant Wrasse and Rusty Angel, OK?

    I have a Radiant in my 210, Awesome fish, doesnt bother anyone else in the tank (2 dwarf angels w/ him). They grow to around 5" and I think your 45 may be a tad too small, but thats only my opinion.
  5. a sea k

    Tang size

    I have a 210 and the naso,vlamingi tangs were on the original fish list. I care about the health and wellbeing of my fish. After researching the care requirements for these tangs, they have been removed from the list.
  6. a sea k

    what's in your 65?

    Here's what I have in my 65, and I think this a great combo. Very peacefull and the fish always stay out in plain view; 1) Blk Occelaris clown 1) Tru Percula 1) Tailspot Blenny 1) Hi-fin Banded Shrimpgoby w/Randall's pistol shrimp 1) Firefish Goby 1) Rainfords Goby Still waiting on the Yellow...
  7. a sea k

    Yellow coris wrasse question

    The biggest problem you will encounter with this fish is acclimating it to food. If your system does not have enough natural fodder to sustain him till he starts taking prepared foods you will have problems, otherwise you will be good to go.
  8. a sea k

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    I posted this last Sunday at 1:30 AM and was advised to bring it here. Do Not paint any of the pvc in your tank if you plan on keeping sea urchins. ( mine decided to eat the corraline off the pvc and ate paint and all. He is still fine as of today) Do Not purchase a star fish at 6:00 in the...
  9. a sea k

    Falco hawkfish, Info please before purchase

    I finally found some info on this critter and most of the feedback was pretty negative so I'm going to pass on this one.
  10. a sea k

    Falco hawkfish, Info please before purchase

    I would like to add a Falco hawkfish to my system and would like other recommendations and advice from folks that have experience with this fish. 210gal up and running for 6 months, Current tankmates; 1) Hectori goby 1) LMB 1) Randalls shrimpgoby 3) Carpenters flasher wrasse, had 4 but lost one...
  11. a sea k

    Perc clown and a Oce Clown

    They are two different fish, A.percula-the true perc, and A.ocellaris-the false perc. They are different but very closely related. They are compatable with each other and will also pair and mate. I have A.percula (black onx color) with A.ocellaris (all black) together in a 65gal.
  12. a sea k

    A couple of Do Not's

    Oh well, busted again. Going to bed now, I have no humor left. sepulatian, no worries, being correct is not rude. Goodnight.
  13. a sea k

    best actinic for a metal halide

    You should def. go with the 250 DE at 30" depth. I did not. Went with 150's instead and am currently researching my upgrade. My tank is 30" deep as well. 1journeyman, My research so far has led me to 250DE w/ M-80 ballast, This combo produces close to the same PAR values as the 400 mogul without...
  14. a sea k

    A couple of Do Not's

    Do Not paint any PVC that will be in your tank if you plan on keeping any sea urchins. Mine decided to eat the coraline off the PVC and removed paint and all. This can't be good but he is still hanging in there. Just hapened yesterday. Do Not buy a starfish that requires a long acclimation at...
  15. a sea k

    Not wanting to be rude th LFS owner.

    I recently purchased two fish from my LFS that had just been released in thier tanks. Got them home and acclimated them to my tank. Neither fish ate and both were gone in three days. When I returned to the LFS the next week I told the owner what had happened,(I was not complaining just inquiring...
  16. a sea k

    help cant find my radiant wrasse.....

    I got one Sunday, saw him for all of 10 seconds before he hit the sand. Did not see him till Wed. when I came home from work, He got one look at me and was gone again. Thursday I came in late and my wife said he had been out since she came home.Yesterday he came out shortly after the lights came...
  17. a sea k

    Best dwarf angel for peacefull setup

    Thankyou all for the replies. I guess i will chose on what I think will look best in the tank (leaning toward the flame) but main concern is the agression (slight advantage to the Halfblack) tank size is on the small side but the smaller dwarfs all seem to meaner than most and def. don't want to...
  18. a sea k

    Best dwarf angel for peacefull setup

    I have very close to 100lbs if not more. It came from a 5 or 6 yr old tank.
  19. a sea k

    Do fish really jump out of the tank???

    Three times in the past four days! Twice with top off while feeding, and once thru the eggcrate while mag floating the algea on the glass. Carpenter flasher wrasse, I have four and don't know if it is the same fish or they are taking turns carpet surfing ( if it his I still have one more to go )
  20. a sea k

    Just can't decide what else to put in!!

    No. Go with the blue/green chromis. Another choice instead of the purple pseudo would be P. fridmani (orchid dottyback). This is about the only non aggressive basslet and the color is very nice. Should work nicely.