Search results

  1. allterr

    coral recommondations

    I have 60 w PC on my 10 and I have shrooms, zoos, an orange monti, a candy cane, and some xenia all are doing fine....(I do have the monti. the canes. and the xenias higher up in the tank though with my lights about 3" off the top of the tank...)
  2. allterr

    Chaeto in the main display

    I have mine in my tank pinned down under a rock...every now and then a strand or two breaks off, but so far so good...
  3. allterr

    Want to see the people who frequent this site..

    Originally Posted by jennythebugg i went ahead and logged in ...thanx good woman i dont know ,good girlfreind fiance, best friend, yeah. i would give my left kidney for tobin...who knows he may need it at the rate he's going hehe Both of you have restored my faith in humanity....Thank you.....
  4. allterr

    Everybody has perfect water- yeah....

    Originally Posted by seasalt101 my saltwater tank water taste better than my tap does that count?...tobin
  5. allterr

    Is this GHA?

    I do have 3 red-legged hermits.......
  6. allterr

    Help with ID please

    Harmless filter feeders....I have a ton of em.......
  7. allterr

    Is this GHA?

    Yeah, it is.....2 small clumps on the bottom rock.......
  8. allterr

    Is this GHA?

    Originally Posted by cjason3041 get a lawnmower blenny, or start aggressive skimming Good idea!!... I would rather do it naturally, and I really dont relish the idea of pulling all my rock apart..If I get the blenny, do you think he would be too much for a 10 gal tank with a blue damsel? I...
  9. allterr

    What Kind Of Light For The Refugium?

    Dont mean to step on any toes or anything, but it is my understanding that any algae is good as long as it is in the fuge and not in the DT to soak up any unwanted nutrients ( trates, phates, etc..) I might be wrong though...been known to happen from time to time.............
  10. allterr

    Thoughtfull message given to me

  11. allterr

    Thoughtfull message given to me

    Originally Posted by earlybird I'll be honest I didn't know your age and would never have suspected anything less than mid 20s at least. I agree also. I agree whole-heartedly......... The grammar, sentence structure, and spelling is better than most people I have seen on ANY message board...
  12. allterr

    Is this GHA?

    I was afraid you'd say's the bottom rock of a pile and I have a shroom attached to it..........(grrrrrrrr.....)
  13. allterr

    Want to see the people who frequent this site..

    Here's my sig. other....(only woman in my life right now)
  14. allterr

    Is this GHA?

    I have 2 small clumps on 1 rock...I have been doing reg. water changes, and Parameters are normal (for my tank anyways) I havent checked phosphates due to the fact that I dont have a kit. (You can bet i'll be getting 1 tomorrow!) Anyways, how do I get rid of it? TIA!! sorry about grainy...
  15. allterr

    Want to see the people who frequent this site..

    From a couple days ago....
  16. allterr

    Favorite South Park Episode

    Timmy and the Lords of Destruction.... Cartman as a cop....(you will respect my authori-tay!!) And the one with the video contest......(aka Cartmans tea party with Polly Prissypants)
  17. allterr

    Help! I Have Tiny Hairy Balls Covering My Tank

    "so does my cat" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
  18. allterr

    Help! I Have Tiny Hairy Balls Covering My Tank

    Originally Posted by ifirefight Tiny Hairy Balls............. UHhhh ... All I can Hear is Bevis and Butthead laughing........ Sorry , I just had to say it. On the main page thats all it says....
  19. allterr

    Help! I Have Tiny Hairy Balls Covering My Tank

    I was gonna make a joke......
  20. allterr

    Crappiest Reef Contest!!!!!!!!!!

    When do we vote by the way?.....