Search results

  1. allterr

    Crappiest Reef Contest!!!!!!!!!!

    i think you might have my vote....that is one of the most unusual tanks I have ever seen......
  2. allterr

    can there be to much corals in one tank?????

    Must be zoos are stalling.........
  3. allterr

    What eats brown algae?

    Cut back on lights...add more snails....
  4. allterr

    What type of Hitcher is this plant???

    Some sort of Caulerpa maybe???
  5. allterr

    frustrated beginner

  6. allterr

    What corals should i get?

    I saw some nice blue Blastos in the lfs yesterday that would look nice in my tank!!...(Dont have the lights for it yet though... )
  7. allterr

    Cheap Chiller

    Run a fan across the top of your tank.... and lower AC a couple degrees..cheapest solution I can think of.....
  8. allterr

    CHAETO F/S $15 Shipped

    Im in as well...
  9. allterr

    clam question

    Dont forget to stroke his shell backwards......
  10. allterr

    Heavy Metals Test

    My advice would be to start using RO/DI water...whether you have to buy it from lfs or from the store.........
  11. allterr

    Montiporas under pc lighting

    Thanks for the quick replies btw...told him I wanted to wait....(I wanted to ask you guys first....)
  12. allterr

    Montiporas under pc lighting

    Yeah it was an orange cap.....I will prob upgrade to a T-5 retrofit this weekend anyways...he will hold for me.....(was a nice 4" tall piece for $16)
  13. allterr

    Montiporas under pc lighting

    Can it be done?..I was at lfs today and they had some really good prices on them.. I have a 10 gal tank with about 60w of pc's hung about 5-6" off of water surface.. Any feedback would be very cool...thanks!
  14. allterr

    ID please

  15. allterr

    Calc question

    Ahhh.....the SG would explain it thanks!! The only corals I have is a mushroom and some zoos....i do use Tropic Marin Pro Reef with RO/DI water about twice a week to keep nitrates in check..........
  16. allterr

    Sam Adams Cherry Wheat rocks!!!!!!

    Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr I like KILLIANS IRISH RED, DELISH! Start a new thread favorite beers! Killians is good well as Fosters, Becks, Amstel, Yuengling.............
  17. allterr

    Sam Adams Cherry Wheat rocks!!!!!!

  18. allterr

    ID please

    bump....(im really curious...have them all over my rocks....sorry!!)
  19. allterr

    Calc question

    Just did a 20% water change and parameters are as follows...... Ammonia-0 Trites-0 Trates-5 Temp-80.4 Dkh-10.2 SG-1.027 Ph-8.0 now for my question.... Cal-500... Is it too high?..if so how to lower?..It always usually stays around 440-460.... Its a 10 gal. thats been going about 6 months.... Oh...
  20. allterr

    looking for A SKIMMER

    Fission Nano.......hehe....(and it's taken apart and sitting in the box on my stand!)