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  1. allterr

    Remember Me!

    I bookmarked it...thanks, Darth...awesome link.....
  2. allterr

    Dog Attacks Shark Video

    Either that dude didnt care about his dog, or that shark was shot out.......just my $.02
  3. allterr

    I found this thing

    Try resizing with a photo program and post........
  4. allterr

    Sam Adams Cherry Wheat rocks!!!!!!

    Trying it now for the first time and I like it!!!!!
  5. allterr

    ID please

    yes...its a solid and no, no snails. ( a few stomatellas) and hermits.....
  6. allterr

    ID please

    OOps..sorry....didnt post a is one of em..............
  7. allterr

    ID please

    Every now and the I get these brown worm lokin things on my rock. They seem to appear, then dissappear...Anyone know what these are?........ Just curious
  8. allterr

    What is this Crab ?

    Looks like a gorilla crab......
  9. allterr

    why doesnt my salt disolve?

    I've gotten bad batches of IO before...just gotta give it time......I use tropic marin reef now. seems to do better all around...
  10. allterr

    whats worse

  11. allterr

    New addition to family....

    I dont even have a heater in my tank, keep AC on 78. and the temp in my tank is still a little high...(around 83 F)
  12. allterr

    New addition to family....

    Ahhh thout so. I thought about getting the same light as well for my 10 gal. Is heat a factor?...It was either that or 2 Nova Extremes 40w with a 20 w actinic....
  13. allterr

    New addition to family....

    Hi that a 10 gal tank?....if so, what light fixture is on it???
  14. allterr

    supplementing tank

    Do you have a cal test kit? You really shouldnt add anything you cant test for.... And most elements occur naturally in the water when you do waterchanges, so adding anything may not be necessary as long as you have a good water change schedule down....
  15. allterr

    PODs take over

    At least thats what they look tank is filled with them....all over the glass and rock
  16. allterr

    PODs take over

    I have a billion of em....
  17. allterr

    What's your cozy comfy temp?? (ambient)

    Well, 78 is a sweet temp for me this time of year cuz i'm outside all day and it has been in the 90's last couple weeks......
  18. allterr

    New addition to family....

    Got him yesterday for my daughter....His name is Oreo!! A really cool cat, and already shares my addiction to my fishtank!!
  19. allterr

    having trouble using the alk test with salfert

    Anytime!! Glad I could help!!
  20. allterr

    having trouble using the alk test with salfert

    Draw 4 ml of tank water in the fat srynge then drop into test vial...Add 2 drops of the little blue bottle to test vial....then take the little plastic tip and put on skinny srynge and draw 1 ml of fluid from the larger bottle that came with test kit..add 1-2 drops at a time to test vial and...