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  1. allterr

    How to make wife LOVE your reef tank!!!

    Haha!!!!..good work dude!!..I guess I owe mine an upgrade as well since the last 2 weeks i've had my saws and drills in the living room building my new stand and she has been a total trooper...Congrats!!!!!
  2. allterr

    best way to raise alk & calc?

    I use Tropic Marin as well and found that I can raise both with just simple small water changes.
  3. allterr

    Green Candy Cane $5/head

    Ill take some of the candy canes if any left..shipping to 32766...mail is
  4. allterr

    New Tank (Again)

    The water at Walmart should suffice, as it probably has an RO unit in it. (most that I have seen do). LR is not necessary for a FO tank, but a darn good idea as it helps with bio-filtration. (then it becomes a FOWLR tank!) I would add the live sand, then slowlay add water to try and keep it from...
  5. allterr

    How many fish in your nano Reef?

    1 Blue damsel in my 10 gal.
  6. allterr

    Which salt mix are you using??

    Tropic Marin reef
  7. allterr

    my Max just got hit by a car

    Originally Posted by Clown Boy This is a poem in the remembrance of Max the cat, He lived in a home with fishy this, and fishy that. His master every week would bring Something wet that made him sing! ~Clown Boy Nice!!!!
  8. allterr

    Please Help! Lots of problems.

    Not to mention.... (not lecturing or being mean or rude) I f you have 1 sick fish in a tank with other inhabitants, ALWAYS remove the infected fish from the tank and put him in a seperate QT tank then medicate...better safe than sorry......
  9. allterr

    Do you dose and test for magnesium?

    same is always around 440 and dkh is about 10.5-11....
  10. allterr

    Ok. Rudest thing a customer has ever said to you.

    It floors me to hear these stories of how ignorant, cruel, and heartless some people can be....especially after you educate them!!
  11. allterr

    fish and inverts from the wild is this ok?

    Not to mention local, state, and federal laws.....
  12. allterr


    Should be ok with a 100w...
  13. allterr

    my Max just got hit by a car

    Man......i'm sorry to hear......I just went through the same thing with my little girl's cat. She went to Alaska for spring break to see my mom and the day she came back I went to pick her up from the airport and as I was walking outh the door, I let he cat out (he was an indoor/outdoor)...
  14. allterr

    Anyone have one of these??

    Yeah...i'm regretting it......its spewing out mega bubbles.....but there is brown junk in the cup!!
  15. allterr

    Keepin' it simple -- but do I need an airstone?

    i wouldnt put an airstone in it........
  16. allterr


    putting heater in sump?..what kind of lights?
  17. allterr


    maybe lights not strong enough?
  18. allterr

    Leaped B4 i looked

    Shouldnt do anything to cycle... and just use powerheads for flow...
  19. allterr

    Leaped B4 i looked

    the ugf will be useless due to beneicial bacteria, and etc... will just get clogged. Not supposed to disturb sand bed, and the live sand or CC, LR, will eventually become a way better biofilter anyways..
  20. allterr

    Leaped B4 i looked

    1st of all, I would ditch the UGF. And yes, the brown stuff is more than likely diatoms.....they will go away on thier own...