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  1. gafish

    good joke for women

    I used to be a cop in Arkansas so I can get away with this.. What is the difference between a Elephant and a Arkansas State Trooper? On a Trooper the trunk is in the back and the A@$hole is in the front....
  2. gafish


    I hear everybody talking about using a flashlight to look for "pods" in the tank at night, can somebody give me more details on this.... thanks. :notsure:
  3. gafish

    Adding Manderin goby to 4 year old tank

    Originally Posted by wax32 Approximately how much LR is in the tank? Unless you have too little LR you should be fine. 100 pounds or so should be golden. Do you see a lot of pods when you look in the tank at night with a flashlight? What am I looking for with the flashlight (pods?) I dont know...
  4. gafish

    good joke for women

    There are three blonde women stranded on a island when a genie lamp washes up on the shore. They rub the lamp and the genie pops out, he tell them that since there is three of them that he will grant each one of them one wish a piece. The first women jumps up and say's "I want to be smart enough...
  5. gafish

    What does it mean when your tank crashes?

    It means that everything and I mean everything is DRT... Dead Right There. It basically means something went wrong (ph, nitrates) and everything dies.
  6. gafish

    Pit bulls

    My brother has a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, very good dog, very loving.
  7. gafish

    Favorite Show

    Family Guy Deadliest Catch ATHF Harvey Birdman Venture Brothers
  8. gafish

    My Snails R Humping Each Other

    I have plenty of shells , so I dont think that shells are the problem, I have every size they could possibly need.....
  9. gafish

    My Snails R Humping Each Other

    .....My hermits do the same thing, a couple of days ago they were pulling each other out of the shells and climbing on each other?!? and they are still alive and doing good ( wonder if I will have little hermits soon..)
  10. gafish

    Did anyone see Criss Angel Mindfreak on A&E tonight

    Good does'nt even start to discribe it!!! :scared:
  11. gafish

    goby question

    I have two eel goby's, they eat the same flakes that my other fish eat...
  12. gafish

    Did anyone see Criss Angel Mindfreak on A&E tonight

    Saw it, totaly cool, wish I knew how to do that.....I will definetly be tivo that one every week!!!! :joy:
  13. gafish

    What happened!?

    where do I get a grounding probe? The lfs told me the same thing today!!!
  14. gafish

    My Tank

    55 gallon The Anenome is a curly cue and works well in low light, he's been in there for a while.
  15. gafish

    My Tank

    Dosent live rock help filtration? Cleaning crew is 6 hermits and a porcilin crab, oh and a brittle star, and no that is not an eel, it is a "eel" goby or engineer goby VERY peaceful.... I don't have the lighting for corals just yet, I have to do this very slowly (money)... unless there are some...
  16. gafish

    My Tank

    Not at all, every once and a while he will get his antanna into it but he just backs up and cleans it off, it is really funny to watch.
  17. gafish

    Skimmer help

    you may want to adjust the valve it sounds like you have the skimmer turned way up..... Just a suggestion....I'm new to this also.
  18. gafish

    What happened!?

    55 gallon 6 months old 6 hermits crabs CB shrimp 2 eel gobys lawnmower blenny porcilin crab brittle star yellow tail damsel PH 8.1 nitrite 0 nitrate 20ppm phosphates 0.04 SG 1.024 ammonia 0 I cant find my test kit for alkalnity......
  19. gafish

    What happened!?

    Spent over an hour getting him aclimated to the tank slowly putting water into his container. No he was dead. not breathing.....
  20. gafish

    What happened!?

    Well my Sailfin Tang has died after only three days....... I have other fish in my tank and have had no problems, the tang lost his color last night and this morning found him on the bottom of the tank....this is really frustrating because I've never had this kind of problem...but this is the...