Search results

  1. jtroutine

    Powerheads- Bubbles yes or no?

    you dont want bubbles! water movement at the surface is good and what is the best is if you are using a skimmer-lots of gas exchange there. Maybe consider a battery powered air pump and air stone for if and when you have power failure. Low o2 on a sw tanks can be disator
  2. jtroutine

    What's picking on my firefish?

    not really sure what the awnser is. I will say at least you get to see yours. Mine barely come out to eat, I forget sometimes I have them. When I do see them they look healthy as anything, dont understand. I feel bad for them but I am not going to tear down tank to catch and return to lfs:(
  3. jtroutine

    Weird discovery in DSB

    This showed up overnight. Apologize for poor picture...cameras batteries are dead. Basically the brown part is almost identical to a pile of "snail poop" it was more disticnt this morning, looks more decomposed now (picture does no justice). Dont understand how it got there as this is the...
  4. jtroutine

    Seaclone 150 Breakin period

    Here is pic of mine. I run it all but full blast, but I have it in the sump so micro bubbles arent a problem. I actully think for the money seaclone is pretty good.
  5. jtroutine

    Maxi jet 900

    I asked myself the same question and went w/3 900's for my 55 and am very happy w/ outcome....I recommend the 900 for a 55 anything bigger (tank) I would use 1200's
  6. jtroutine

    Crack in tank

    Okay let me get this straight, we spend rediculous amounts of money on everything that requires a hobbyist to have there dream tank a success....why the,, h-e double hocky stick,, would you want to take a chance....dont let it see water again except maybe a dish of water for a lizard or something.
  7. jtroutine

    ID Help plzzz... Featherduster?

    what kind of camara did you get?
  8. jtroutine

    Ignore this post

    I wanna try HeHe:D
  9. jtroutine

    hair algae lighting help

    pic sorry such crude drawing
  10. jtroutine

    hair algae lighting help

    there are many ways to drip kalk easily. You could buy a doser, its a 5 gal jug with a dripper made by kent, or you could make one. I took a 5 gal water jug mix the solution and have it sitting nest to my tank a little higher then the sump and took air line and ran it to a plastic gang valve...
  11. jtroutine

    hair algae lighting help

    when you say "low" how low? Kalk I have found is a easy way to add replacement water plus dose your tank. I would get the alk and calc to desired levels and dose with kalk. Works well for me alk is between 3.5-4.0meq/l and calc is 425mg/l
  12. jtroutine


    look anything like this if so they are pods...good thing and that is what feeds madrin have,, large establishment of these little buggers is needed to actually support a madrin. I think you can actually buy pods online I will have to check that out
  13. jtroutine


    from where just curious of its orgin
  14. jtroutine

    hair algae lighting help

    another thing to consider would be to drip a kalkwasser mix to maintain your alk and calc levels, other benifit is that it precips phosphates which are a fuel for alge:)
  15. jtroutine

    how to make a sump?

    I used the above diagram for my sump and then after actually using it I revised it I think that this has worked a little better, especailly if you are actully going to use the middle section for a fuge, the problem was too much turbualnce over sand.
  16. jtroutine

    hair algae lighting help

    If your tank is new having alge is normal, unfortunatly. With proper water params will go away on own.
  17. jtroutine

    Salinity levels high

    Thanks for all your help. I have dropped the levels to 1.024, I will give it a day or two and see if I can get it to 1.021. Why so low? I wouldnt go any lower then 1.023 especially if you have inverts.
  18. jtroutine


    where did you get your rock?
  19. jtroutine

    who's the best?

    I have heard that the berlin skimmers arent the greatest skimmers you could do a search. I have heard this on many boards. Check a remora I here they are kick-... This is my next choice. Just my .02!
  20. jtroutine


    I agree with the cc star. I dont feed him anything except once in a while I will put him over a piece of shrimp as a treat. Fun animal to watch