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  1. jtroutine

    Need help fast!!!!

    My wife did a boo boo!!! I have been raving how my water params have been at zero now for a while well a week anyway, so with her being clueless to this hobby she thought she would be nice and buy me a fish.....longhorn butterfly!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!! I guess lfs talked her into it saying this was...
  2. jtroutine

    Things on my rock

    feather duster? here is a pic of one on my rock sorry pic so crappy
  3. jtroutine

    Interesting debate--would like feedback

    Totally disagree!!!! I think this guy didnt have good luck for whatever reason. One thing I do agree with is the fact that marine aquariums are more complex, BUT if you are the kind of person that likes to expand thier mind and like beatiful fish then marine is a good consideration, IMO the...
  4. jtroutine

    Poll.....Who uses Carbon?

    thanks all, this really stinks I just through my carbon aaway the other day after someone convinced me no to use it:( oh well my research tells me that I would want to replace it anyway cause it probally wasnt any good as it was the cheap brand
  5. jtroutine

    OT: AOL Error - Pretty Funny

    direct way is a pretty good I know someone who has it BUT you only have high bandwidth on downloading, you will still need a dial up for the upload:( that is the drawback, you can go with the two way satellite but that package could be costly, you would have to check into it:)
  6. jtroutine

    Poll.....Who uses Carbon?

    I am stuck on whether to use carbon or I am going to see what everybody else has decided to do.
  7. jtroutine

    LR shipped dry?

    I was always told dont know how true it is but even the best lr takes a good bit of time to get a lot of growth back, I am feeling that this is true just for the fact that my rock is "new" and just within the 2 weeks of having it I already see lots of growth that wasnt there before just hope...
  8. jtroutine

    LR shipped dry?

    are you happy with the rock? If you are I would just be careful next time and let it be
  9. jtroutine

    OT: AOL Error - Pretty Funny

    by the way I like your singnature, demno
  10. jtroutine

    OT: AOL Error - Pretty Funny

    just go with a regular isp, and use internet explorer, check with your local phone company for dsl or your cable company both are high speed internet connections and you have your privacy. I go through cable and the only time I see there name is when I pay the bill, I control my internet way...
  11. jtroutine

    clean up crew

    what do you mean take them out? Kill them? If so awnser imo would be no
  12. jtroutine

    cheap buffer

    uhhh dont know abou that one. I bought 2.5 lbs of kent super buffer for 15 bucks of ---- that will last me forever
  13. jtroutine

    Newbee with questions

    I would go as big as your pocket will let you and of course your floor. Dont be like me and buy a 55 and then wish a month later that I went with something bigger. As far as learning this board is awsome ask lots of ?'s and read read read read read and then read some more. :D :D :D
  14. jtroutine

    order questions

    mail order can do that to you. I am the most impatient person probally in the world when it comes to mail order, I remember waiting for my equip to come my wife thought that I was going to go on a rampage, but I try to take it in stride, I guess if it got to be to long then I would have to say...
  15. jtroutine

    Help me plz!

    that is quite a small tank for sw even for the expierenced imo, I would reconsider
  16. jtroutine

    Protein skimmer choice

    I would have to sya that the bak pak is, I have a seaclone and it works fine but it is a like a kia to a cadillac when comparing a seclone to a higher end skimmer do some research on the two, take a look at the prices, go from there. I got my seclone off ---- for $65 NIB, down the road I will...
  17. jtroutine

    OT: AOL Error - Pretty Funny

    One more thing that simply states AOL SUCKS always has always will, sorry just my opinion
  18. jtroutine

    deep sand bed with built in overflow

    could you post a pic on what you are describing? Trying to figure out if you would have problems with getting sand in you overflow
  19. jtroutine

    Too many fish?

    what are you using to cycle the 55? As far as the tang is concerned a 55 in some peoples opinion is still to small, there is much debate about this on this board. Trying doing a search on yellow tangs and see what you come up with
  20. jtroutine

    Aquarium Insurance

    I never knew anything kike that. My wife and I rent and that would really save our butts if god for bid something ever did happen, will have to check into that.:)