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  1. jtroutine


    as you can see in the pics there are many many many whatever they are, my wife wants to know if this is good for someday supporting a madrin, I told her that that is a fish for down the road, she is dying to have one it is a awsome looking fish. As long as they are okay that is fine with me...
  2. jtroutine


  3. jtroutine


    4 This one is hard to see camera doest take clear shot of the ones on glass
  4. jtroutine


  5. jtroutine


  6. jtroutine


  7. jtroutine


    I have placed a post on the id of the little white things on my glass a little while back didnt get very many replies, but was told that they are probally pods? They look like little spermys. Well anyway whatever they are they are everywhere all over the surface of the water not so much on the...
  8. jtroutine

    Film on water

    u need to turn ur powerheads down, those that facing it and turn up the ones facing it. This should work... okay you lost me....:confused:
  9. jtroutine

    Stupid test kit

    so far I keep on buying the wrong stuff:( I have heard good stuff about the safilert too might just have to ge that next time around, thanks all:)
  10. jtroutine

    making your own live rock?

    it would take awhile my friend did this and it did take him awhile.
  11. jtroutine

    Film on water

    what do you mean beth I have a filter media around the pipe for my overflow box and I also have a filter media around the powerhead for the skimmer is that what you meant?
  12. jtroutine

    making your own live rock?

    probally what he ment was to buy some lr and some base rock as the lr will spread to the base rock. Yes that does work and yes calc. is good for your lr BUT you have to have some actual LR first!!! Not a stupid quiestion especially when it is generated from what lfs told you, some of those lfs...
  13. jtroutine

    Stupid test kit

    No you havent confused me, that is exactly what it is, I mean pale blue, you have to look from the top to really see any blue at all. So it is it safe to say that my trites are at zero? Well thats cool cause they were at .5 everyting else is the same ammonia .25 trates 10low range. Could you...
  14. jtroutine

    Stupid test kit

    I have a red sea marine lab. The nitrites are not reading right!!! Wont hardly change color, hint of blue thats it. The range is a light green to purple purplr being high. Junk test kit or what? I havent had any problems witht the other test readouts. It is frustrating enough with the...
  15. jtroutine

    What is too big for a first timer?

    Live rock, not recommended for beginners even though some do it. i think this is completly false statement, I think that the LR will make it easier to maintain. LR in my opinion is maintance free, so benifial for your tank!! I almost didnt do LR starting out and I am so glad that I had a...
  16. jtroutine

    Film on water

    hmmmmm.....well uh:confused:
  17. jtroutine

    set me straight

    Hey thanks awsome info I really do appreciate your time and trying to eduacate me on this matter. I do have powerheads i will update my profile. As far as the skimmer I recieved in mail last week and didnt use other then to play around with. I did let it run like two days and there was no...
  18. jtroutine

    Film on water

    I do have a skimmer; right now I have my powerheads aimed on my lr trying to get all the dead stuff off, so once that is done I will aim more to the surface. The appearence doesnt bother me as you really cant see it, I just wanted to make sure that things aere in the norm. Somebody told me it...
  19. jtroutine

    Film on water

    I have this film on top of my water, I dont understand I have a overflow box I would think tthat my overflowbox would rid of it. It looks like soap scum i know its not, bu that is what it looks like. Anybody have any insight on this?
  20. jtroutine

    Skimmer Time!

    Avoid the Seaclone unless you are a plumber. Mine has leak problem. I have the seaclone and am having touble seeing how you have leak problems they are a pretty simple set up. Dont get me wrong I have heard neatrual things about them but I did some mods to mine and it works great. Skimmin all...