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  1. jtroutine

    High end Retail Salt a must ??

    buying actual aquarium salt takes a lot of guess work out. Put my ph right at 8.3 my alk was normal still added some kent buffer to be sure. I dont know of any other way
  2. jtroutine

    set me straight

    so would you recommend that I just run the carbon cartridge and take the filter sleeve out? Right now I am not running it at all, just starting it twice a day to keep the water from getting stale in the canister. Also I dont know if my skimmer just got broke in or if it is becasue I turned the...
  3. jtroutine

    set me straight

    hey thanks I hope other people respond too, I just got done leaving a reply in your post. Hope everything goes well. I remember when my kids were born best day of my life!!!
  4. jtroutine

    OT: I am in the Hosptial

    Good luck with both!! Hope everything goes well with you and the newcomers and hope you husband does okay witht the tank. :D
  5. jtroutine

    set me straight

    I am currently cycling a folr tank and I have a magnum 350, for those not familliar with it is just a mech and chem canister. What is the deal do I need it, is it going to house trates, is the carbon mess with skimming action? I have heard bits and pieces of the debate on this subject. I know...
  6. jtroutine

    Does anybody.......

    pcreek I use to live in York, pa! Are you getting a lot of snow today? Well that is cool I am not the only one. For as much headache and research and money for that matter, it deserves to be shown off as well.
  7. jtroutine

    Refugium and Sump?

    Well there are all kinds of good skimmers imo, berlin skimmers are real good. I think what you are going to do witht the tank ie, fo, folr, reef and etc. plays a factor in your decision for quality of skimmer you want. If you were setting up a reef I would go with at least a berlin. Try...
  8. jtroutine

    freshwater cycle?

    Hey I agree there is nothing wrong with fw I have a 29gal and I love my little fw fishys. But anyway yes it cycles very simillar to sw. There is a post about parental teaching that has like 30 replys so whats wrong with a litlle fw question
  9. jtroutine

    Does anybody.......

    I wasnt going to post this but I have to see if I am the only one. This is more for the newbies like me....but does anybody sometime stare at there tanks with doors open and looking at the equip like you are looking at the actual tank...., maybe it is becasue I am tired of looking at rock I...
  10. jtroutine

    Salinity question

    Okay if I add like a gallon of ro water for top off at once, for like a 60 gallon system, is that too much change in salinity, I add it slowly in the sump.
  11. jtroutine

    Refugium and Sump?

    here is a good diagram of a 10gal sump/fuge that fits for a 55gal main tank the bak pak is a kind of skimmer you dont have to use it you could put a different kind of skimmer in its place though
  12. jtroutine

    Levels havent changed

    sorry so long to get back. I think one thing could be is the fact that I put a lot of ls (more today) I have been getting ls and lr from lfs so I think the rock is a bit more cured then mail order some of the rocks I have prove it cause they dont have very much die off and some have still a...
  13. jtroutine

    Levels havent changed

    Here are my readings right now for my cycle: Amonia---->.25 Nitrite [hr] >.5 Nitrate [hr] >5.0 low range Alk [hr] > high in the normal range Ph [hr] >8.3 Temp 79.5 this is what it was 12 hours after rock and ls put in and this is what it is today week later, is this normal it hasnt...
  14. jtroutine

    little spermys on my glass

    Well guess what I was doing some research on a madirin goby to see what kind of care they need, my wife is insisting that we get one down the road. Well I think I just learned what the white thingies on my glass were.....pods! Got to be!! so that is cool they are good then. What is...
  15. jtroutine


    I am no expert but first thing that I learned and I think everbody on this board will agree....Dont trust your lfs! I would say 80% are there to rob your money, dont get me wrong I am sure that there are many awsome lfs's I have one in my area he is expensive but he is honest and well...
  16. jtroutine

    kids and tanks

    I agree with everybody on involving you children with the tank they learn to respect it. I have two boys (2.5 &1.5) and they love the tank but know not to touch or go close to the sides as it is to tempting to pull at all the plumping and wires. I with them look at the tank whenever pretty...
  17. jtroutine


    I have some "dusters" on one of my rocks. I am pretty sure one is a feather duster I also have one that looks kind of the same but the "feathers" that come out on this one dont waive around like the other but more looks like a "sun" kind of hard to decribe. Anyway my question isnt so much the...
  18. jtroutine

    little spermys on my glass

    please excuse the title but that is the best way I can describe it:D Had tank running with lr and ls for about a week, come home today turned on the light and everywhere. Anybody know waht this it bad...good...normal?
  19. jtroutine

    OT kind of but still fish related

    Thats funny!!!!:D
  20. jtroutine

    This doesnt look good

    You know what I changed my mind. I just looked at a couple of stands that are real wood and they go for about 150 for a 55gal. I think that the small amount is worth the time and money that I already put into this tank, I just wish I noticed earlier. This really sucks because I was all proud...