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  1. jtroutine

    My lfs guy said....

    My lfs told me that because I use a fuge under my main tank and have to use a pump to return the water that it is a waste becasue the pump is ruining all the benificial things in the water from the fuge. He said put it above my tank and let it surge. Well that is fine and all but I am not...
  2. jtroutine

    Water Levels

    I wouldnt ever use fish to cycle a tank!!! That is why they are dying. My suggetion would have been to by some cocktail shrimp. What happens is the shrimp leaves ammonia from it decaying kind of yucky but a lot better then making these wonderful animals live in harsh conditions or worse die...
  3. jtroutine

    my sump/fuge plan

    You might want to put a reducer on the end of the sump side that or a valve, seems like it would just run straight to the sump dont know Joe
  4. jtroutine

    refugiums or whatever???

    Not the desighn is not mine, it was passed on to me. I keep the ruble pieces from my lr so it helps break the turbulance from stirring up the sand bed, no much turb. anyway. I am using a cap2200 return pump and a 800ghp overflow box off ----. It was suppose to be a 600gph bu they sent me the...
  5. jtroutine

    refugiums or whatever???

    they where pretty easy to cut I used my dremel tool to cut them. I wouldnt recommend doing it in your house though as acrylic shavings go everywhere......I almost had to sleep outside that night, hehehe:D
  6. jtroutine

    refugiums or whatever???

    sorry so darn big don know what the happened there!!!:D
  7. jtroutine

    refugiums or whatever???

    Here is a picture of the of what is created, this is a pic from when it was built with nothing in it
  8. jtroutine

    refugiums or whatever???

    Yes I bought a sheet of acrlylic and cut them to size and used aquarium sealant to put them in place. I think it works good for my has too, that is my only choice as that is the only size I can fit under my tank. I put the plants all on the left side of the bulk head that way the...
  9. jtroutine

    refugiums or whatever???

    alga eater another thing you could do is take some rock ruble from your main tank and put it in the section where your sand would be right where the water comes over the wall, this will help keep any turbulance down from the water coming over the wall. If you hook up your plumbing with pvc it...
  10. jtroutine

    refugiums or whatever???

    also make sure that you put in a one way valve on the return feed to prevent the siphon of your main tank onto the floor in case of power failure. Or what you could do is drill holes into the return just below the water surface that way it breaks the siphon once the water line goes down. Get...
  11. jtroutine

    refugiums or whatever???

    check out on ---- for a over flow box as you will need one I bought a 800gph box for thirty bucks...nice overflow box too, then you would need a return pump. I used 3/4 pvc pipe to plumb everything together but that was becasue I just wanted the fun of the project. That is up to you. If you...
  12. jtroutine

    refugiums or whatever???

    what you are probally hearing are people that talk about sumps and refugiums.....difference....not much, a fuge is where you can grow some macros to help keep control of unwanted alga in the main tank and the sump well is just a section of water for equipment such as a heater skimmer and so on...
  13. jtroutine

    Looking for diferent sump configerations

    it is made out of a 10 gal kind of small but...I only have a 55
  14. jtroutine

    Looking for diferent sump configerations

    Here is how I built mine for my 55gal
  15. jtroutine

    OT: other pets

    here is my boxer she is about 4 mths here her name is "Chevy" I am a chevy fan if you havent put two and two together
  16. jtroutine

    mech. filtration needed with good skimmer?

    Hello all I have a quick question to throw out. I was planning on purchasing a 350 magnum canister for a 55g folr, I am going to run a sump/fuge, now I have been listening to the commments on skimmers of how important they are to the tank and it almost sounds to me from some of the articles I...
  17. jtroutine

    Cloudy Water

    I would try to get them back in there asap How bad is the sand stirred up?
  18. jtroutine

    Going to pull my hair out!!!

    thanks everbody for your replies. I just want to make a good purchase because I am planning on getting it all at once and we all know what that means......"KAA-CHINNG!!!!!!" but anyway I am going to look around for some lfs within a hour or something from where I live, in case you are...
  19. jtroutine

    New hobbyist- need help with pH

    my opinion would be to start over again with ro water from your local super market, at my grocery store it goes for .30 cents a gallon. I think that might get you where you want to be with a little less headache. I would recomend to forget the bubbles for a sw tank. Possibly pick a good book...
  20. jtroutine

    How did you get into this Hobby ?

    It all started when I was going to get a gold fish for my son I was going to just get a little bowl for it , shows you how much knowledge I had for fish!!! Well the store attendent told me I needed a tank with a filter so I bought a 5 gal and got some tropical fish, well then I got a 10gal and...