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  1. cgj

    Help... My goniopora is diein'!!

    I bought a flower-pot coral like a month and a half ago, and he was doing fine for a while... but as of the last week he hasnt opened at all and I cant figure out why! Amonia, trates, trites and such are all 0, calcium is kept at around 400 ppm... im not adding anything to the water, i do...
  2. cgj

    Carnation coral help needed

    Returned carnation coral for credit and got a nice healthy hammer coral instead. A pity the carnation wasnt going to live much longer with me...
  3. cgj

    Carnation coral help needed

    I just moved mine to a cave on the opposite side, so now it gets very little light. I'll feed phyto in about a half hour, but right now its shrunk so small its roughly 1/4 its size when i bought him. The LFS had him for a few weeks and every day I was in there it looked very good. They spot fed...
  4. cgj

    Carnation coral help needed

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Unfortunatly there is nothing you can do. For the moment it is nothing more than just deflated and after your lights are on and if there is flow on it, then you will see it inflate and look healthy. The downside is this coral is most certainly going to die. What...
  5. cgj

    Carnation coral help needed

    Hi guys, I bought a really nice carnation coral yesterday... its pinkish with a white stalk, roughly 2 inches tall. He seemed to be fine after I put him the tank, I put him on the bottom, off the the side, so his light is very minor. This morning he seems to have shrunk down to about half his...
  6. cgj

    Coco Worm

    Upon a closer look, i think i just have two Bispira brunnea, not coco worms... but i think they be equally beautiful!
  7. cgj

    Coco Worm

    Originally Posted by theappe3 cool!!! I just discovered another baby coco worm peeking out from between a crevise in the rock, about 2 inches from the one mentioned earlier. I would say Im a rather lucky man...
  8. cgj

    Coco Worm

    I just discovered in the last week that a very heavily encrusted piece of live rock I bought specifically to seed the coralline in my tank has a tiny baby coco worm attached to it... id say roughly 1 or 2 cm long, with a tiny purple-reddish crown. Maybe he'll grow into a big show worm!!
  9. cgj


    I havent spot fed my sun coral in roughly 5 days... is it recommended to feed those twice weekly?
  10. cgj

    Zoanthids dont want to open?

    All zoanthids, save maybe two or three are open now. They look happy and healthy, although I must say they arent the best color choice... i would prefer something more blue or red, rather than this dull green.
  11. cgj

    Zoanthids dont want to open?

    Originally Posted by Flricordia Sounds good. Glad it looks like theya re going to be OK. I also moved them up in the tank to a much higher area and in a much more "flowy" area, so maybe that'll be good.. Am i to understand all zoanthids are a "strong light, strong flow" animal?
  12. cgj

    Zoanthids dont want to open?

    Most of them are open now... I think theyre fine I should also increase flow or change their position to a more flowing area...
  13. cgj

    Let's see your PURPLE LOBSTER!!!

    Here's mine. If any of you know my story, he terrorized my tank for several months, and a few weeks ago, he killed a new hawkfish and that was the end. He was captured and killed by me. I know it sounds odd, but I truly miss him alot, and it makes me really sad to see pictures of these beautiful...
  14. cgj


    My job is one huge trap of the dark side. Every day my eyes get more yellow, my skin more grey, my resolve stronger and more intense than it was the day before it.
  15. cgj

    Zoanthids dont want to open?

    Originally Posted by nycbob alway place new corals at the bottom 1st if ur running mh, then slowly move them up by the week. they are on the bottom. The left side is all open now, but the right is not.. lighting is identical on either side....
  16. cgj

    Zoanthids dont want to open?

    If memory serves, it was in a tank I believe under some sort of T5 high output lighting...
  17. cgj

    Zoanthids dont want to open?

    I purchased two zoanthid colonies, they are both orange zoanthids i believe, one small, with about 8 polyps, the other with about 50. Within one day all the polyps on the small one were open... Unfortunately, on the large one, id say only about half of the polyps are open... is there any...
  18. cgj

    Lets see pics of your aquascaping.

    Originally Posted by eyebedam Im normally not a huge fan of decorations but the coraline & the fact its a cobra rattler makes it very cool. You should glue a couple zoanthid frags to the wings or but some xenia on the tail. That would make it look even better. All the tanks look really good...
  19. cgj

    Family Guy

    Originally Posted by redimpala01 I disagree...but I really like Star Wars . I thought it was hilarious...Meg as the trash monster, and Stewie as Darth Vader. "Well, its a small exhaust port, but its only two meters wide.. so yknow. Just one weakness." "Well cmon guys, dont you think we...
  20. cgj

    Lets see pics of your aquascaping.

    Here's mine. Yes, thats a 1984 Cobra Rattler, hit by a sidewinder missile, sunken at the bottom. The coralline growth has made it look very good. I'll have much better pics in the future, as this is older and the tank looks better now.