Search results

  1. cgj

    The always elusive purple reef lobster

    Thats not good... arent blue lobsters even bigger and stronger than the purple ones? If I would have had one of those, nothing would be alive in my tank right now.
  2. cgj

    The always elusive purple reef lobster

    Thats accurate. i got a fire shrimp and loved his beauty. However he just sat on the backside of a rock all day. When I introduced another they mated and go all over the tank in direct sight.
  3. cgj

    DID you know?!?!?

    That skin isnt clear enough for sufficient identification of all organs. An autopsy is required.
  4. cgj

    The always elusive purple reef lobster

    My purple lobster is a total SOB. He has killed countless snails, nudibranches, crabs, you name it, he's slaughtered it. He killed a new starfish I had just yesterday, and late this night, I added a baby hawkfish to my tank, only to watch it get slashed and torn to shreds by him before my very...
  5. cgj

    new hawkfish is fading, help!

    Water was made 24 hours before I added the fish....
  6. cgj

    Coralline growth under LEDs?

    Theres 6 blue leds and 6 white. The fixture made by sunpod only includes the 12 leds and a single 250watt MH. I try to use my old 65w actinic for a few hours after the halides are off.
  7. cgj

    new hawkfish is fading, help!

    Anyone? he actually climbs into my hand when i put my hand into the tank and i can sorta give hima ride around, but he doesnt have much power...
  8. cgj

    new hawkfish is fading, help!

    PH 8.2 Temp 78F nitrate, nitrite, ammonia: 0 Salinity 1.021
  9. cgj

    new hawkfish is fading, help!

    I bought a longnose hawkfish from an LFS yesterday afternoon. brought him home and put him in my 10 gallon qt tank. Tank was filled with new saltwater the day before and has nothing in there but a pvc tube and powerhead. I leave lights off for the remainder of the day and dont attempt to feed...
  10. cgj

    Coralline growth under LEDs?

    I now have a 250W MH halide fixture and can say coralline growth is only good in the partially shaded areas... the direct light seems to kill alot of it. Now, it also has some blue LEDs for nighttime. Does coralline grow well under those, or should I use my 65W blue actinic fixture for a few...
  11. cgj

    100's of tube worms.... help!!

    Those are actually tube snails. I think... I have like 1 or 2. Theyre black and live fulltime inside of a calcium tube. They release a mucous web that they use to snare particles, and then reel in the particles to eat.
  12. cgj

    Post a pic of your nano

    Originally Posted by ccampbell57 Here is my 20 custom Is that a maxima in that 20 gallon? What lighting?
  13. cgj

    peppermint and cleaner

    Mine pull the same friggin thing... especially when I spot feed my sun polyps. God it is ANNOYING. I basically have to keep my hand in the tank and wack them whenever they try to jump on a polyp to steal the food until I feel the polyps had its share.
  14. cgj

    girlfriend's gonna kill me - need help

    Originally Posted by claymc Haven't you ever seen 'Meet the Parents'?? Can't repace him.. hey it worked fine with the lionfish in Deuce Bigalow. Of course he was turned into a chocolate frappe shortly afterwards.
  15. cgj

    Quick question on clam positioning

    Thought you guys might want to see.
  16. cgj

    Quick question on clam positioning

    Alright... I went out yesterday and found a gorgeous electric blue crocea, about 2.2 inches long and had to have it. The dealer included the small slice of PVC it was sitting on in the display tank. The clam in the store was fully open under 250w, 14000k MH. ( I have the exact same lights) I...
  17. cgj

    Dead Xenia

    Criminy. Considering what I paid for those things, I will cry like a baby if I wake up to a dead colony.
  18. cgj

    Problem with MH lighting: the heat = chiller = alot of extra money.

    A nice set of little 12 watt fans, id say a strip of 6 would work great for what you have. My tank is a 36 and I use a twin-fan unit... it keeps the temp around 78-80 degrees as all time and i have a 250 watt MH. There is a possibility you might want to get an extra twin-fan unit for the summertime.
  19. cgj

    Dead Xenia

    Not that im hijacking, but I just bought a piece of rock with two pulsing xenia colonies and theyre all shriveled and dont seem to want to move... its only been about an hour tho. Is this normal the first day?
  20. cgj

    Safe for harlequin shrimp.

    I visited an LFS and they had a beautiful harlequin shrimp for sale... although expensive. I understand they eat starfish only, so I would have to stock some of those to keep him happy, im just concerned about the other invertabrates I have. My two fire shrimp are active but not violent at all...