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  1. cgj

    Quick question on clam positioning

    Originally Posted by Mace CGJ......Love the Plane...... Hail Cobra!
  2. cgj

    Corals reduce nitrates!

    I have no idea. I havent added any nitrate remover, nor have I performed a water chance recently...
  3. cgj

    Corals reduce nitrates!

    before I added my sun polyps and green star polyps, my nitrates were always around 10-20 ppm. I just added the GSP last week and my nitrates have plummeted to less than 5... seems they eat those out of the water. Nice.
  4. cgj

    SPREADing coraline

    Id have to say the areas that get hit directly by MH dont experience alot of coralline growth, but the shady areas do.
  5. cgj

    Quick question on clam positioning

    Originally Posted by dragonboy Wow is that thing even reef safe assume if the plastic wasn't painted in harmful chemicals that would leech out into the tank. But it does look cool like a sunken historical plane from the war. Absolutely.. the inspiration was from numerous japanese/american...
  6. cgj

    wet-dry cannister filter

    Originally Posted by freeweights I would like any info on this model wet-dry cannister filter.It's a Marineland c-220.ABQ 29780. Is, or has anyone owned or used this model for a small 47 gal. reef tank??? .If so what do you think of it? Funny you ask this, I just got mine in the mail today...
  7. cgj

    Cleaner clams in a canister filter?

    Cuz i dont have a fuge.... but Ill have a nice new canister filter with water polisher etc in about a week and figure a pair of cleaner clams would be good to pull nitrates out, if they can take the water flow and complete lack of light.
  8. cgj

    Cleaner clams in a canister filter?

    I know cleaner clams can be placed in a refugium to filter nitrates and such, but is it possible to put them into a canister filer, with a flow through rate of 220 gallons per hour? Anyone done this?
  9. cgj

    Need help with heat issues

    How does a chiller work? From what I can tell, a low powered pump will pump water in it, how does it return to the tank?
  10. cgj

    question about Purple Lobster

    yeah mine is very docile and extremely shy. he dislikes the shrimp and charges mine if they get too close.
  11. cgj

    Need help with heat issues

    As time goes on, Im more and more aware that this is a rich man's hobby... nonetheless, my metal halide units are keeping the temp in the tank somewhat high, thankfully summer is over, but I understand that next spring or summer, a solution to this will be required.. Chillers cost alot... has...
  12. cgj

    emerald crab hiding corals

    Funny thing about those emerald crabs... I bought 6 originally... 2 of them were missing one claw... As time won, I started to notice they became missing, one after the other, until the only one left was this large, brutish one. he stayed around for a few months, ignoring fish, but eating alot...
  13. cgj

    Quick question on clam positioning

    I just bought his book on raising clams and he has a small web publication, he speaks about how its a pity clams dont have the same striking color when viewed from the front as opposed to directly above, and shows a pic of a custom "clam tank" with a slanted front glass that actually makes it...
  14. cgj

    need help! gotta move my aquarium

    Why do you think i waited until my protein skimmer was in my possesion, mounted to the back of the tank before finally filling it with water? A fishtank is an immovable piece of furniture.
  15. cgj

    Quick question on clam positioning

    Although I did cut the wires cleanly, and then put some sealant on the end of each one, so Im guessing the copper in the plastic insulators never actually touched the water?
  16. cgj

    Quick question on clam positioning

    Copper wire removed. I can say ive had it in there for almost a year and havent lost any inverts, with the exception of physical damage from fighting, even the ones that tended to hang out in that area.
  17. cgj

    White coralline?

    Thats dead corraline. My live rock was loaded with it. It'll grow back, and usually it grows back over the dead stuff... greens and purples, etc
  18. cgj

    Quick question on clam positioning

    i forget the brand name but it was like 90 bucks for that realistic foam backer, which in retrospect wasnt the greatest idea, but it adds a certain something. The orange mass is actually a cluster of sun polyps. There are probably at least 25 snails/hermit crabs. I had 6 emerald crabs and they...
  19. cgj

    Quick question on clam positioning

    Also, Moderators, could you move this post to "Coralline encrusted 1980's pop-culture icons"? Thanks. COOOOOOBRRRAAAA!!!
  20. cgj

    Quick question on clam positioning

    Those are small barnacles, and were not a good idea as they break off over the months, one by one, due to falling live rocks. Hey, you can see part of the gatling gun in the second shot!