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  1. olsenjb

    Hang-On Skimmer Recommendation

    MBowker-You've almost got it correct. A plenum basically seals off a layer beneath the substrate for denitrification the same as a deep sand bed. There is not a tube hooked up to it drawing water through it because you want it to be a low oxygen area just as a deep sand bed is.
  2. olsenjb

    Hang-On Skimmer Recommendation

    In addition to the SeaClone skimmer, live rock and a plenum is all I use for filtration. I also have powerheads for water movement.
  3. olsenjb

    Hang-On Skimmer Recommendation

    It looks like I'd have to same problem with the Jebo that I currently have...and that's the film on the water surface. It looks like the powerhead on the Jebo sucks water from a few inches below the surface. Do they make a surface skimmer box for use with the Jebos?
  4. olsenjb

    Surface Film

    My only hesitation with that idea is the amount of stuff that will have to hang in the tank. That will put the surface skimmer, a hose connecting it to the powerhead, and the powerhead itself all hanging in the tank. For bigger tanks, this probably wouldn't be a concern, but with a 55, that's...
  5. olsenjb

    Surface Film

    I recently started a post asking advice on various H.O.T. skimmers that would skim the surface of the water to remove the film. Another thought I had that I wanted to get some thoughts about was the use of a Fluval Canister filter. I could hook the intake up to their surface skimming...
  6. olsenjb

    Hang-On Skimmer Recommendation's going to hang on the back of a 55 gallon tank. I don't have a sump.
  7. olsenjb

    Hang-On Skimmer Recommendation

    I need some advice for a hang-on skimmer. I currently have a Seaclone, and it's does nothing. I've searched the threads here, and it seems like people on here like the AquaC, Prizm or CPR. I always get this nice film on the surface of my water, so I'm thinking a skimmer that...
  8. olsenjb

    Leather Toadstool Question

    My leather will close up from time to time while it sheds, and stay closed for a day or so. Just make sure the leather is receiving decent flow to help it shed. Hopefully that's all that's happening with yours.
  9. olsenjb


    Hey DaveB, I live in Utah...just out of curiousity, where did you pick it up?
  10. olsenjb

    SPS Under PC Lighting...Possible?

    I realize the BEST thing for SPS is Metal Halide lighting. But, I was curious if any of you have had luck with SPS under PC lighting? I have 4x65W over my 55, and I was given a Hydnophora frag from a friend. I honestly expected it to die under PC lighting, but it has flourished. It's to the...
  11. olsenjb

    How to relocate my tank

    I just went through this 3 months ago. I moved my 55 about 15 miles. Put all of my corals in 18-gallon tupperware containers and drained water from the tank into them to cover them. Drained the remainder of the water into various containers. Left about 2 inches of water covering the sand and...
  12. olsenjb

    CSL No More...Other Bulb Suggestions?

    Great thread...thanks for passing that along to me. How has your coral growth been effected with the true 03 bulbs versus the old CSL Ultra-Actinic bulbs? Do you get your 03 bulbs from hellolights as well?
  13. olsenjb

    CSL No More...Other Bulb Suggestions?

    What makes you say CSL actinic bulbs were fake? I've been using them for over 2 years, and the growth of my corals has been fantastic...I can't imagine that would be so if the actinic bulbs were fake. Anyway, thanks for the reply. I'll check hellolights.
  14. olsenjb

    CSL No More...Other Bulb Suggestions?

    It's been a while since I've been on the message board. My tank has been doing so well with the advice received here, that I haven't had to post any questions for a while. Anyway, I have a CSL 4x65W Power Compact Retro over my 55 gallon tank. It's time to buy new bulbs, and I just learned that...
  15. olsenjb


    No problem...glad I could help. Drop me an e-mail if you have any other questions. --Jason
  16. olsenjb


    Although they are relatively new on the scene, there are alternatives to the tenting. Many companies are beginning to offer wood injection treatments to control colonies. These treatments don't require evacuation of the home, and your fish would certainly be safe. The chemicals are injected...
  17. olsenjb


    Generally, it takes 24-48 hours...the theory being that the fog needs time to penetrate into all wall voids and areas where the termites may have burrowed/chewed. Then, the tent is pulled off and the fog can be vented from the home. Your pest control company didn't give you any indication as to...
  18. olsenjb


    Ahhh...drywood termites I presume. Sorry to hear that. Living in Utah, we deal predominately with subterranean termites. I would say jarvis has about the best idea...lots and lots of duct tape in an attempt to seal it off. My only fear there is the length of time the tent remains over your...
  19. olsenjb


    I used to work in pest control for roughly 4 years. When you say "fumigate", do you actually mean putting a tent over the house and releasing a pesticide gas into the air? Or, perhaps closing off a room and releasing a pesticide gas just in that room? Or, do you simply mean someone is going to...
  20. olsenjb

    Coral Dyeing

    Thanks for the info. No, I'm not sure it was dyed. In fact, I am beginning to think that my plate is a true color. But, I was just more curious in general if there are certain species that get dyed more often than others that we should watch out for. Thanks again.