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  1. lutz493

    Kent Phospate Sponge

    I have a Prizim Pro Skimmer and a Magnum 350 Filter. I have Kent Phosphate Sponge in both the Skimmer and Filter it was added this fast Sunday. How long do you generally leave it in ther? Can I leave it in for 3 months and do the exchange? Thanks
  2. lutz493

    Good Fish? Watchman Goby?

    Thanks - Yeah its a Orange Spotted Diamond Goby or Watchman Goby I guess there are a few different names. He is basically silver with orange spots all over his body. I wanted to have good circulation in the sand so hopefully he will do the trick ) Thanks again
  3. lutz493

    Good Fish? Watchman Goby?

    Went to the fish store today to purchase some sand sifters. I grabbed some snails and after speaking to the guy picked up a Watchman Goby. Guy told me he would do a much better job then the snails and crabs and was very active and busy fish. I had room in the tank for him, is there anything I...
  4. lutz493

    Does anyone had Sea turtle before?

    The turtle is a Diamondback Terrapin. Just got back from the store.
  5. lutz493

    Does anyone had Sea turtle before?

    I am going to that livestock store tomorrow afternoon - I will grab the name of the turtle. The name and price of the turtle are on the same sign as the price on the crushed rubble rock in the tank. If I remember right, it is called something like a spiny back turtle, I could be completely...
  6. lutz493

    Advice on good Sand Sifter

    Right now my Clean-up crew is 2 Peppermint Shrimp, 3 Emerald Crabs, 4 Scarlets, I took out my 10 blue hermits yesterday going to just get 10 scarlets because of being less agressive. I have 4 large Turbos and then 15 smaller turbos. I'll get then 3 Fighting Conchs and 12 of the other snails...
  7. lutz493

    Advice on good Sand Sifter

    Right now I have 80lbs of Live rock about 15 pounds of Lava rock I used as base, the tank is 55 Gallons
  8. lutz493

    Advice on good Sand Sifter

    Fsh - That works - I'm gonna just buy them off the site - For 60lbs of Live Sand how many Fighting Conchs and Sand Sifting Snails do I want? 3-4 Fight Conches and 20 Snails? Thanks.
  9. lutz493

    Advice on good Sand Sifter

    I've just put in a 3 inch sand bed in my tank. What is my best bet for keeping sand circulated? I am looking for an invert if possible, I didn't wanna to add a fish to my bio-load if I didn't have to. I read horseshoe Crabs, Sifting Stars are good? What is best any advice what to get? Thanks.
  10. lutz493

    Does anyone had Sea turtle before?

    I was just at Aquatic Tech today. )
  11. lutz493

    Changing my CC out today - Questions, Please Help.

    Broomer and Rick - Thanks alot. This was my problem - I posted in Reef Tanks forum that I had CC and my LFS for 2 Long Tentacle Anemones got me to purchase LS so they had a place to dig in their foot. She also told me it was ok for me to just lay the sand down over the CC. Reading an early post...
  12. lutz493

    Changing my CC out today - Questions, Please Help.

    I have alot of LR in my tank, My clean-up Crew, 2 Anemone and my fish. Today I am going to get 45lbs of LS and replace my CC. I have a few questions: Do I save any water? Should I remove everything from the tank and then do a 100% percent water change? Should I leave the fish in? Drain the tank...
  13. lutz493

    Substrate - Need Help~

    Thanks for advice. To be honest I forgot exactly what the names were. They are both long tentacle. One is Green tipped with a pink foot. The other is entirely purple with a cream foot. Ok here is my question then...... I have ruffly 75lbs of LR in there right now. I would just take it out stick...
  14. lutz493

    Substrate - Need Help~

    Set my tank up in early Oct of last year - Being new, my sales guy talked me into buying a crushed coral substrate. After reading this board for the past couple of months I have come to the conclusion that I should have just done Live Sand. I decided this past weekend to add a couple of...
  15. lutz493

    How many Emeralds for Algae Control?

    I have a 55 Gallon - About 75lb of Live Rock. I use an RO Unit and do 10 percent water changes a week but, I'm starting to have a hair Algae problem. I have green and red growing and was told Emeralds are one of the best ways to control it. My current Clean-up Crew consists of 2 Peppermint...
  16. lutz493

    What kinda Crab?

    He also has tons of hair on his legs. IF anyone knows if this is good or bad please let me know, I have a chance now to remove him from the tank before he goes into hiding again. Thanks
  17. lutz493

    What kinda Crab?

    I haven't taken pictures of my tank yet - In my live rock I found myself a crab, shoveling his mouth with something... He is looks to be black - He has banded legs of what looks to be black/white and is about the size of a dime. I have in my tank right now some 3 Peppermint Shrimp (Can only...
  18. lutz493

    Protein Skimmer Noobie Question-

    Hello- I've just set up my Protein Skimmer.. I own a Prizim Pro Deluxe by the company Red Sea. I have some questions - I've got it set up currently running. The skimmer is bringing in so much water that its causing a current - The Caulpra is now moving on the rocks.. I know I want current but is...
  19. lutz493

    Building a Reef Tank - Am I on the Right Track? Whats next?

    Thanks for the informations so far. Here is my biggest question from what I've read... When I first set up my tank which was back in October... I cycled the tank using no life rock and 4 Yellow Tail Damsels and 2 Clowns. 6 Fish to cycle a 55 Gallon tank was probably stupid now that I read this...
  20. lutz493

    Hitchhiker Parasite Concern.

    Thank you very much, you eased alot of my concers. When the crab decides to finally come out and take a walk I will try to get a shot of him with my G3. Are there ways to see any parasites in your tank or do you sit back and wait until you see them on one of your fish? I only have 2 Clarkii...